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Everything posted by mercer

  1. mercer


    Yeah, 1500 bucks is a great price... now I'm pissed I paid 2 grand... The 5-Axis is what sold me on it. Sure it's only 5-Axis in 1080p, but my time with the BMMCC has taught me that I don't know how much I really need 4K... but I didn't want to spend that kind of money without having it... so it's a win, win. I just look forward to attaching my Rode to the top and shooting hand held again.
  2. mercer


    To me it almost seems like the XC10 is a bridge camera... but it's a bridge between a camcorder and a cinema camera. I think it is cool how far these camcorders have matured, especially since I haven't even looked at them for 5 years, but I am not really a buyer. If I could get an insane deal on the G40 refurbished or something, I might pick it up as a B-cam to my XC10, but let me see how I get along with that first. It was kinda hard pushing "purchase" on the XC10 due to my small but adored lens collection. I still have the BMMCC. but I am probably going to sell it and pick up a small mirrorless or dslr, just to get my lens fix. The BMMCC is an amazing cam, with an absolutely beautiful image, I just couldn't stand the form factor. If anybody reads this, I may be selling it soon if anyone is interested. Actually, Aaron I have a question for you... you had a c100, so I'm sure you're familiar with the profiles, I am working on a short that has a section that is supposed to be POV camcorder footage. I am planning on shooting the regular narrative in c-log, and then maybe using one of the other profiles for the "camcorder" look? I was going to use Wide DR, since I have noticed that a lot of found footage movies, that Hollywood makes, usually film it with a high end camera and then dumb down the image to give it a more camcorder look. Does that make sense to you, or should I keep it simple and shoot in standard or cinema eos, instead? This reminds me, last year I had to use some footage I shot 15 years ago on a little ZR60. It was so weird getting out the firewire and rewinding the tapes... I almost forgot how to work it... but I do remember how fun and simple it was to shoot with it. Throw her in Shutter Priority mode, +/- your exposure a few notches and hit record... hell even the audio I was getting back then with my cheap Azden microphone was better than I was getting when I got my t2i... Simpler days.
  3. mercer


    Yeah, there's absolutely no reason why someone cannot make a good short film with that G40. Like I said, if it was a one inch sensor or $500 cheaper, I would probably pick it up. Talk about run & gun... even with a microphone, nobody would expect you to be anything but a tourist. I really liked everything about the camera ever since it came out, but it was way out of my price range last year. Over time, as more images emerged, I fell in love with the thing. Luckily I can afford it now, just when I need a simple run and gun cam.
  4. mercer


    That's the camera I ultimately went with... am sitting here attempting to write while I wait for it to arrive. But I didn't mention that one because I think the XC10 has enough features to be considered high end prosumer/low end pro. Whereas these cams seem to be more high end consumer/low end prosumer. So, probably more in line with a young filmmaker who has no interest in lenses or tech and just wants to record an image with a tad bit more flexibility.
  5. mercer


    To be fair, both Sony and Panasonic each have equivocally priced models that offer similar feature sets. The Sony CX900 has a larger 1" sensor and offers a lot of the same features as the Canon, minus the 5-Axis IBIS and instead has their optical steady shot function. The Panasonic model, the 991K comes in $400 cheaper, and has a smaller sensor but offers 4K resolution. All 3 have microphone and headphone inputs. I know this topic is probably not too interesting to the majority of readers, but I find it exciting and would have drooled over half these feature 10 or 15 years ago.
  6. There's a whole post about the eoshd community that was born from recent events that came to light, but I think it's these smaller gestures that show how cool this forum is.
  7. Sorry, I accidentally quoted one of your posts last week and when I returned to comment to a different post, the site wouldn't allow me to get rid of your quote... or I don't know how to do it.
  8. mercer


    On my never-ending quest to find the right camera, for me, I came across some of the consumer/prosumer camcorders that have hit the market recently and i must say I am pretty impressed. For instance the Canon G40, although over priced at $1200, that line is well on its way to having a nice feature set. Even though it maxes out at 1080p, the G40 has full manual controls, with zebras, peaking and focus assist. It shoots in 24p and 60p. And has a fast 1.8 to 2.8 lens with a 35mm equivalent of 28mm on the wide end and 576mm on the long end when the 5-Axis IBIS is implemented... oh yeah and it has 5-Axis IBIS!!! They've also implemented the Wide DR profile commonly found in Canon's professional C series cameras... Plus Highlight Priority. Obviously, the small sensor is the major downside of this camcorder and makes the camera have zero interest to most readers and members of this forum. But it is pretty interesting to see high end features filter down the chain. It's also proof that Canon has little interest in too much intermingling between their video and camera divisions, since their consumer camcorders are getting high end picture profiles and IBIS before their Rebel line is. But if you're a beginning filmmaker with a story to tell, this camera could be perfect... HELL... if it had a 1" sensor, or was 5 or 600 dollars cheaper, I may have considered it... it seems like a great run & gun camera for people who are more interested in telling stories than the technical specifications used to tell those stories.
  9. Thanks Inazuma. I messed around with the one Nikon flat clip a little bit and I must say I really like it. With a steady hand, you can get some good, simple results with that profile. I recently purchased the Mojo plug in for simple, quick grading and it seems like the Nikon Flat and Mojo are a nice combo. I've been on a roller coaster ride lately with cameras. As you may have read, I purchased the BMMCC about 2 months ago, and although I really like the picture quality, and being able to use my small collection of old c-mount lenses with it, I hate the form factor. The need for an added monitor, makes the tiny camera too cumbersome for my tastes. After messing with some C-Log footage, I ended up ordering the XC10... should arrive today. I am looking forward to the form factor, IBIS, and run & gun aspect of that camera. Unfortunately, I will lose my lens selection, so I am still interested in picking up another camera... and it will probably be one of 3... either the GX85 which will give me the most lens options, even though my collection is dwindling. Or the D5500, which won't give as many lens options but since the Nikkor 28mm f2 and my Tokina zooms are some of my favorite lenses, I don't think I'll mind. One thing I did learn from the BMMCC is that 4K is nice but not a necessity for me. I've seen some 1080p footage from the AF100 that blows me away and that is 6 year old camera.
  10. I haven't used my eos-m since last fall, but with that ML build I was using, I would only have audio for the first clip I recorded. If I turned the cam on and off it would record again. Unfortunately, I was doing so many different tests at the time that I cannot remember if that was in raw or higher bitrate also. The one great feature is the 3x zoom or telephoto function. It gave me the ability to use some really wide c mount lenses like the infamous 8-48mm, but the cool part was when I changed cards and used the normal eos-m, I still was in the 3x mode. I also used raw a lot with it and really enjoyed using it, but I could not find a reliable way to get rid of the dreaded pink dots. The only cure I could ever find that consistently worked involved chroma smoothing, but it seemed to soften the image too much.
  11. I just bought mojo during the red giant 25% off sale. Neat little plug in, I just wish they used the correct words instead of "punch it," slam it, finger ram it... Wait that's a different program... But seriously, I always liked Prolost Flat. Since everybody had a rebel back then, if one of my friends showed up, you could just dial in the settings and you're good to go.
  12. Sorry can't get rid of this quote. I don't remember seeing it? Or I forgot... Can you refresh my memory... My brain hurts after recent forum events.
  13. Isn't there a shutter speed lock function in ML? Btw, I heard they are releasing a prosumer eos-m later this year. If the specs are good, I will definitely consider picking it up. I loved that little camera.
  14. Thanks, I really appreciate it. I have a feeling I'll be using it more in 1080p than 4K.
  15. One more quick question... how are you guys handling the mxf files in post? I know FCPX accepts them natively now, but do you convert them to ProRes, or comparable, beforehand with EditReady, or ClipWrap or something?
  16. Really, it's that smooth with the 5-Axis? Sweet. Does it eat up the battery when using it?
  17. Thanks a lot, but just to clarify, the 5-Axis only works in 1080p mode, correct? In 4K, you are limited to 3-Axis? How is the 3-Axis?
  18. Do you use yours primarily for 4K or 1080p? Due to the cost of the cfast 2.0 cards, I'll probably use it mostly in 1080p. Of course, the option to shoot in 4K is a major reason for me purchasing one... And I guess on some level, you don't get a 4K camera to shoot in 1080p... But this camera has always seemed to be the exception to the "rules."
  19. Yeah that thread was getting a bit too much after that "anonymous" character was brought into it... It was probably a little too much before that as well, though. I know you didn't ask me, but yes the XC10 shoots c log in 1080p up to 60p. I believe it's an internal downscale like the other c series cameras do as well. Of course some of that tech spec lingo is Greek to me a lot of times. Oh yeah, btw, I meant to reply to that comment. I really liked what you guys did with those SD cams. And as I said, I look forward to shooting with a poor man's C100. Of course, I am kinda going through an existential crisis because I still need a camera to use my lenses on... I love my lenses.
  20. I appreciate your help. I'm kinda excited to use a camcorder again. There's 3 of us that shoot narratives, my one friend loves his dslr, and my other friend is thinking of switching to a used af100 because he misses his days with the hv20. We do pretty low budget stuff, so the XC10 is a pretty big investment for me. Anyway, thanks for your help and if you can think of any tips, or pros and cons... Other than the obvious ones, I have about an hour before I hit "buy." @jgharding
  21. So, the c log in 1080p is comparable to the c log on the c100? How is the build quality? I am ready to press buy on this one, I just have a few questions. How much record time to you get on c fast cards and also 1080 c log on the SDXC cards?
  22. Haha. Sadly I think I was quoting Will Smith from Independence Day.
  23. It's cool, I ain't madatcha.
  24. Wait, I call foul, you were much nicer to Kaylee after her notes. I guess I gotta quote Monday Night Raw next time... Dang.
  25. However she does look like she may be of the pasty variety to begin with. But yeah, maybe a touch too much green in the highs.
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