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Everything posted by mercer

  1. Although I appreciate your sentiment here, I did not take Emmanuel's comment negatively. I cannot express enough how much I despise discussing politics. It's truly a pointless endeavor that usually ends in hurt feelings with zero understanding of the other side's opinion. My point in posting in this thread was to offer an alternative viewpoint. And probably because I am a bit bored in between my writing and worrying about my fiancée. I hope your son returns home safely and healthy.
  2. Here's a little levity...
  3. This is the biggest fear in the debate of Universal Health Care in the US. Hopefully, you realize my comments weren't meant to make light of this situation. I think a single death due to this virus is a tragedy. I was merely saying that what is happening in some parts of the world isn't indicative of the effects of the virus on the entire human population and that it is way too early to definitively state what the stats will be.
  4. Well, that's not exactly what I was referring to, but I'm sure you know that. I'm not a very political person. I went through that phase after 911 and quickly realized that BOTH political parties want us to treat political discourse like Monday Night Football, but like most Americans, I have my beliefs and my political opinions. With that said, politics have become a game of ideology as opposed to results. It's evident in the, down the middle split, in American elections. I don't know if we'll ever see any kind of landslide in a national election again. To be honest, I haven't noticed much of a difference in my everyday life since President Trump took office. Has his presidency affected your life in any negative ways?
  5. That's a fair point. Covid-19 is definitely a different animal and in some ways the government should be given a little more leeway considering. It's my understanding that China released the make up of the virus in January. Germany was the first to develop a test, followed by Australia. The CDC developed and distributed their test in early February. The FDA approved the test and then recalled it when it was known to be inaccurate. Now, as you know, there is a tradition of "the buck stops here" in US politics but as I'm sure you also know, our government is primarily run by bureaucrats, the same folks that worked in the CDC under President Obama work for the CDC under President Trump. However, my original point wasn't to say that President Trump is better than President Obama, I was merely saying that President Trump has a different bar in the eyes of the media.
  6. He is a piece of work. But as a word of advice. There is a tone, not specifically directed at you, but there is a tone in the left-leaning media reporting and in statements from the anti-Trump crowd that they'd like to see him fail on some level. For instance, the media was more interested in his impeachment trial than covering the early spread of Covid-19. And as soon as that exercise in futility ended, the media moved onto how the Trump Administration failed with their early response to the Covid-19 outbreak.
  7. No need to apologize. The fact is this, we are so early in the game, that it is hard to predict what will happen. I NEVER said a percentage won't need it... JC Emmanuel... I said that it's likely the mortality rate could drop once more people are infected. I, honestly, don't understand why my understanding of Europe is relevant to this discussion? The closest I have been to Europe is Epcot Center. Lol. Everybody seemed pretty healthy there.
  8. I have no idea what you're talking about! I rarely insert myself into these conversations and I cannot remember one instance where I have said anything negative about Europe or Europeans?
  9. This outlook is based on the notion that most people that get infected will need mechanical ventilation or even medical care at a facility. As of now, only a portion of the population will need those measures. I honestly don't understand how anything I have written warrants such a response? I'm sure the same could be said about European's opinions or assumptions of American and Americans.
  10. Exactly. It is proportional. As more people get infected, that will include healthier people who will not die, so the number of deaths will level out in proportion to the number of infected.
  11. Well, the mortality rate will drop as more people become infected.
  12. I'll probably kick myself for joining this "conversation" but here I go. As an American, I believe in American Exceptionalism. Every POTUS, no matter their party or ideology, is and was my President. It is pretty much a fact at this point that the lower numbers of infection, as of now, are due to closing our border to China when the government did it. This comparison with Italy is fear mongering journalism at best. It's my understanding that Italy has the second oldest population in the world, have 100,000 Chinese migrant workers in Northern Italy, and have one of the worst, if not the worst, healthcare systems in Europe. If anything, Italy's situation could be an example that Universal Healthcare, on a large scale, is a failure. If people want to believe their news source of choice, then by all means, believe it. But I will ask this... in 2009 when H1N1 was sweeping the world with 1 billion cases, why wasn't there the panic that there is today? Why wasn't it reported about as much? President Obama, and his administration, was praised for their response, yet President Trump has done more than his predecessor with Covid-19 than was done for H1N1 and he is ridiculed. With that said, in these times I really don't think this should be a pissing match. I have to assume that every leader, from every country, are doing their best for their citizens.
  13. I love the color grade in this video! Can you explain your process?
  14. Well the Aloe Gel is sold out as well. Supposedly, you need 90% alcohol to make it but that hasn't stopped people from buying up everything. It sucks since I am a carpenter by trade and aloe gel heals my hands right up in the winter. So the good people who can't speak in full sentences are now chemists. Ugh.
  15. I've often wondered about this lens, so I was happy to see your post. Your samples look great. Were you focusing as you were zooming because it looked like it held focus pretty well? Did you shoot this with one of the Fuji's film simulations, or did you grade this? Either way, the color looks nice!
  16. As much as I don't want to discuss Covid-19 on a video site, I would like to ask my fellow forum members to not horde every single bit of soap and antibacterial hand sanitizer... Antibacterial soaps/hand sanitizer gel will not kill Covid-19 because it is a virus and not a bacteria. Hand washing with regular soap will have a more beneficial effect. With that said, when soap isn't available, hand sanitizer is an acceptable alternative but it will only have a lasting effect if everyone has access to it. So please don't be one of the assholes that are stocking up for the End of Days.
  17. mercer


    Unfortunately... a lot of men would remove that prefix. Although that small drive sounds pretty cool, raw storage doesn't scare me... I just don't want to deal with the cable and external anything if I don't have to.
  18. mercer


    Thanks Haha... so you either married a younger woman, or you're not as old as you let on. How do you find the 8 bit mode?
  19. mercer


    It seems like a pretty good match to me, especially considering the different codecs. The colors look good. Obviously, I'm only interested in raw video but it's good to see the compressed codec is robust. I look forward to it. Please test the internal 8 bit cdng. I'm interested in this mode for B&W and of course I wouldn't be mad at you if you tested the internal 12 bit 1080 cdng in 24p and 60p... conformed to 24p. And finally, if you don't mind, a test how the image reacts to different vintage and quality of lenses could be useful as well.
  20. mercer


    It looks like that Voigt 40mm and the F3 is a winning combo. What strength ProMist did you use? It looks gorgeous!
  21. mercer


    Sigma should post these on their website. Are these photos or video frames? Either way, they look like shots from a Hollywood movie. So... how do you like the FP? I've been patiently waiting your thoughts. Lol.
  22. That's cool that it has its own raw tab with proper raw adjustments.
  23. No problem, happy to help! Also Canon TV-16 c-mounts are really nice too as are the Zeiss Tevidons. The Cosmicar lenses, which are made by Pentax, are probably the cheapest. The 12.5 and 25mm are great little lenses and can be found for around $50 a piece. Kerns are a little more expensive but they are just gorgeous... mechanically and optically.
  24. Interesting, I wonder why Tint defaults at 10 with the WB presets in the Raw Panel. It makes sense that it should be set to 0 for neutrality though.
  25. I always liked Cosmicar, Fujinon, Kern Paillard and the Angeniuex 15mm I liked a lot as well. The key to c-mount lenses is knowing what size sensor/film the lens was originally designed for. Some c-mounts were made for security cameras and some were made for S16mm film. This will tell you if the lens will cover the sensor without vignetting. The other issue is learning which lenses will fit on a c-mount to M4/3 adapter without needing to be modified. Some are too wide at the base to screw all the way into the adapter. Some Cosmicar and Fujinon lenses need to be modified. With the Cosmicar lenses, look for ones that look kinda like old manual metal lenses with knurled grips. There are essentially two different ones... black ones that are f/1.9 and silver ones that are f/1.4. The f/1.9 lenses are fairly sharp wide open. Most Kern lenses will fit the adapters and so will the Angenieux. I've done a lot of research, so I probably know if a specific lens will work or not if you are unsure. Good luck, but be careful... c-mount lenses have a very unique look because you're using the entire surface of the glass, so the image is akin to using FF lenses on a FF camera. They can be very addictive.
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