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Everything posted by mercer

  1. With that said, I will now bow out of this discussion. I apologize if I offended anyone. To anyone who questions my character or what resides in my heart... look inward. I truly hope that everyone in this discussion and forum are healthy and happy. If I'm allowed to continue to post on this forum, I look forward to sharing the exploits of my filmmaking and lens obsession. Truly, Glenn Mercer
  2. I'm not dodging shit. I provided a link that disputed the claim. US officials and representatives from CureVac dispute that the bid or inquiry ever occurred. Both entities have stated that any vaccine created would be shared with the world. And do you really think that Germany, or any other country that is in possession of a vaccine, wouldn't use up the physical supplies of the vaccine for their own citizens first? I assume most civilized countries will share the formula.
  3. Honestly, what would be the point? If I responded with this link... https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.snopes.com/news/2020/03/17/trump-poach-coronavirus-vaccine/amp/ Would it really change anything or move the discussion forward with any ounce of civility? People believe what they want to believe. We are ALL hypocrites and live in an insular world. I am surrounded by a lot of anti-Trump people, I was hoping that a discussion, during rough times, could bridge a gap in civil and social discourse since we are all being attacked by a common enemy. If this virus cannot bring humans to a kinder understanding, maybe we are all JUST animals and we should fend for ourselves and our nest.
  4. How am I his cheerleader?! I have stated I support the President, as I supported his predecessor. I think the phrases support and supporter are getting confused here. You guys are acting like I attend his rallies. With that said, treating Trump like he is Hitler reincarnate is pretty effing stupid.
  5. Na man, your game is personal insults hidden by "witty" memes. You know nothing of my life and what my "game" is. By all accounts, I am economically poor... not that it's any of your business. And I'm not trying to excuse myself of anything. I know who I am, what I stand for and what's in my heart. Can you say the same? How have your actions positively helped the world? How have your actions positively helped your community... glass houses... and all that shit.
  6. It's supposed to look exactly how I meant it in the full context of my statement. I understand cherry picking portions of a person comment is a great tactic in political debate, but I'm not a politician and I'd prefer not to play those games.
  7. Seriously?! Nice try though.
  8. Then yes President Trump is a member of a cult. I never said Trump should be an example of civil discourse.
  9. I, vehemently, disagree with this notion. I could argue that people who go out of their way to mock, accuse and denigrate any person who has ever supported President Trump belongs to a different cult. This is such an obtuse hypothetical that I am unsure how to answer it. The fact is that he is POTUS and during his tenure and his economic actions, my annuity is substantially better than it has been since before the housing crisis of 2008. I don't condone, endorse or judge every single aspect, or statement, of a person's life. I wouldn't do it to you either. I'm not very religious so your reference to 2nd Corinthians is Greek to me. I have no children. I haven't stiffed anybody. On what grounds? Now let me ask you a question... how has your life, negatively, changed since President Trump took office? To be clear, what specific policies have personally affected your life in a negative way.
  10. So an off handed joke... haha. Okay. I'll go back and read your questions. Thanks.
  11. Sorry if I have offended you in some way, but I am very confident that I have been a voice of reason during my time in this discussion and open to other people's opinion, even if I disagree with them. If you have proof of otherwise... please share.
  12. Anyway... I am shaking my head at myself for injecting myself into this conversation for as long as I have but... Here are some simple truths... if you believe or follow any political party, religion, or ideology that forces you to YELL or denigrate members of other political parties, religions or ideologies, you yourself are a cult member. This needs to stop. When will people realize that we are pawns in more powerful people's game and no matter how loud we yell, or how poorly we treat one another, it doesn't change much.
  13. I must add that I think his ideas are misrepresented and as a whole, my life has changed very little since Trump became POTUS. In fact, monetarily, prior to present events, my wallet has been the best it's been in 13 years.
  14. I support the POTUS, like I supported his predecessor. Ideologically, I am a MODERATE Republican/Libertarian. I did vote for President Trump because I couldn't, in good conscience, vote for Hillary Clinton.
  15. This isn't entirely true... https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2020/mar/17/instagram-posts/celebrities-are-sharing-misleading-post-about-trum/
  16. I think he's a walking contradiction. He's a bad public speaker but speaks deliberately while trying to sound folksy. You can tell a difference in his speech when he answers off the cuff questions from the WH Press Corps.
  17. Or they have 82,000 less mouths to feed... I'm just kidding.
  18. President Trump isn't an idiot, far from it, he's an egomaniac. Hopefully, this event will alter his behavior a little, and as a country, we can get away from this identity politics bullshit during his second term.
  19. As I said, in my original post, I did not comment in this thread to argue politics. But I am sorry, your viewpoint of America, Americans and the American media is a little too myopic to resemble reality. Like Trump, or not, when half the nation supports him, you cannot say that he's done a lot wrong. You just disagree with it... it doesn't mean it's wrong. It's just a different opinion. And seriously, you're suggesting that an entire news organization didn't like President Obama because he is... "different." It is so simple and narrow minded to suggest that. Isn't it possible that a portion of the population just didn't agree with his policies and his race had nothing to do with it? But you're right, it is from both sides. There is a media outlet for whatever side of the spectrum you subscribe to and in most cases it has to do with ratings. This us versus them attitude about politics is so moronic. I prefer to believe that liberals and conservatives, democrats and republicans, libertarians and socialists all want the best, they just have different opinions on how to get there.
  20. @kaylee I think I've said this a thousand times, I am already a better writer than I'll ever be as a filmmaker but I think I enjoy filmmaking more. Writing is a lonely endeavor and when screenwriting is your style of writing, very few people want to read it... because screenplays aren't really meant for reading... as you know. I can't be alone when I say that the worst part of writing is sitting down to write but once you get into it is insanely addictive. I'm also a high concept script writer, so only my imagination limits the possibilities so sometimes I find it more difficult to write things that I may eventually want to shoot because I have to impose limitations onto my creativity. With that said, I think I am going to go back to obsessing over my writing more than my filmmaking. Hopefully I'll be more productive. Before I got bit by the filmmaking bug, I could write a feature film script in a week. Obviously, it was a rough draft, but still. I wish I could film a movie in a week. I have heard of the circle. I'm probably older than you so I still follow Syd Field's paradigm to some extent. And since Hollywood supposedly speaks in terms of Save the Cat, I've been working through my stories with that app. It works okay. I'll have to give the story circle a try on a future script. How's your pilot coming along?
  21. I'm trying. Maybe it will be a silver lining of this new world order. My fiancée has some fairly major health issues and we don't have a really large support system, if we need anything, I must go and get it, which could be disastrous if she gets this effin thing. I hope you and your's are safe!
  22. Thanks, Emmanuel. I think we all need to take a deep breath and remember that this is an online forum. I would take more offense by my own farts than I would from someone on this site. With that said, through this site I have made some life long friends and this was probably my first true interactions with you damn foreigners... lol. So I have learned a lot about people over the years thanks to this site... and I have realized that I am a bit of a misanthrope because of it... haha.
  23. I am trying to finish a sci-fi script for a contest at the end of the month. I also wrote my first "infection" inspired short film yesterday. My work was decimated by this damn virus, so I am trying to jump straight into working toward my dream. I plan on writing one short film a week and hopefully a few features by Summer.
  24. Sorry to hear that, fuzzy! Hang in there and remember who the true villains are... the Chinese Bats... call me a Xenophobe if you want... but I've never met a Chinese Bat that I trusted.
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