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Everything posted by mercer

  1. mercer


    Gotcha... I misunderstood.
  2. mercer


    I can easily get infinity focus on the 25mm by taking off the rear ring and using a Fotasy adapter. Even without the spacer it works. http://www.getdpi.com/forum/4-3rds-cameras/13547-czj-tevidon-versus-fujinon-cctv.html#post176111
  3. @Nikkor suggested to me a long time ago that I should get a pocket cam when I was struggling with grading/correcting 8bit footage. I wish I had listened to him sooner. Now that I have my BMMCC, the the robust files are something I couldn't even comprehend when using 8bit 4K. With that being said, I do think one can achieve great results with any 4K camera, I've seen it from a bunch of you guys, but I know I would rather have good solid 1080p than thin 4K.
  4. mercer


    But with the 25 and 35, you don't need to dremel or file anything. For the 35mm, you just unscrew the back plate and glue the adapter to the lens. For the 25mm, you unscrew the back plate and then use some kind of spacer that will sandwich in between the adapter and the aperture ring... Very easy to make it clickless as well. I just haven't found a good material to use as a spacer.
  5. I don't know... I would never sell the Sigma 18-35mm for that Samsung. Just my opinion of course.
  6. I had the Nikkor 28mm f2 and it was a beautiful lens. I only sold it because I have two Minolta 28mm f2 lenses... One MC version (which I am currently selling if anyone is interested) and also the MD version. I decided to go with the Minolta MD version because it is smaller, lighter and has a shorter focus throw... Which I like better since I use focus levers instead of follow focus units. Hey Andy, have you ever used the Sigma 28mm f/1.8? I have seen a couple videos online, it looks decent, but they can be a little hard to judge from Vimeo. They also made a 20mm and 24mm in the 1.8, which may make more sense for me since I am only shooting with the BMMCC now.
  7. mercer


    Do you have the 25mm? If so, what did you use for a spacer when you modified it?
  8. mercer


    Fuji 8mm... Or 9mm? Do you know if it covers the pocket?
  9. mercer


    Unfortunately, I don't have a micro 4/3rds anymore. But it is a good idea.
  10. If 10bit is on the top of your list, then it seems like the Ursa or the BMCC are the options in your price range... Or a D16... Which has a beautiful image also.
  11. Love the reflection off the boat's hull. Beautiful and mesmerizing. Nice job.
  12. mercer


    Right, I didn't take photos or shoot anything other than 4K with my old g7. I like it on the BMMCC though, but I would like it better with a different focus distance and if it had a better focus ring. The way the entire front of the lens turns feels odd when pulling focus, but the IQ is nice.
  13. mercer


    C mounts won't focus to infinity on the nx500... I know... I tried. They are cool macro lenses on it though. I don't think there's a list on here for micro 4/3... Other than the c mount list for the BMPCC. Might be a good place to start. Or try Flickr.
  14. mercer


    The 25mm f/1.4 Fujinon will cover the GH4. And I think the 12.5mm will as well... In 4K mode.
  15. mercer


    Fujinon 25mm... Lens porn?
  16. I don't have either of those cameras, but I did recently purchase a BMMCC. With that being said, 10bit ProRes and 12bit Raw is simply amazing and I'm unsure if I can ever go back to 8bit color and anything less than 12 stops of DR. With that being said, I think the two couldn't be more different. I do not think you will be able to go into a dark reception hall with the Ursa Mini and get good results without additional lighting. But for music videos, commercials and narrative work, I don't think you can do better than the 4.6k at that price point. But as I have said, I have zero practical experience with either of those cameras and my opinion is solely based upon online videos, reviews and forums.
  17. I've been wondering about that 17mm. I have the 12.5mm, the 25mm and the 35mm. I really like the lenses, but there is a big hole in the normal range on the BMPCC, without the 17mm. Do you think it would cover without vignetting in 2:35? Also, what did the modify entail?
  18. Welcome Michael. Per your example, in 1080p video the crop factor would remain 2x, so your 14mm lens would be 28mm. In 4K, I believe it is a 2.1x or a 2.2x, so your 14mm would be around 30mm. However, I believe there may be a slight, additional crop when IBIS is used, but I am not a hundred percent sure about that.
  19. But seriously, I get it... That is a pretty lens. I have a few I worry about too.
  20. Maybe you just found your new shooting style... Infinity focus all of your shots and then wrap it in bubble wrap. No need to touch it.
  21. The Angenieux are old 16mm film camera lenses from the 60s. I haven't shot with them yet, because I just ordered them, but from what I've seen online, they seem to be a little soft and dreamy wide open, but sharp enough stopped down a little... With an innate filmic look to them on the BMPCC and BMMCC. If you're looking for tack sharp lenses, then they probably aren't a good choice for you... If you're looking for softish lenses with character and a filmic look... Then they might be something you might like. Check out the c mount lens thread under blackmagic cameras for other options and there has recently been a few posts with c mount lenses under the lenses section as well.
  22. mercer


    Just got the Meopta 20mm c-mount lens in the mail, so I used it in a scene on a short I'm working on. I was actually out scouting locations when I found this old, abandoned cabin in the woods. For handheld and wide open... I am digging this lens. I think stopped down a notch or two and she will really shine.
  23. Yeah, I'm sure there are. I saved the search on my eBay page. For the time being, I just picked up the Angenieux 10mm and 15mm c mount lenses. Am having a blast with old c-mounts and the BMMCC.
  24. Yeah, it's very captivating. I really like your music choice. It feels like the opening credit sequence to a sci-fi thriller with a visual mixture of nebulous matter and alien dna. Nice job.
  25. mercer


    I just discovered your Vimeo page the other day. It's cool to see all of your BMPCC and D16 footage on there. Btw, that's a great price on those Kern lenses. I can only assume you got a Bolex with it? I just picked up a couple Angenieux lenses... The 10mm and the 15mm. Not a bad price, but nowhere near the deals you are finding. Does the D16 need an IR cut filter? I love shooting on my BMMCC with these old lenses but I do need to get some step up rings because the IR pollution is out of control on some of them.
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