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Everything posted by mercer

  1. Top - GX85 natural all the way down Middle - a6300 s-log Bottom - XC10 c-log
  2. So wait, you were badgering him on Instagram and that's what led to his confession today? But even though he said he would confess, he still held strong to the story that he didn't do it but agreed to do it because you were extorting him? Do you know what you just admitted to?
  3. If anyone on this forum donates a single penny to the people who were scammed then you are the biggest fools and are doing nothing to help this situation. This kid is hitting refresh every 5 seconds and every bleeding heart, call for forgiveness, and donation promised turns this piece of shits frown a little more upside down... And his hand further and further from his wallet.
  4. The more you know... It's really half the battle.
  5. One lesson learned for the young ES is that he does not have a career as a grifter ahead of him. So, he can check that off the list.
  6. @Ed_David I have a serious problem and I need your help. I have an ingrown toenail and the clinic has told me the only cure is a C100 mkii, if I do not receive either the C100 mkii or the equivalent money wired to me through Western Union the ingrown toenail will become infected and my dog will die... I mean my grandfather's dog's toe. Can you help me?
  7. So, he did this scam to help his sister, so she isn't punished, but now because a bunch of faceless people on an Internet forum have bullied him so much he admits to what he's done and tells everyone, on a public forum, that his "grandfather" frequents, that he did this scam to help his sister get an abortion. So in essence he just sent his sister to a public stoning... The same sister he was willing to scam for to protect... Okay...
  8. "I will send as soon as it is possible the cameras then to help you." haha
  9. I have read somewhere that habitual liars, truly believe if they stick to their story long enough, people will eventually believe them.
  10. So, you don't understand that by sending messages agreeing to a deal and giving instructions on how to pay for that deal, then receiving the money for that deal but knowingly not upholding your end of the deal is fraud and theft... Both considered crimes by every society in the civilized world since tribes were trading in cashews? You don't understand that? Seriously?! Close your eyes and put your grandfather on. Now open them so we can speak to your logical side.
  11. This kind of statement is proof why nobody believes you... You cannot even acknowledge that a crime took place. I think it would be a good time to show a copy of that police report. Andrew has always seemed like a fair man, so any evidence to prove your side of the case would probably be in your best interest right now.
  12. I think the GX85 would probably be a good choice for product photos, and you would have 4K video and 5-Axis IBIS if your work ever calls for it. On the other hand, Nikon makes great stills cameras and their video capabilities are supposed to be some of the best h.264 1080p up to 60p around, plus the Nikon's flat profile is supposed to a pleasure to grade. The sigmas should be really nice with the Nikon as well. If you're looking for autofocus just make sure you get the right model of Nikon... Some lenses won't autofocus with the D5500, so you will need the D7200. Good luck.
  13. Have reached my daily "Like" limit... Consider this it.
  14. Horses for courses... My only need for the monitor is framing. The smallest screen possible that will leave the smallest footprint is my main objective with this camera. I mean, it's the size of a rubik's cube, for me anything more than double that size makes little sense.
  15. This is getting boring now. The truth of the matter is this... ES LIED. The burden of proof is on him. And until he proves otherwise, which is actually quite simple. Show a video of the elder and younger ES and a copy of the Police Report that they have claimed to have filed. Until those simple deeds are done, all of the facts point that the elder ES does not exist in the capacity that was represented on this forum and ES needs to do the proper thing to make it right. Timotheus and Tomas trusted ES based upon his long track record and high rating on this site. If he was honest from the onset, his rating may have not been so high because his supposed resume wouldn't have led people to believe what he was preaching was a hundred percent accurate. Just because Timotheus and Tomas should not have fallen for the oldest African Western Union scam in the book, doesn't let ES off the hook. This is still a crime. Since ES is located in a 3rd world country with more problems to deal with than $600, there is little to be done to get there money back, unless ES does the admirable thing. Timotheus has already stated that he was contacted by ES to somehow make things right. Although I still highly doubt he has owned up to anything. If he does, great. That is the respectable, honorable and manly thing to do. He speaks of respect, let's see if he lives by those words. If anyone wants to believe his previous posts were "beautiful" by all means... Everyone is entitled to their opinion... I believe they are lies filled with half truths designed to uphold a fictitious persona. I believe the kid has mental issues and I wish him all the luck in the world. I would love to see his work with whatever camera he does actually own... It may be genius. For now, I'd rather go back to my theory that the elder and younger ES were abducted by the aliens that built the pyramids and after the prodding and probing they put alien filmmaker DNA into the grandson's body... But not enough money to afford the taxes for a 1dC.
  16. Panny, I enjoy the community as it gives me an outlet to discuss filmmaking. I have very few people in my daily life that enjoy the subject. However I am not looking for encouragement or validation. I can only speak for myself of course. I am looking for pointers from people who have been at the stage that I am at. And I am very thankful for the help I have received, both positive and negative. But what ES has done has concocted a resume that would lead other beginner filmmakers to believe the "truths" and "experience" he espoused. Sure the two scammed members lost some cash but how much cash and time, beginner filmmakers... Either members or just readers... How much time and money was wasted and lost over the years based on ES's lies? That's the real shame in all of this. It is of my opinion that ES either proves through video chat that they are in fact two people and either deliver the rangefinders or return the money. Then write a post apologizing to the community and accept a temporary ban of at least 3 months before being allowed to return as the true person they are. And if any lies are ever found out again then they are banned for life. His posts can easily be ignored by any members that wish to not risk reading his lies. But honestly this is a forum run and owned by one individual who will have the final say. Until then it is nobody's place to tell other members how they should or shouldn't feel about this matter. But... If all of this is true, then ES has some issues and we should be responsible human beings and acknowledge that, and hopefully ES is mentally capable enough to understand that with his actions come consequences. Some of those consequences will be jokes made at his expense and some will be angry responses.
  17. I sense another mystery... Where in the world is @Zach Goodwin?
  18. This is what I mean and this is why this whole thing sucks. I came into this forum without knowing how little I knew. In some ways I got better, but in other ways I started questioning a lot of my instincts. Due to posts like his, about ETTR I began using that method with every camera I have used. I am planning on picking up an XC10 and would have used it as well with it. Now I'm really confused, but luckily I have recently learned as you said... To wade through the BS. Even if it's coming through my fingertips.
  19. Let's be honest though, there are plenty of members of this forum that embellish their skills without any proof otherwise. This is primarily a gear forum to discuss tech. Ebrahim Sybil Saadawi, although long winded and sometimes condescending, still gained a lot of trust from people on this site and even had a post or two published on other members' personal websites. In the end does it really matter if the elder Saadawi exists at all... No not really. It never did. The kid still could have earned respect without that fictitious character. He obviously has issues. And unfortunately there's a thing called personal responsibility and now he has to pay for those actions. Hopefully it will be a learning experience for him that takes him from childhood to manhood... If not, that's his problem. But just think about the other young filmmakers that read this forum and read his "sage" advice and what cameras and equipment they may have purchased based on this child's lies... But again, personal responsibility comes into play... Even with the people who were scammed.
  20. Oh okay, missed that part. You guys are good at this shit. I just enjoy the narrative. And what a narrative it is.
  21. You know what though, if the kid had the balls to post a photoshopped pic of the two only photos of Sr., Jr and/or the III, he would regain a little of my respect back...
  22. Seriously, this is just getting sad now. This kid obviously really does enjoy this forum and he obviously cannot keep up with the plethora of lies he has told over the years. I've been relatively active in this forum for the past year and I never even knew there was allegedly 2 people... I always thought there was only one. However, I do remember a time when Enrahim posted some gh4 footage, but I have yet to see anything else from him. You would think the owner of a media company and a 1dc would upload some test footage somewhere... Hell I upload every boring, poorly colored footage I do so I can see it in multiple screens and get better... But nothing from Ebrahim. I think @Oliver Daniel suggestion would be a quick and easy way for Ebrahim to clear this up. Clear this up... Or come up with a better story, because the sad, victim is boring and hardly worth the narrative of these past 16 pages.
  23. Facts are good, that takes one of my conspiracy theories off the table. What did Western Union say when you contacted them? Was the money wired to an official hub or to a store that offers western union services?
  24. My point was... Which I don't believe a hundred percent either, is that the whole thing is a scam, a made up story. There was no western union transfer. Have we even seen a western union confirmation slip? What did western union say when they were contacted about the fraud? I don't know, this scam by someone claiming to be a Ebrahim Saadawi probably did occur but at this point with this weirdo woven web, I believe anything is possible.
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