Hi, I am new here but I have been reading the posts on lenses and I think someone here may be able to help me. I have a Canon EOS-M, a NEX 3N and a Pentax Q7... And a t2i that I am going to sell soon since I stopped using it once I went mirrorless. I use all of my cameras for video only and I have a growing collection of lenses. One lens, in particular, a Canon FL 35mm 3.5 has my head scratching and I was hoping someone may have some history on this lens? It seems like it is a bridge lens between the FL lenses and FD lenses, since it has a rubber focus ring. I also have an older FL 50mm 1.8, with the older, metal, scalloped focus ring, but for some reason I am not getting a similar iq/look between the 2 lenses. Again, I assume the newer 35mm 3.5 has better coatings than the older 50mm 1.8, but I am not certain. The 35mm is stunning. I have a NOS sample and it is easily one of my favorite lenses. From wide open to closed down, the iq is beautiful, very filmic. Would I be better off going with an FD 50mm to match the look of these lenses, or is there also a bridge 50mm lens I am unaware of? Also how would this lens fare on some type of speed booster? Sorry about the long post, but thanks in advance for any insight you guys may have.