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Everything posted by mercer

  1. Great test, thanks! I recently learned the same thing about these lenses, which led me to buy an FD 50mm 1.2 L. Of course, the K-35 version is a 55mm and most likely based off the FL/FD SSC version since the 50mm wasn’t even released when the K-35s were released... but I prefer the 50mm focal length over the 55mm, especially since it’s supposed to be closer to a 45mm. I’d love the 24mm, but it seems the prices on that lens have went up almost a grand in the past year or two. To add, I’m on the fence and almost prefer the FD version due to the extra bump in contrast. They both flared fairly dramatically so for the difference in price... the FDs are a great substitute. I look forward to your real world test. Also, the old FL 55mm is a nice little, low con lens that has a really smooth look. It can be had for peanuts. Edmika does a mount conversion to EF through Simmod.
  2. Definitely some of the best P4K footage I’ve seen. Really quite perfect. Good find.
  3. Any word when the E2-C is being released and if there will be ProRes or Raw?
  4. With VLog installed, maybe it will be 10bit. That would be pretty epic, as long as pricing is at, or below, $1000.
  5. Why does every new camera that is released inevitably have a “... vs Alexa” video, anyway? I mean, if any of these cameras were as good as an Alexa, then Roger Deakins would surely buy them and use them in their Hollywood films. Weirdly enough, I have heard, somewhere, that a lot of Hollywood DPs own Fuji cameras as their personal camera... But seriously, it’s not the end of the world if your sub-2000 dollar camera isn’t as good as an Alexa. Most people believe the best Red doesn’t look as good as an Alexa, so it’s highly unlikely that a $1300 camera will either. Stop watching and reposting these stupid comparisons and maybe they’ll stop making them. With that being said, the OG Pocket was often referred to as a Baby Alexa, maybe the P4K will earn that moniker as well one day, but until then, what’s the harm in mentioning a flaw or two? And a strength or two? Cell phones are the great equalizer and how most people will watch most of your videos, so if a camera’s image looks noticeably better on a cell phone screen, I find, there’s usually something to it. YMMV.
  6. Zach, are we to assume you are referring to a film in the distant future? Didn’t you say you don’t have a car right now? I would argue that it may be smarter to get a car first and then a $33,000 cinema camera. In the meantime, if you’re looking for a FF camera, did you hear that The Possession of Hannah Grace was shot on an a7sii? If you don’t need 4K or IBIS, the original a7s can be had for about $700... so that’s an option as well.
  7. Gotcha! I had the 24-70mm f/4 and had the same experience with it... just too slow when you need a few more stops of light. But then when I go back and look at some of my footage, some of my favorite shots were with that lens... but I also suffer from sentimentality. I was mostly looking at the Sigma because it is crazy sharp and for image stabilization... but so is my Canon 35mm f/2 and my feet work pretty good in place of a zoom... so IDK... lol. Glad to hear it, there aren’t many of us left. Lol. I’ve owned about 3 4K cameras, all with IBIS, since I bought my 5D3 and the 5D3 is the only camera I still own... I just recently realized this myself... apparently there’s an option in the resolution center that you have to click. So if the buyer is a no pay, or a scam artist, then you have to open a case to get your fee returned. Good luck!
  8. Interesting... I still believe the RF Mount was a colossal mistake on Canon’s part. And the cost of these lenses are just astronomical. Glad to hear you like the FD version the best because I just received a mint copy in the mail that I paid $350 for. I’m going to load ML on my EOS-M to test it and if it’s better than the modded FD 50mm 1.4 I already own, I’m going to send it out to Simmod for a mount conversion and have the aperture declicked. How does the FD 1.2 compare to a modern 50mm prime like the Sigma Art? Is the Art lens a lot sharper, or does the FD hold its own?
  9. mercer


    Thanks a lot, I appreciate that! The funny thing is, this is probably the least amount of work I’ve put into a grade in a while... no LUTs or CST... just saturation and curves.
  10. mercer


    The Canon 35mm f/2 was brought up in another thread, coincidentally I used that lens yesterday, so I figured I’d post a couple grabs...
  11. Haha, only on eBay... it probably wasn’t a scam... it’s just that there are a large majority of people on eBay that are ridiculous human beings. Why are you selling the 24-105mm? I was thinking of buying the Sigma version. Are you ditching your 5D3 and ML Raw as well?
  12. mercer


    I was looking at the 70-200mm f/4 earlier today but I’m afraid the white lens will draw too much attention to me while I try to steal scenes in public places. Do people stare at you when you shoot with this lens? On another note, I actually used my aperture ring for the first time today... haha... I’ve always been a wide open and fader nd kind of shooter. Am pretty surprised how shallow f/5.6 is on FF and how much easier it is to focus. #lazyshooter
  13. You’d think so, but if Atomos is licensing ProRes Raw from Apple, they probably can’t afford to give exclusivity rights to anyone... But I still think that Atomos may offer Canon RawLite for the EOS-R. Historically, Canon and Nikon react to each other, so this would follow suit. We’ve also heard that Canon is supposedly going to take video more seriously going forward. And finally, if Canon offers external Raw to the EOS-R, they now have a B Camera for the C200, or they have a gateway camera that may cause EOS-R owners to buy a C200 for internal Raw. But these are just rumors, so who knows...
  14. Idk, if Nikon hadn’t announced external Raw, I would probably agree with you... but since they did... I think this could be likely. If true, I wonder if the Ninja V will have a Canon RawLite option or if it will be ProRes Raw. Like Andrew Reid, I’d rather have internal Raw, but this is still pretty interesting.
  15. Just curious... why work on cameras that are known to already have good color? For instance, Blackmagic Film and LogC have similar properties with the biggest difference being in the midtone portion of the curve but both react “similarly” to each other’s LUTS. Fuji already has good color, so why bother with an Alex version? Panasonic makes sense... especially their 8 bit versions. Sony seems like another obvious option for your LUT process.
  16. I still think the two voting options make this tweet interesting and possibly telling. I think it’s possible that they’re related and Canon is either licensing Canon RawLite to one of the external recorder companies, or Canon is releasing a recorder that offers Canon RawLite. I mean... why make a big stink anout a Raw profile in a camera that’s been out for two years? Or maybe they’re trying to gauge if people are more interested in internal or external Raw. Either way, as a Canon fan and customer, I’m intrigued.
  17. I loved my time with the Micro. Being an FCPX user, it was great having those ProRes files to directly import into FC. Unfortunately, I was an early adopter so there weren’t many options for rigging and being a run and gun, hobbyist filmmaker... it just wasn’t practical. Now there are way more options, I even noticed that Fotga recently released a cheap, little 5” monitor that has LUT support and the ability to power the camera... it takes Sony NP batteries. So needless to say, if I come across a Micro for the right price, I’ll surely buy another. Heck, even the Micro Studio 4K now exports a Raw signal through its SDI and could be a great little camera to pair with an external recorder.
  18. EOS-R Raw Recording please! Obviously, this could be an overzealous person in marketing getting their signals crossed or it could be an overzealous person in marketing accidentally leaking an upcoming firmware update... I hope it’s the latter. And if you break down the two options they offered in the tweet... C200 Rawlite has been around for 2 years, what more is there to learn? EOS-R Raw sounds like news and something worthy of NAB. If this is true, man I hope it’s in camera. Nikon already plan on having a raw export, so would Canon just want to match Nikon or exceed them? If they can pull off 24p Raw in camera with DPAF... sign me up please. Hell, I would be happy with 1080p Raw, up to 60p with DPAF and the Variable Nd adapter.
  19. I have Blackmagic Cinema Camera as a saved search on my eBay page just in case a Micro or Pocket pops up really cheap and I’ve noticed a significant increase of P4Ks being listed. So preorders must be filling up pretty quickly now. I guess some people are going to get stuck with 10 P4Ks they won’t be able to sell for a steep profit... lol.
  20. How about an RX10? Great 1080p. Mic input. Headphone output. Constant 2.8 aperture. Built in ND filter. You may be able to find the Mark II for under $500 if you look hard enough and that will give you 4K and good 1080 up to 120p.
  21. I actually liked the FZ300 a lot when I owned it. The added bonus of the constant aperture zoom and CineLike profiles were a bonus.
  22. mercer


    I assume you have to use the tripod collar with a speedbooster set up? I wonder how ibis would work if you hold a lens and not the camera... lol. Haha, probably... but I really don’t need two Zeiss ZF 50mm 1.4 lenses and after comparing them against the FD 1.4 and Zeiss Rollei 1.8... I don’t think I need one. I’d love to keep all of them but I really need to whittle down the 20 lenses to 10. As I said, I haven’t even tested the Zeiss ZF 28mm f/2 for fear of falling in love and leaving my GF for it. And since I already love my Canon 28mm, I should just let the Zeiss go and collect my profit.
  23. mercer


    Haha, that was more of push for BTM to go out and try an FD 135mm to feed his addiction. After this purchase, I really need to sit down and figure out which lenses I need and which I want. Hopefully, the two will intersect a few times and I’ll have two or three small lens sets and a couple randos that I’ll keep for some of your 1 minute short film challenges.
  24. mercer


    Yup, that’s the one... I assume that lens is huge and costs a small fortune?
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