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Everything posted by mercer

  1. Are there any 1080p ProRes tests floating around? I’m searching for a reason to buy the P4K over another Pocket or even a GH5 in a few months, but I haven’t really seen anything that makes it a must have. I’m really hoping the 1080p ProRes will sell me on it.
  2. Idk, do a Vimeo search of Panasonic 14mm f/2.5 and BMPCC and you may find some magic... I found one for you...
  3. I love 35mm, the Canon 35mm f/2, Nikkor ai-s 35mm f/1.4 and Minolta 35mm f/1.8 are my favorite lenses on my 5D3. The other positive with the Olympus is that you can get a BMPCC for less than a $500 used if you feel like dipping your toes into Raw video and the 17mm Olympus looks great on the Pocket cam. It would be around a 50mm on the Pocket camera, but still a good lightweight option.
  4. Yeah a 35mm equivalent FOV is a great one lens prime option for narrative filmmaking... get a little wide and with a fast lens, you get a little shallow depth... zoom in and out with your feet.
  5. Meh... wide angle lenses ruined digital video. We never had the chance for great 1080p because all of the ultra wide angle fanatics couldn’t figure out how to focus their 50mm lenses. Just kidding... kinda.
  6. If I did go that route, I may spend the extra and get the G9 for the updated IBIS and 4K 60p. I saw an open box G9 for $1100 the other week on eBay. For $400 more, it might be worth it.
  7. Well, it seems he is planning on using the camera for narratives, so how well these lenses AF with horrific Panasonic AF probably isn’t a big concern. The 17mm has the MF clutch as well.
  8. It depends where you think you will end up. The only definitive way to future proof lenses is to buy full frame lenses. And if you’re going to do that, you may be better off buying a good prime lens in your favorite focal length to start off. If you definitely know which path you will take, then buy accordingly, if not then purchase for the system you already own. There are a lot of upgrade options in Micro4/3 so a Voigtländer isn’t necessarily an unwise decision if you like prime lenses. You also can sell the lens at a minimal loss if you need to. Honestly, if I was going to get a micro4/3 camera, I’d definitely look into the Olympus 12-40mm f/2.8 and the Olympus 17mm 1.8. My friend has both of those lenses for E-M10iii and they are truly beautiful lenses.
  9. So many great options out there. I am in love with the X-T3 image, if it had IBIS, it would be a no brainer for me, but since I shoot ML Raw with the 5D3, 10bit just isn’t enough for me to spend on a second system. I will say that the 25mm Voigtländer really is a work of art and if you can find one reasonably priced... then you should get one. I used it with the G7 and the BMMCC and I can only imagine how special it is with IBIS. I could see myself picking up a G85 or E-M10iii just to use that lens with IBIS. The problem with the Sigma 18-35mm for your current and future uses is that you will need to buy the Nikon version if you plan on upgrading to the Nikon Z6 in the future but you will only be able to use it in crop mode since that lens is made for aps-c sensors. Also with the G85 you will not have any electronic connections with that lens.
  10. @kye you may want to check out the G85 for your India trip. With CineLikeD and IBIS, this could be a good way to get your feet wet with a mirrorless ILC. Add an f/2.8 zoom, a prime and a good strap and you’ll be all set. After that, maybe the GH5 could be a logical upgrade for you.
  11. I had a G7 for a while and am very familiar with the camera. I sold it once I decided to go the Raw route. The G85 would be a great second camera for me and other than IBIS, it fixes one major flaw of the G7... its plastic build... I was often afraid I would break the thing when I opened and turned the LCD screen. If Panasonic would just include the all-i 1080p features from the FZ2500/GH4/GH5 in the G9, then that would be a great option for me as well. But even as-is, the G9 with 4K 60p is definitely a great upgrade if you tire of the G85.
  12. mercer


    WOW!!! Those look fantastic. Nice color too!!!
  13. You would think so but ai/ai-s lenses will meter on the D7200 but not on the D5500... so who knows what goofy limitation Nikon will do.
  14. Does anyone know if the Z6 and F mount adapter will meter ai/ai-s lenses?
  15. mercer


    Yup, you must’ve been... or there aren’t “wrong focal lengths.” Maybe he wasn’t looking for the same shots you were?
  16. mercer


    Idk, I have to agree with Mattias on this one. In FF, 35mm and 50mm are my favorite focal lengths... I could film an entire movie with either focal length if I was forced to use only one lens. And for aps-c, 24mm and 35mm FF lenses are fairly inexpensive and they both equate to 35mm and 50mm respectively. Logical choices IMO.
  17. Sounds great, but don’t forget an ice maker. It’s unlikely you’ll see a cinema camera with IBIS. The closest you will get is the GH5. It’s getting an AF update, so you may be set. I’ve seen some amazing work done with the XC10, so you may have what you need already. Or you could grab a GX10 for 4K 60p at a more manageable data rate with DPAF. Add an M50 to your kit with the 22mm and you can have the best of both worlds. The M50 for close ups and the GX10 for everything else.
  18. @BTM_Pix I didn’t want to clog up the P4K thread with Cinecorder talk... but @webrunner5 shared this C100 video with me and when I am ready to buy, if I ever do, I have to add the C100 to the mix... I’m really going to try and resist any temptation because I already own a camera I love, but the added features of cinema cameras and camcorders really does call out to my run and gun nature... for certain projects.
  19. Yeah I remember that, and it would have been a smart move. BlackMagic operates in a market they have all to themselves. Of course, I don’t know if l’m sold on the P4K yet. I know everybody was impressed with the Wolfcrow comparison but all I learned from it was that Arri squashes all three cameras (no surprise) and that the P4K was only marginally better than the GH5. With the added features of the GH5, I don’t know if I would switch if I already owned one.
  20. With all cameras, from every manufacturer, escalating in quality, I’m surprised Red and Arri hasn’t released a sub $3000 cinema camera. I remember Arri talked about a S16 B&W camera they were going to make for young filmmakers but that never materialized. If Arri came out with a digital BL, even in B&W only, I would be all over it.
  21. I’ve said this before but I’ll say it again. I’ve worked on about a half dozen DIY feature films and I am finally working on mine now. I don’t think a lot of people realize how near impossible it is. Moving boulders would be easier. It’s as if the world is constantly fighting you. Sheer will and determination is the only thing that gets you to the end credits. So be proud of that. And go make another one. And another one. And if need be... another one until somebody notices it. You have all of the tools and the talent. I’m reminded of a theory I read when I first started screenwriting. The theory goes, when you first start, there are a thousand other screenwriters aiming for the same sale as I am. After a couple of years, half of those other writers quit and move on. After 5 years, half of those quit. After 10 there are less than a couple of dozen of those original screenwriters still writing. In those 10 years, the odds are in your favor and your craft has grown exponentially. So keep plugging away and tell the stories that show the world who Jonesy Jones is.
  22. I don’t know if what you need really exists in a single camera. You may be better off getting a video/cinema camera (C100 mark ii?) and a stills camera.
  23. @webrunner5 posted it above. I didn’t want to directly embed because I didn’t want any confusion in this GH5 thread since that was shot with a 7D. But my original point stands... if you already have a camera that is really good, in this case the GH5, then don’t worry about what else is available or will be available, just go out and produce work. This is very hard for me sometimes because I want to try all cameras but what I already own is way more than enough. And in Jonesy’s case the GH5 is also way more than enough. And with Sage’s color, the GH5 is a top notch tool.
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