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Everything posted by mercer

  1. Yup, you know how many Ursa Pro owners are so happy right now that they have a B-Cam for their EF glass without having to putz around with huge clunky adapters? I get the appeal of a mirrorless mount and a speedbooster and the argument in favor of it is very valid but to say that the EF Mount was a huge mistake doesn’t really align with the majority of shooters the camera is marketed to.
  2. mercer


    Good deal. I had one a while ago to compliment my AT-X 24-40mm and they mixed perfectly together. I was using the 17mm for traditional wide angle establishing shots, so I stopped the lens down a bit but even wide open, it was pretty good.
  3. Most studios do not accept unsolicited material. So you would need an agent/manager to get you a meeting. Check our NYTVF.
  4. Hopefully he wasn’t drunk enough and it will be even cheaper. With the screen, it could be the FF version of the BMMCC but even better. I can only imagine the plans you have for it... other than your affinity for Sigma products in general. I think I mentioned that I’ve been wanting to get into still photography, so if I do end up with an FP, I may use the unique still/cine mode as a parlay into using it as a hybrid camera. Btw, I was reading more about it on their web page and was surprised to learn that it looks like it will have a solid all-i h.264 codec and a “cine” picture profile, so that could be interesting as well. I was also over at Red User and the conspiracy theorist in me thinks the P6K could be a big middle finger to Red over that lawsuit. Obviously, that is unlikely but the Komodo doesn’t seem as appealing to even some of the diehard Red fans over there.
  5. Well, the mount and lens can only do so much when the sensor isn’t set up for proper video AF. The AF won’t be any better with the P4K. If you want reliable AF in a cinema camera, Canon is your only option.
  6. Well, that price is doable if the whisper was correct. I’m pretty deep into two projects right now, so any purchase today wouldn’t really be used for another 6 months to a year. I bought a P4K back in May but quickly cancelled my order before it shipped and after the 6K release and the FP announcement, I can’t tell you how glad I am that I didn’t buy it. When I am ready, probably around this time next year, the FP may be even cheaper, or something better, for me, will be available.
  7. The GH5s has better lowlight because it is a lower MP sensor than the GH5 and it has dual iso. But to be fair, if all things were equal, including lens speed, the larger sensor would probably be better in lowlight.
  8. It’s highly unlikely, otherwise they would already exist. Metabones may be forced to make one, but since I assume you have to remove the mount to physically make it work, your camera warranty may be voided if there’s an issue. I also assume that a bunch of lenses won’t work with the speedbooster. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a cool option but I don’t know if it will be as simple as a M4/3 speedbooster is?
  9. Yeah, sure if that’s important to you. Yup and the straight adapters are thin and tiny for EF. Or if you want FF Raw, you can wait for the Sigma FP and if Kipon makes a MF speedbooster for the L Mount you can use MF lenses on the FP... of course you’ll have to settle for shitty 4K instead of 6K...
  10. • A 24mm lens on the P6K... with adapted/native lens = 37mm with the speedbooster = 27mm • A 24mm lens on the P4K... with adapted/native lens = 45mm with .71x speedbooster = 32mm with .64x speedbooster = 29mm But the beauty of the P6K is that you don’t need a speedbooster because it is already S35. I would just spend the money on a fast native prime or an f/2.8 zoom and be happy.
  11. Plus you don’t have to use the new P4K Metabones speedbooster... there’s the original Metabones, the Lens Turbo, the Viltrox or you can always use native M4/3 lenses. And with the new S16 mode on the P4K, a whole new slew of fast, wide angle, c-mount lenses become an option.
  12. mercer


    RMC Tokina 17mm f/3.5?
  13. As already mentioned, you cannot do a straight adapter without a cheap optical element to make up the difference in flange distance but there are mount modifications that aren’t too expensive depending on the lens and its’ condition.
  14. Don’t be too hard on yourself, sometimes a new lens can make all the difference or sometimes an Ursa, a GH5, a BMPCC 4K or maybe the P6K will “do the work?”
  15. So, with all of the P6K hype, I missed what the P4K updates are. It seems there is an Anamorphic Mode and a 4K S16 Crop Mode? Anything else?
  16. Anyway, I just watched some of the P6K videos and they look pretty good. The wedding video looks great. Of course, with the data rates, I don’t know if this camera is the best option for a wedding, but for a fake, promo wedding... I do...
  17. Good point, Jordan. Thank God Skip will inform us of this in his next post.
  18. You are not right. The majority of Hollywood produced TV shows and films are shot on an Alexa Mini... which shoots 2.7K. Netflix Originals account for a very small percentage of Hollywood Productions and BTW... almost everybody on this site knows about Netflix’s requirements for their original productions because there are about a half a dozen threads about it over the past couple of years. But thanks for playing. Good Lord... how old are you? By your name, I would think you were born in 1977 but by your responses, it’s like talking to a teenager. I’m sure you’ll reply by cherry picking one of my sentences and distorting it but please don’t bother wasting your time... this is boring.
  19. The S1H and FP are the two big question marks going forward. I can’t foresee myself putting out $4000 for an S1H. Hopefully, the FP will be at or below $2000. I don’t love that you need a SSD for Raw but after seeing the cages Tilta designed for the P4K, it’s not a deal breaker either. But at my level, I probably should invest in the actual production than the next best camera. I think I may rent the P6K, though because I am curious.
  20. No. Are you the most argumentative for no reason whatsoever? As far as Netflix... umm... yeah that’s what I said. As far as 4K? I don’t think anybody disagrees with you about future proofing. That is a solid argument in favor of 4K and the argument has been around for 5+ years, yet 5 years after the advent of 4K into the consumer market and over 10 years since Red released 4K into a cinema camera, most US Network Television is still broadcasted in 720p. So, I don’t see people pushing against it, I see some people choosing not to use it. Obviously, 4K is the future, but it doesn’t mean that 2K is obsolete because a small percentage of content ON (not created by) Netflix is in 4K.
  21. Thanks. Sorry, no most films are not shot in 4K. The Alexa is the most used camera in Hollywood and it is basically 3K with the intent to deliver in 2K. Netflix only requires 4K for their original content. As to why not... read my above post. But everyone’s different so if you need/want 4K... that’s great, you have a lot of great options in the marketplace.
  22. I compose in camera but for some folks, I see the benefit. I don’t know if 6K will give an perceived increase in detail over 4K other than annoying sharpness. Now, I wasn’t referring to loss of sales from people in the market for a cinema camera, I’m talking about the folks who started with a P4K and may want to upgrade to the Ursa for the specs, those could be lost sales. With that being said, I am considering a larger scale short film in the winter. This camera could be perfect with its’ 6K anamorphic mode could be useful for a camera/lens rental package but as a purchase, this camera is just not really here nor there for me. At the price, rigged out, you are getting way too close to EVA1 and C200 territory, which are more workhorse cameras in my opinion. I’m hoping the Sigma FP will come in less than $2000.
  23. I almost wonder if BM functions day to day from the money they make from preorders... joking. I actually think this is a strange camera release and they’re banking on the desire of enthusiasts and up and coming filmmakers to drink the Kool Aid. If I’m being honest, I’m almost offended that less than 2 months ago, people were still waiting for their pre-ordered P4K and then they release this. Also, what does this camera do to Ursa sales? I’m sure a lot of folks were planning or considering a jump from the P4K to the Ursa and now don’t have to. Interesting.
  24. So only 120fps in 2.8K mode is windowed? Not really. Most of the shooters on this site aren’t cinematographers by the criteria of the title, they’re videographers. But for the point of your argument, that’s just semantics. So, I digress... if you look at professional cinematographers and the films/tv shows produced and released, only a very small percentage is captured in 4K and higher and even less is distributed in 4K and higher. So the argument is that if it’s good enough for an Alexa and your local multiplex, 9 out of 10 times it’s good enough for a smart phone distribution. With that being said, technological advancements are great and hopefully the major players will get hit hard by these smaller camera companies releasing bleeding edge features that us mere mortals can afford. I’m sure the C500 Mark II’s price tag won’t look so great at IBC when BlackMagic is showing off their $2500 camera.
  25. The 2.8K mode is windowed? What a waste. With this information and at this price, the P6K enters the rental category for me. $1299 for the P4K is a price that makes the headaches of BM cameras go away, $2499... ehh not so much.
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