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Everything posted by mercer

  1. I can't believe how amazing that looks... Mind blowing. Does it say in the manual that the micro will make people look like Greg Kinear?
  2. Yeah, I would do double sound, and use an external mic for a scratch track, but it's nice to know it is okay in case I pick up something golden. Is the FPN only an issue with Raw or is it also a problem with prores? Thanks for the answers btw.
  3. Sorry, I meant external audio. Do you find that there is any usability, other than a scratch track, with the VideoMicro?
  4. Good to hear. Do you have a pic of your rig? I have seen a few best offer deals on eBay and I must admit I am tempted. And since there are few small screen options becoming available, I may take the plunge... As long as I can get a small footprint. Is the internal audio any better than the Pocket?
  5. So, it's been out for a few weeks now, what is the verdict? Does the 60p and longer battery life justify the upgrade from the Pocket?
  6. mercer


    Thanks, I start shooting in two weeks.
  7. mercer


    Right on. I recently purchased the metabones c mount adapter and it has opened up a lot more choices since more c-mounts will fit that adapter. So, since I am whittling down my lens collection I am finding that I really love the rendering of these old Cine lenses.
  8. mercer


    Hey @Nikkor do you know anything about the Cine Nikkor C mount lenses?
  9. Great to here... Can we expect a preliminary/full review?
  10. Interesting, I didn't know they were selling a body only version.
  11. How does the ibis work in 1080p? And yes, if you don't mind I would really like to see some 4K footage in flat profile and some ibis 1080p.
  12. mercer


    @kidzrevil very nice. Looking forward to your results. You may want to check out the Contax Zeiss 35-70 zoom. It's supposed to be excellent.
  13. I just checked Panasonic US and they are still at pre-order status with ship time stated as mid-May. BH had a ship date of May 16th but now states, "Ship Time: Not available"
  14. mercer


    When you decide to get a lens... You don't mess around.
  15. mercer


    @jase I don't have a link for the diy, but when I searched for info about the 28mm, I read on Fred Miranda that someone converted an MD speedbooster to Konica AR. He did have photos where he claimed to use it. I'd imagine it would require some shaving of the mount, but I don't know. Here's a link to the discussion: http://www.fredmiranda.com/forum/topic/1254014/0
  16. mercer


    Nope, no Konica speedbooster. But I was reading about a DIY conversion using a Minolta MD speedbooster.
  17. See if QuickTime will play the file. If it does, then it converted it as well. But if you want to trim the clip you already transcoded, then make sure you are working with the new clip... Assuming you renamed the clip and saved it to another folder.
  18. mercer


    Yeah, but I know my limits
  19. mercer


    As some may know I am whittling down my lens collection to a dozen or less. I wanted to do 10 or less, but with every box of lenses I open, I find a forgotten jewel. Today I came across my copy of the Konica 40mm f/1.8. Those who are familiar with this lens understand why it has such a cult following. My copy isn't in the best of shape, so I was curious what they are selling for. After a quick trip to eBay, I didn't really find a better copy than the one I own, but I did find... A Konica 28mm f/1.8... Whaaat?! How come I never knew this lens existed? And how come I don't own a copy? Well... The reason is quite simple... It's a rare and expensive lens that easily goes for between $500 and $1500 depending on condition. A little too rich for my blood, but after a quick search I can see why it is so expensive... The images from this lens combines both a modern contrast and a vintage rendering. Just an amazing piece of glass that may overtake my obsession with one day owning the Contax Zeiss 28mm f/2. Does anyone own one and if so, would you care to share some video shot with it, or some photos snapped with it?
  20. I have this lens... Currently selling it on eBay. It's a nice lens. Constant zoom with the zoom mechanism inside the barrel. Good macro. I haven't used it with a 5d, but most Nikon lenses work well with Canons.
  21. mercer

    One Lens?

    Thanks, man. The guy is supposed to give me a partial refund, so it ain't all bad. And the good news is with the Voigt's half stops, you can still get decent exposure control. But yeah, the lens effin amazing. Obviously, I knew f/0.95 was fast but I couldn't believe how much light this sucker lets in. Btw, your Takumar shots look great. They remind me of gritty, NYC 70s movies like Serpico or something. I go to NY for work once in a while and you really captured how Manhattan feels.
  22. mercer

    One Lens?

    If only she would play the part as written.
  23. mercer

    One Lens?

    Yeah, this lens truly is something special. I had looked at a few c-mounts that were 25mm f/0.95 but for the cost of an old TV lens, it just doesn't pay. I will definitely try those settings for you but I probably won't get to them until next week... it has been raining for the past week and isn't supposed to stop until next week.
  24. mercer

    One Lens?

    So, my Voigtlander came in... I'm a little bummed because the seller advertised it was Version II, but it is actually Version I. With that being said, other than the disappointment... It truly is an amazing lens!!! Here's a grab from my first test with it. Camera: Panasonic G7 Lens: Voigtlander 25mm f/0.95 @ f/1.8 Profile: Natural -5 -5 -5 -5 Grade: FilmConvert - Fuji Velvia - 0 Grain ~ Color Finale - Master Curve Adjustment
  25. I have both of them... For now. I am thinning the herd and I am selling both the 17mm and the 35mm f2. I especially hate to see the 35mm go.
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