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Everything posted by mercer

  1. It has a very organic look. Is this the model that has the flat picture profile? Btw, what lens(es) are you using?
  2. Good stuff... Creatively and technically. The song is funny because it such a mix of... Hardcore... And silliness, that the silly tone in the visuals were spot on.
  3. Looks good, every time I see a Nikon video, I am more and more impressed. Nice shots too. Simple, but effective.
  4. mercer


    Thanks for taking the time to watch it and commenting on it. I went a little soft on purpose because that video was supposed to be shot in 2004, on SD... But maybe I went a little too soft. Thanks again.
  5. mercer

    More spam

    You'd think with all the employment we supply for their children, they would be a little more courteous with our websites.
  6. mercer

    More spam

    just a heads up to the mods or Andrew that there is a bunch of spam in the creative section and in the screening room.
  7. mercer


    Here is an impromptu short film a friend and I made on an eos-m. It really was just a scene for something else that never materialized, so I used the footage to create a short and to learn the basics of FCPX.
  8. I love the retro look of your videos. Do raise the midtones to achieve that?
  9. That's what I like about it. That retro look is the aesthetic that I think lower budget digital video does best, or most attainable.
  10. mercer


    I believe there are a couple options, involving changing the mount on either the t2i, or the canon lens. But it should cover the sensor.
  11. I didn't know you had a G7, how do you like it? Do you have videos from it on your YouTube page?
  12. I also have been interested with trying ML Raw. I have an eos-m I may load it on. Obviously the 5D has the 1080 Raw and there is some great looking footage out there for it. You also cannot go wrong with old Nikkors. I have a set of non-ai Nikkors and they are some great lenses. I also have a set of FD lenses I may sell. I have the 50mm 1.4, the 28mm f2, the 17mm f4 and the 35-70 f3.5 zoom. Amazing lenses, I hate to get rid of them, but I may need some extra cash.
  13. That is fair, I remembered it incorrectly but, as you said, how is 10 grand for all? For big productions, I can see how the Raven will be useful as b and c cams, but for lower budget... Why would anyone bother when there are so many other, lower cost, options out there? Is the Red codec and IQ that much better? But, in the end, I can only speak for myself.
  14. Looks great! Very cool!!! Did you shoot this in an actual bar, or was it green screened?
  15. I haven't really been following this, but it seems like they're getting somewhere, but I had a hard time finding any quality videos showing their progress. It seems like it's still a ways away until it's stable continuous raw video. Unless I missed something?
  16. nice. I am thinking about getting either the fz1000 or the fz300. with the ibis and my cage, i should be rock steady.
  17. I use this cage, minus the rails. I attached a strap to it and then keep my elbows tight to my body while I keep the strap taut. It works pretty good with a wide angle lens. http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00QI6Y3X0/ref=pd_aw_sbs_421_1?ie=UTF8&refRID=1DTTBTA732CY06ZKB35X I don't have the rails, but I was thinking about getting some parts from Hondo Garage to set up rails and a follow focus.
  18. Good stuff! Once again, especially in the beginning, it felt like you were going to turn a corner and find a dead body. The building of the soundscape helped as well. It seems like you have a good combo here... the flares are insane.
  19. Did Canon steal your lunch money as a kid?
  20. mercer

    Panasonic FZ300

    I know a lot of interest is on the GH4 V Log, but I just came across a video on YouTube from a gentleman named Martin Wallgren. Apparently, he has had a preproduction model of the FZ300 and his results look fantastic... On my phone... https://youtube.com/watch?v=6AzrltvaeJY I have been interested in picking up the FZ1000, if and when the price gets down to around $500, but after seeing this video I may end up getting one of these instead, especially since it may get closer to my price point quicker than the FZ1000. One of the reasons I am interested in the 1000 is due to its IS, which I thought was 5 Axis in 4K? The 300 only does 5 Axis in 1080p. According to Mr. Wallgren, the 300 handles IS better in 4K than the 1000 and the crop factor is smaller, but the sensor is smaller as well, so you take the good with the bad I guess.
  21. From the interview, something like that seems like the only possibility. Unless, their gonna go the Pentax Q route and make a small, "fun," selfie camera. So, since that makes the least sense, that's probably what they'll do.
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