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Everything posted by mercer

  1. Thanks a lot for the info. One last question. How do you find the build quality. From my understanding it pretty good, but I don't expect C100 level?
  2. This is the most sensible advice in this thread. Ed needs to relax, we all need to relax. And to be quite honest, I actually don't care about this all that much. The writer side of me has enjoyed the possible narratives but in the end this is just a big stupid scam and some people need to relax over it. This whole idea of occupy eoshd and involving some secret "anonymous" group is so utterly ridiculous, it almost makes ES's stories seem true. Part of me was interested in some version of the truth and hoped the kid would fess up, but the fact is the truth is pretty simple... It's a scam and the herd reaction of LoveFestEOSHD on one side and silly playground vendetta on the other is getting just as creepy as ES's persona. I enjoy this forum... But I definitely need a break from this bi-polar thread. And I really regret my part in it.
  3. With the light of this info, I predict Ed will make a rash decision in 3, 2, 1...
  4. Also, some advice to the financially scammed... DO NOT AGREE TO HAVE HIM SEND THE RANGEFINDER BY HIS MOTHER... This is just another stall tactic and con. He thinks if his mother, or whoever this person is, sends the actual rangefinder then his name won't appear on the post, which is an admission of guilt. Since he doesn't believe the Internet is part of the real world and sees it as a fantasy land, he doesn't think any of this is incriminating, but if he physically sends the rangefinder then he will be culpable for his actions. DO NOT TRUST HIM. @Ed_David of course anybody who buys something solely on one person's opinion on a forum is wrong, but so is sending money to some guy in Egypt via Western Union and you are more than willing to go all Alinsky on him for that, but spreading misinformation or at best plagiarized and copy and pasted posts to prop a false persona that was devised to create a scam isn't worthy of your time or concern? Have you not noticed the kid has not actually admitted to anything except what he did? But he has yet to confess to exactly what that was. He has not once said that he scammed those people and this forum and other forums because... He has merely said... "I am sorry for what I did."
  5. You see this is the part I am having trouble with. There are a ton of members and just casual readers that come to this site for information. A lot of times the validity of that information may lead to an expensive purchase. ES spoke with an authoritative voice backed up by the highest site rating (other than Andrew Reid) People trusted him and people were misled by his fraudulent posts. And he still refuses to answer the most basic of questions regarding g his history on this site. I really hope that Andrew completes a thorough investigation of not only ES's IP address, but also his activity as a forum member. As I have said before, I think there are other aliases ES may have used to help prop himself up and in turn he probably used his own "reputation" to prop up other posters... So I would be very interested to know who received a lot of likes from ES... Was there a pattern and a few "members" received the lion share of his fraudulent praise?
  6. The only problem with this most recent love fest is the unexplained FB post where he mocks Tomas for falling for the scam. That is not the behavior of a kid who made a stupid mistake out of desperation... but you guys want to give him a second chance?! You probably think it's your fault when your wives turn you into a cuckold too. Zach was banned for overly promoting his t2i in the goober way that he does and I don't hear any cries for his return, but you want to give a pathological liar that has repeatedly lied and stolen from this forum a group hug... I know who to sell my next lens to.
  7. You can't ban Zack Goidwin for playing the lighthearted doofus and not ban ES for being an international criminal. That would just be ridiculous.
  8. Okay the 0 is a 5... He told the truth. Does he have another lens I can buy?
  9. Yeah all you guys should exchange emails and passwords... You know to keep in touch...
  10. Sister single mom living alone yet there are pictures from her wedding.
  11. Or don't answer the questions... just stop the charade and live with the consequences. Hell, if you still want to stick to your first story then do that, give more details about that, but stop it with these stupid pleas. Nobody is buying them. Honestly this whole fucking thing is getting boring. I don't think this topic should be closed because without the badgering I don't believe there is any chance he'll repay the scammed. But we're also giving this little sociopath way too much air time. He fuckin' loves it. Stall tactics.
  12. Do you only understand... what do you get out of it? Because I keep hearing I'll do this, if... I'll do that, if. This isn't a negotiation... just answer the questions... what you get out of it is irrelevant.
  13. Hey Ebrahim, listen I have been a fan of your posts for the past couple years. They made me look at tech and craft in a new light. I never even knew there were supposedly two of you. I appreciate you are making attempts to right this wrong with the 3 people directly affected by your actions, but you must understand that your words had a lot of credibility on this site... so you cannot blame the forum for being interested and invested with these events. So, in a lot of ways we are all victims of this scam. There is an unwritten trust in these forums and unfortunately you have yet to answer the basic of questions. I think if you were to answer, HONESTLY, the following couple questions, it may clear up some things for some of the members... 1. Does your grandfather exist in the capacity he was represented in this forum? 2. Does you or your grandfather have the first hand knowledge with all of these cameras, or was it theoretical at best and in some instances just a lot copy and pasting? 3. Do you truly admit to scamming these people, or are you just admitting to it, because you feel bullied and you are just telling the forum what it wants to hear to end the ridicule? 4. If you did perform this scam, then why? Your last excuse does not add up, in fact, almost everything you have said since the beginning of this does not add up, so what is the REAL TRUTH? 5. What gives you the right to believe that you can con hundreds of people into believing you are something that you are not and then steal money from members of this forum and other forums and then think that we should just drop it because all of the sudden you are claiming to do the right thing? Answer these questions and I will stop posting in this thread... honestly your stories are getting quite boring now anyway but I believe we deserve the right to know the truth.
  14. So, I may be picking up an xc10 for some personal and hopefully small professional projects. I was planning on shooting the majority of my stuff in C-Log... ETTRd... Partially due to the authority and eloquence in which ES had spoke of it in the past, but after all of this talk about the scam and his questionable theories, I decided to research ETTR C-Log. One of the first Google search results is the following article (link below) In it you will find his theory and screengrab examples... One shot even being of ES himself... I believe. This was from back in Jan '15. I'm curious to know what his rating was before this post... Or even how quickly his ratings rose compared to when he signed up for eoshd.
  15. Yeah maybe, but there is definitely a difference between the two. If you look at the fb reply Tomas showed us, it seems more in the style of Old ES... I don't know something still feels fishy about this whole thing. If that FB reply didn't exist the whole story would make more sense. Maybe there was never an Old ES, but there was an Older ES.
  16. It is pretty effin interesting when you read how well Old ES wrote in English compared to Young ES.
  17. I like your idea, I meant for him to make a serious movie based on this. That would be crap. What you're suggesting could be pretty funny. Part of his punishment should be to supple stock footage from Egypt.
  18. But I'm sorry to say... this movie would be horrible. International crime movies require an interesting, capable antagonist... I think we can all agree... Haha, honestly... I've been getting bored by this for the past 10 pages or so. The ending is never as good as the one I imagined. But I do think it's crap that the kid won't own up to anything without being strong armed by the Hipster Mafia.
  19. This is an utter farce. I wouldn't even accept his money if I were the one scammed until he honestly owned up to it. If for some reason he is telling the truth, why not be forthcoming and aid in this investigation. Hell, he still hasn't even admitted to there never being an elder ES. Why would he be som worried about his families' and friends' opinions if he was innocent. And now people are encouraging him to make a movie about it? He should sign away any rights to any motion picture filmed about this idea to the people scammed by him. And if he didn't do it, which I admit with this weird effin story is quite possible, then explain his inconsistencies. I don't know... I'm really starting to believe this whole thing is a game. Once the conversation begins to slow up on it, he shows up again or another victim does. Something does not smell right here.
  20. Panny I admire your maturity, I really do, but I never once called for violence to ES and I couldn't disagree more about closing this thread, especially now. If for no other reason but a paper trail of the events that transpired... And the events that will come to fruition. The problem here is that the motive doesn't add up. That's why I believe there is more to this story than has been uncovered. I think there may be more aliases he goes under on this site. I believe he may have created these aliases to build more "Likes" to his posts and build a credibility to his reputation. I believe almost everybody on this forum has been relatively honest about who they are and what we do, it's imperative for a forum like this, especially since so many of the members are giving advice on major purchases. For instance, here's a hypothetical, Oliver Daniel has a long record of shooting music videos. Since he has an extensive portfolio, someone may go to him to ask what he feels about a specific Sony camera that they are contemplating using for an upcoming music video gig. They take his advice and buy it. And then a week later... What if it came out that he lied about his portfolio and history and this person just spent a butt load of money based on his recommendations... Sure they should have done their own research but he is a trusted member with a supposed track record. That is exactly what ES has been doing for years. And I think as a community, we deserve the truth. Why should we cater to the lowest common denominator because his feelings may be hurt? I'm sure a lot of people considered ES a friend... Does their feelings not matter? Do they not deserve the truth?
  21. I think I need some compensation because I was robbed of about 4-6 hours of my life reading this kid's nonsense. But this isn't a court of law. This is a court of public opinion and save for a few instances, I think we were pretty fair to him. We gave him more than enough chances to come clean. From the beginning many people believed him, but unfortunately facts are fickle mistresses and there are too many stacked against him. Is it possible he is innocent... Yes it is possible... With caveats. He would have to be protecting someone close to him who had done it... A close family member and he felt he could attempt to save his reputation on the board if he could figure a way around it... Of course I have just given the dummy another lie he can use to try wiggle out of this. Damn!!!
  22. I highly doubt you will go to jail for trying to help online friends retrieve stolen money. You were a little over exuberant but I highly doubt Interpol is going to be knocking on your door in west Chester or wherever the hell you live.
  23. mercer

    New Camera

    I think I most likely will be picking up an XC10 and a GX85 and selling my BMMCC... But I'm not a hundred percent sure about buying the GX85 and selling the BMMCC... But the XC10 is practically a definite. How about you fuzzy, how are you getting on with GX85?
  24. Man that GX85 is a great little image. I would have sworn it would have been the worst of the lot, but it blows away the a6300... IMO. And it's damn close to the BMPCC. Interesting. Was the BMPCC in raw or ProRes?
  25. So, first is a6300. Second is BMCC and third is gx85?
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