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Everything posted by mercer

  1. mercer

    One Lens?

    Yeah on the g7. I may have a screengrab. I'll check and post a little later if I do.
  2. mercer

    One Lens?

    The Contax Zeiss Planar 50mm f/1.7 was probably the best lens I ever owned. I couldn't afford any of the others, so I sold it. The 28mm f2 is probably my favorite image of any lens... But it's a pricy little bastard.
  3. Any craftsman or tradesman will tell you that you use certain tools for certain jobs... I, personally, love the look of the 4K mjpeg coming from this camera.... Even in a measly 8-bit. I hope this codec trickles down into their cheaper models.
  4. Yeah... That 4K crop is very cool. My main interest with this camera is for run & gun, guerilla style, short films, so with the 5-axis and this 4K crop, the on set footprint will be so tiny. Since I'll have a shot list the planning of these crop pan, zooms and slides won't be an issue, but it raises a technical question... I always convert my 4K footage to 1080p prores before I edit... Since this is a crop and not a downscale, will I notice any visual IQ differences between the downscaled and the cropped clips?
  5. How loud is the IBIS supposed to be?
  6. Yeah, they look slick. I can't wait for my 25mm to arrive at the end of the week. Btw, how did you wb the gh4? Did you do custom, or kelvin, presets, auto? Your videos always seem to have a nice warmth about them.
  7. Yup, my thoughts exactly... The GX85 on an L-Bracket with a small recorder and a rode mic.
  8. Yeah this looks great. And yes this is the camera to get. Am already selling off a bunch of lenses so I can pay full price for it. I agree though, I do wish it had a mic input. I mean, the FZ300 has a mic input.
  9. Man!!! That looks great. Sharp as shit. And the grade. Really good stuff. The perfect amount of contrast and DR in the blacks.
  10. mercer

    One Lens?

    I think he was replying to my question because he used to have the lens too. Btw, I was checking out your gh4 videos and they are stellar. The car show had some cool mojo going on.
  11. mercer

    One Lens?

    The GH4 hack will probably be the GH5. In fact, I think that was one of Panasonic's smartest moves... Listen to what the customers wanted based upon the popularity of the hacks. If Canon followed suit, the 5DIV should have 1080p Raw video. It probably won't though.
  12. mercer

    One Lens?

    Thanks. Great video, btw. You really knew your way around that gh4. Good stuff.
  13. mercer

    One Lens?

    @kidzrevil and @jase . How did you guys find the 25mm wide open. Obviously, you buy the lens for its speed, but is it decent wide open? I have been looking at every video and photo I can find and it seems like in photos the fringing is a little more evident than in video?
  14. OT but do you like the RX100iv better than the LX100?
  15. mercer

    One Lens?

    Yeah, I am pretty excited. I had zero regrets or remorse listing those lenses today. I wasn't planning on getting this lens so quickly, but one came up and I threw out a lowball offer and they accepted it. Now I need to raise some money to get the GX85 because I want to make sure I like it before I sell my G7.
  16. mercer

    One Lens?

    I just got an amazing deal on a "New Other" Voigtlander 25mm f/0.95 and I couldn't be more excited. Everything I have seen shot from that lens is inspiring. I just started selling off my lenses today to pay for it. In fact I am listing some lenses I swore I would never part with to have this more utilitarian set up. In the end I think I will only have a couple Minoltas and some various c-mounts.
  17. His video at the music store looks pretty decent and it's at 1250 ISO... Which isn't bad for a Panasonic. The stabilization holds pretty well with smaller movements.
  18. So I guess that matches the G7 crop. That is good to know. I would love to see some more footage before I decide one way or the other, but I am leaning toward picking this up. However, I do wonder how long it will take before BH has it on sale... Maybe the 4th of July. I hate paying full price for electronics.
  19. Yeah you ain't kidding, but I think between this video and Martin Wallgren's Instagram video, there is almost enough evidence that the 5-Axis is pretty decent. But the Martin Walgren Instagram footage looks great, so that leads me to believe this footage was user/auto issues.
  20. I had trouble understanding him but once I read the description on Vimeo it made sense. Both lenses lack OIS. The first video has 5-Axis IBIS ON and the second has it off. I thought it worked pretty impressively. His settings are strange, though. And the AF is horrible... Hopefully that is either the lens' fault or the settings he used. Obviously the low light did not help.
  21. I would think it would be less taxing. And since you already have ClipWrap, then you should be all set... Give it a try and let us know. Btw, do you have the plug in version of FilmConvert or the stand alone? Because I recently bought the stand alone because I couldn't stand how slow the plug in made my NLE run. But I have a less powerful computer than you.
  22. The makers of EditReady also makes ClipWrap, which is specifically designed for avchd and xavc. That program is only 30 bucks and you can upgrade to EditReady later for an extra 20... Or at least you could. ClipWrap is neat because it just changes the container to a prores file. And it's fast... But so is EditReady. You can't go wrong with either.
  23. Does the Tiffen variable have hard stops?
  24. As a viewer, how else are we to make judgements? I don't own the camera, probably will never use one, so I base my judgements on the images I see on my screen. I don't know, maybe you're right... maybe the web compression makes every image I have seen from this camera blow away anything comparable. But that's just my opinion... I have an 8 bit palate I guess.
  25. Yup, the weight, thickness of the image is amazing. I wouldn't mind at all if they stuck with mjpeg for their future 4K offerings.
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