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Everything posted by mercer

  1. The last I saw on Canon rumors was about a month or two ago and they hinted at a March announcement. The original rumors stated they were going to use the ef-m mount but now he heard that they may use the rf... I’d rather have an ef mount to be honest. Sorry I don’t have the time to find the last rumor right now.
  2. mercer


    It actually looks like it is balanced fairly well. Do you have any clips or screengrabs with this setup?
  3. The C200 is almost two years old and I suspect we are going to see a C300 update at this NAB and possibly the interchangeable lens XC series camera that has been rumored to be in development for the past year. With those cameras entering the market, I would expect a price drop for the C200... I would assume $5999 for the C200 and $3999 for the C200B and I may very well snatch up a C200B at that price. Now if Canon is smart and offers RawLite (even 2K up to 60p) on this XC camera, I may go that route instead depending on specs and price. It could be a great camera to introduce IBIS as well.
  4. Yeah a D5500 with no crop 4K would probably be an easy buy for me. I’d love if Nikon contacted Pentax to find out how they’ve had focus peaking and IBIS in DSLR bodies for years and include them in the D5700.
  5. That does look pretty good... crazy thing is that this wasn’t shot in the experimental 4K modes... it was just the regular 14bit ML Raw and he uprezzed it to 4K for YouTube. It fooled me while I watched it.
  6. mercer


    Does the IBIS help to stabilize... the camera?
  7. You know, part of me wants to sell off almost everything I own and buy a GH5s, a speedbooster, a simple set of 3 vintage lenses and a Ronin. Then spend a ton of time taking color grading courses learning to grade VLog. The GH series cameras are the safest camera purchase on the market.
  8. mercer


    True but nothing about this “test” is fair. Pitting an f/2 lens vs an f/2.8 lens wide open isn’t fair. Also Nikkor lenses are traditionally warmer than Zeiss lenses. Hell, I may have even set the color temperature differently in the Raw panel because I preferred one over the other at the time. I have a very modicum amount of grading skills, so I prefer to allow the equipments’ natural tendencies to do some of the job for me. Color grading is a craft in and of itself and as a one man band filmmaker, it is impossible for me to be great at every discipline. Of course I try my best, to do my best and your point on the lesson is definitely taken and food for thought.
  9. mercer


    @BTM_Pix yeah I must admit, other than the past few days, I’ve been steering clear of this site a little because quite frankly I am tired of defending myself when using words like cinematic, mojo, etc... I’m definitely not the most talented or skilled person around these parts but if somebody needs quantifiable definitions for mojo, then they’re not using their eyes or capturing with their gut. If this stuff was one hundred percent scientific, then I’d be a lot better and we’d all be Kubrick but it isn’t no matter how much math you throw at an explanation. Art isn’t always describable and a brush stroke can only explain so much. It’s when science and art melds with craft and emotion does a beautiful image appear. I am far from that goal but it doesn’t mean I can’t recognize it without explanation. end rant That Angenieux looks beautiful. I’m always tempted to pick up the 35-70mm Nikon Mount Angenieux until I see the price tag. With my brief stint with the Micro, I had the 15mm c-mount and it was like painting with pastels and sharp as a tack at the same time. Does that 25-250mm cover S35 or is that using the magic zoom function of the LS300? With that being said, here's a shot of the same subject from the Zeiss 50mm 1.8 Rollei mount lens...
  10. mercer


    Yeah us lens nerds are more forgiving than the sensor nerds, I guess.
  11. mercer


    @BTM_Pix yup I noticed the Zeiss was a lot cooler in the mids. But I was surprised that the slower lens had better separation. I’m sure it’s more quantifiable than magic so I’ll use the word mojo instead but those old Rollei Zeiss lenses seem to have it in spades... much better than the Contax Zeiss I’ve tested in the past. Wrong time of the year for NYC for me... way too cold for my slim build. I’ll get a shot of Taxi Driver on the TV if you want?
  12. mercer


    So, I took a drive yesterday in the cold to do a test of a few lenses... the Nikkor 24mm f/2 vs the Carl Zeiss 25mm f/2.8 in the Rollei QBM mount. Here are the results... Nikkor 24mm f/2 Carl Zeiss 25mm f/2.8 I found the speed of the Nikkor to be pretty helpful considering that that shot was taken about 10 minutes after the Zeiss shot, but there is just something about that cold Zeiss look that has a definite pop to it that seems more cinematic... maybe it's in my head? Full disclosure... I didn't attempt to match these images, I just did a basic Rec709 conversion and a little bit of curves and saturation. Also I am still using my MacBook Air screen for all of this preliminary color work and lens tests. I'm in the process of deciding on a monitor upgrade... so these may look like crap compared to what I am seeing in Resolve... oh the fun of hobbyist color work... lol.
  13. That’s true, for that shot, since it only requires minimal DR, a neutral profile or the Marvel profile may be more than enough DR to capture everything cleanly.
  14. I don’t think you should be normal exposing C-Log... I think you’ll get the best results with ETTR. I can’t say for sure that it will cure this issue though.
  15. If you’re looking for good 1080p from a Panasonic camera, you need to go with the GH series or the G6. Even the GH4 will give you a high bitrate all-i 1080p. Here are a couple frame grabs from the FZ2500 shot in the 200mbps all-i codec. The internals of the FZ2500 are very similar to the GH4 but with a smaller sensor and a built in lens...
  16. @zerocool22 well I think I’ve told you that your wolf Japan video is one of the videos that sold me on ML Raw. And although I’d love some 4K Raw, I’m more interested in Raw with DPAF and 1080p at 60p. How do you like the P4K? For now I’m fine with the 5D3, I may try the experimental build and see if I can get 2.5K out of her. Between that and the eos-m, my boredom should be cured while I get some writing done for my projects. I was considering looking for a used 5D4 to help with the testing but I know very little about coding and running scripts, so I’m afraid I’d efff something up and cause more problems than good. Let us know how it goes. My first attempts with ML on the eos-m, a few years ago, were maddening. No matter what I did, I couldn’t get rid of the pink dots but I hear that isn’t an issue anymore.
  17. And yes, that’s why I said a major manufacturer to exclude BM from the equation because no matter how you look at it, it will take one model from Canon, Sony or Panasonic, even at a slightly higher price, to take the spotlight away from BM. The security of having a camera that has good battery life and an IR Cut Filter built into the stack with better ergonomics and AF and IBIS, or whatever, will go along way. Yeah I agree. The GH5 should have been priced at $1500 and the GH5s should have been $2000. Of course, I think Donal Trump once said... why charge $200 for an airplane ticket if the consumer will pay $500. Since the GH5 was a good seller, the price point may have been right. However, I don’t think they saw what was going to come out after and for the price that it did. Obviously, the P4K at $1299 is a big hit at Panasonic and the GH series because they are both aiming hard for the video market. But I think the real surprise was the X-T3. That was unprecedented with what was offered and why it is probably the camera of the year imo.
  18. With that being said, I don’t see how Micro 4/3 will be dead, especially the GH series. I can only imagine that the GH5 was Panasonic’s most popular camera, so I don’t see how they could abandon that market. However, with Panasonic’s embracing of video, I don’t see how they can continue to only offer contrast based AF. I also wonder if the resolution war will eventually be subsided by the Raw Video war. The first major manufacturer to offer internal Raw Video, even at 2K or up to 4K at up to 60p will have the other companies in a frenzy. You thought Panasonic’s 10bit inclusion was big, wait until they offer internal 12bit Raw. Of course, I think Canon may be the first to do it with RawLite.
  19. Well that’s what’s crazy about this idiotic hobby of mine. For instance, I was looking at some Red Scarlet-X videos earlier today and drooling. But some of them are 6-7 years old and by today’s standards look outdated. I’m afraid that the push for 4K, now 8K televisions and web distribution has forced a specific look onto the consumer and creator that is more about resolution than it is about artistic choice. Even looking at Red videos, you see more samples shot with the Sigma 18-35mm than you do with a Kowa or Lomo lens. The modern aesthetic has been force fed to us and if it isn’t crystal clear, a lot of folks do not like it.
  20. As @tweak said, it’s fairly simple. I also always have transcoded everything, so even turning the MLV files to CDNG was faster than turning h.265 files to ProResLT when I owned the NX500. There is also a filing system someone developed that installs on your Mac (don’t know if there’s a Windows version) that will instantly open the MLV files as if they were CDNGs in Resolve... from that point it works like any other codec except you have full Raw control. Honestly, there is probably more online support for ML than any other camera. There’s a bunch of apps that can work with the files directly and they can even output ProRes with a LogC curve. If you’re a low budget/no budget filmmaker and are looking for a way to have FF 14bit Raw in 1080p, there is no other option and if you are patient, you can get near Alexa quality results with it. IMO. To add, there’s also a level of craft and choice involved that got lost somewhere with consumer 4K. I feel, others’ mileage may vary, that I can get distinctly different looks with ML Raw just by using different lenses. With consumer 4K cameras, I always felt that most lenses looked very similar... it was either modern lenses or vintage lenses unless you were using something really particular like a Helios or an Anamorphic on the GH series, otherwise there wasn’t much of a difference. But I will add that the workflow and storage requirements aren’t for everyone... even though with MLVFS you could literally work off the card, color correct in Resolve, and export the footage as ProRes to a hard drive to save storage space but as I said, it isn’t for everybody. If you find you really love the Sharpness and resolution of a 4K image, you will probably be disappointed but if you really like a traditional film look, it could be an option for you.
  21. The EOS-M is the camera that just keeps on giving. It was my first foray into ML Raw and I failed miserably with it. Soon after I tried my hand with the 50D and thought hmm. With the 5D3, I am a full convert and won’t even think of buying another camera until I see what happens with the 5D4 developments. However, somewhere in the back of my closet, I still have my EOS-M, a few batteries and a slew of SD cards just waiting to be used. This could be a fun way to cure some Mid-Winter Blues. I look forward to your update, Andrew. On another note, I almost bought your 5D Mark III 3.5K Raw guide a couple of hours ago, but I don’t know if I can go without a clean LiveView. Has there been any updates on that front?
  22. mercer


    Well with the 17mm Tokina in FD Mount you could always buy a Lens Turbo ii for FD to Micro4/3. Or search for the Nikon or Olympus version that you could use with your EF speedbooster.
  23. mercer


    @KnightsFan I am in the process of doing the same thing but using either Leitax adapters or Simmod mounts. I haven’t completely settled on my final few sets of lenses I want to build. I’m testing a bunch now and will build accordingly. I have a few more lenses to test before I make my final decision and then I just need to find a Minolta 58mm 1.2 at a decent price so that the mod won’t break the bank. My 35mm 1.8 needs a big brother. What FD lenses do you have? If you have some old L glass, it may be worth modifying with the EdMika mounts. As I mentioned upthread, I have a Nikon Mount FD 50mm 1.4 but at this point I don’t see a need to build an FD set since I like the FD 50mm better than the EF 50mm 1.4 and it matches perfectly with my 28mm 1.8 and 85mm 1.8. Those with the sharp convenience of the 35mm f/2 IS makes for a perfect little EF set for me. I may introduce 24mm 2.8 IS eventually or the 100mm IS but for now I have what I need.
  24. mercer


    Nikon Mount is usually the best option for adaptable lenses, but anything with a longer flange distance than EF would work... M42, Pentax K, Olympus OM, Yashica/Contax, etc... search flange distance on Wikipedia for a full list. Ones that definitely won’t work are Canon FD, Minolta MD, Konica AR, etc... Again look for a flange distance list. What kind of work do you do that you need 4:22 and the Resolve license? Just curious, because a lot can be done with Resolve Lite. Honestly, with all of your Canon lenses, you may be better off with a Canon. If you’re looking to shoot Raw, a 5D2 can be had really cheap and there is some beautiful work out there done with it. I’m not here to knock the P4K but I think a lot of people hear about specs they think they need and don’t take the downsides into consideration that comes along with BMD cameras. Oh yeah, how do you like the Canon 85mm 1.4 IS? That’s a pricey lens, right?
  25. Haha, Fuji’s Single 8 (I believe it was called) or their failed attempt as an answer to Super 8. I think I have one of those cameras in storage.
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