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Everything posted by mercer

  1. @Thomas Hill I love that you’re using these cameras for narratives. Being a writer/director of horror and thriller, I’d love to hear more about what you’re doing. Also, are you shooting handheld with IBIS?
  2. He thinks he’s smarter than everybody else and he’s a miserable prick. Admittedly, I shouldn’t have let him bother me so much but after a while, his annoying little comments are grating.
  3. It’s also the form factor. The GX85 is more of a rangefinder shape and the G85 is more DSLR shapes. Also the G85 has a better build quality. And it comes with CineLikeD and CineLikeV.
  4. Yeah, I’m starting to get antsy. I doubt I’ll ever sell that thing. But there are just so many cameras around that I want to try. Oh well.
  5. As always Jon you have proven to be the biggest fucking asshole on this site. When you venture out of your post office and stop acting like you are a professional cinematographer then maybe we can have an intelligent conversation until then spend your entire retirement money on equipment that is wasted on you and keep your tired old jabs to yourself. Otherwise have a good day.
  6. With the soft lighting from the window, I thought the image looked decent... of course like always, I watched it on my phone... but that’s something I do intentionally for all videos. You own the camera so go at it, but if you’re looking for other options for your trip, keep the same mindset and keep it cheap and small. I still say the OG Pocket is a great choice at less than $500 used... or even a GH2 or GH3 could be had on the cheap and up the quality a touch. The M50 is an option if you want to stay with Canon. Or if you want IBIS, the E-M5 Mark ii can be found for a cheap price and the E-M10iii produces a lovely stabilized image as well... and then there’s the GX85 or G85... the Nikon D5500/5600 are great little cameras... the A6000... and on and on and on. And obviously as BTM said, the LX100 is also an awesome little camera with some of that mojo I have heard so much about. Your inexpensive options are limitless and this trip could be a good way to test a different brand out. I know you’ve been on the fence regarding your next camera move, so use this as a chance to see where you may want to go.
  7. Yeah it’s amazing how a slight, and slow, shift in weight from one foot to the other will hide some micro jitters.
  8. Sorry, I guess I did word it that way, thanks for bringing it to my attention... I hope Sony didn’t lose any sales due to my misstatement. Btw, you do realize I was defending Sony video for not being over sharpened? Please, there is no need to prove anything, Jon. As the old saying goes... 15 posts will get you 20 views.
  9. Seriously?! I’m not being a smart ass here... but what does he say? I heard about 3 minutes of nothing with Caleb Pike and eoshd thrown in there. His set looks like a stripper’s champagne lounge. Honestly, I don’t mean to be hard on him. I don’t know his name and I hate all of those videos. I can’t watch most of Caleb Pike videos either before I X out of them. The whole medium bores me.
  10. I didn’t say it needed it, I said that you can dial it down and it actually dials down. That image looks nice but a bunch of dark straight lines on a white table will look pretty sharp no matter what camera you’re using. SLog isn’t inherently, bitingly sharp in a lot of instances.
  11. YouTube is so boring. I have no idea who that guy is and no idea why I am supposed to listen to him talk for 10+ minutes about Caleb Pike?
  12. I wasnt referring to that video specifically. I assume a lot of that was shot in 120fps in 720p, so yeah it’s not going to look that great when we’re used to seeing 4K.
  13. I liked the SLR Magic 17mm and 35mm. And the Rokinon/Samyang 12mm and 21mm cine lenses were pretty nice looking as well.
  14. Canon video has always looked soft. One... it is and two... when you dial down the sharpening on a Canon camera, it actually dials down. Sony sLog looks pretty soft in 4K as well if you don’t add sharpening in post. And Panasonic you can’t get rid of, which is fine, but it seems some people add more. I used to think I liked “soft video” but now I just think a lot of folks prefer the over-sharpened plastic look.
  15. Since 3/4s of it is in slow motion then I would guess there’s a lot of 1080p in there and probably some 720p.
  16. Don’t forget to pack an IR Cut filter.
  17. Well didn’t BM already raise the advertised price on their site? As far as I heard, Petty only said that they’re working on it, I didn’t hear that they said they had it in mind all along. I wonder why they didn’t release with it. I don’t think they’ll charge the early adopters, but it doesn’t mean the price of the camera won’t rise in the future. I think it would be a first, but nobody expected the fire sale of the original Pocket and then the price went right back up to $995 and hasn’t budged since. Which is actually pretty crazy. BM could still make a small fortune on the OG Pocket if they lowered the price to $599 or even $699.
  18. Idk, I felt there were some crickets when the footage was released. I agree with you about codecs and I’m sure some great footage will appear from this camera but as of now, it’s just not what I expected... don’t get me wrong it’s better than I could do with it. Maybe I expected more from it than I should have but man I was floored when I read the ProRes specs... and I’m easy... the 1080p specs alone got me going. I look forward to the BRaw update. I’m a little skeptical it will happen or should I say, I think you early adopters might be really happy you bought the camera when you did because I could see a price increase if it gets updated.
  19. EDIT: To clarify my previous statement... none of the footage I have seen from the P4K looks bad, in fact it all looks pretty good, but it also looks very generic and lacks a lot of the cinematic qualities of its predecessor.
  20. The problem is that this camera was a unicorn for months and months and then finally some footage was released and it looked like a dirty horse with a paper horn stapled to its head. I don’t know if I can honestly say that I have seen one video that doesn’t look like it could have been shot with a GH5 and probably much easier. The cultist attitude about this camera is expected on an insertnameuser site but this forum has never been that kind of place. If a camera has an issue, people speak up about it. The OG Pocket had plenty of issues but the IQ made up for it as those issues were addressed. This camera just seems wrong from the outset. What a shame. I was hoping for a Pocket 2. Maybe IF they add BRaw, it will acquire something special but as of now, if I was in the market, and had to choose... I think I’d buy a GH5.
  21. Interesting topic. I guess if I was forced to use only one lens, the pragmatic answer would be the Canon 24-70mm f/4. With the IS, it’s just so damn versatile. Currently I love my 28mm 1.8, it just oozes character. I usually prefer a little longer of a lens, but in a pinch you can get some decent shallow depth and good separation. I’ve decided to invest in EF lenses. I don’t own many but I’ll also only buy lenses now that I can have the mount changed to EF. If I were to buy a camera with a different mount, I would probably go M4/3 so I could use c-mounts and some inexpensive native glass. I love what I am seeing from 7artisans, so one or two of those could be an option. I guess I could also see myself getting another Nikon camera in the future, so maybe a 35mm 1.8 would be a fun little lens... I do love my Minolta 35mm 1.8. I also will only buy lenses that I can afford to replace. If I buy smart and hold out for good deals, then if I need extra cash or if I lose or break one, I won’t be too disappointed. I also don’t think I’ll waste any money on fly by wire lenses anymore, unless they can be bought for really cheap. When you compare the fly by wire lenses to crafted mechanical lenses like the Contax Zeiss or Minolta MDs or Leica Rs or Voigts... I just don’t think the plastic crap is worth it.
  22. @kye I don’t know if I’ve ever seen any video from the GF3, but I’ve always liked the size and shape of it. Go for it, think like an artist and have fun with it. A lot of this crap is nonsense, I can show you some GH1 video before the hacks that are beautiful. It isn’t news that I have an affinity for older cameras and lesser resolutions. I will shoot 48fps slow motion on my 5D3 in 2:35 which is actually less than 720p... To this day, I still miss my D5500. Speaking of, here is a very long and boring test I did a while ago with the D5500 and Nikkor 28mm f/2. I used a Benro Monopod collapsed with the feet pressed against my shoulder. It provided enough stabilization for a run and gun set up, and I also had the option to use the Monopod in a traditional fashion... Anyway, the point is... don’t worry about this crap, you probably already own a camera that is good enough. Or if you want something different, don’t sweat the details. The creativity you put into it will make more of a difference than any new fangled spec... well except for IBIS... that’s just magic.
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