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Everything posted by mercer

  1. How is FF 14 bit Raw even at 1080p irrelevant? When you add Canon’s color science plus DPAF for Raw video... plus a 30mp stills camera. Any 4K 14bit or even 3K with a crop is just gravy. Well a lot of people are convinced the free code can be implemented into cameras? I think it is for post workflows only?
  2. Well told story. Stop buying cameras and turn that into a short film.
  3. I’m not so sure it will be implemented in other manufacturer’s cameras. It seems the support and development kit is available for post software.
  4. So is this only available on the Ursa Pro right now? I’d love for the Mini 4K to get it, that camera is getting to no brainer price levels on the used market. Looks great, thanks for finding it. Love the the thickness and detail on the older man’s face.
  5. I’m trying to find out if BM Raw is available on the original Ursa Mini? The price of that cam is getting silly low on the used market and the sample with the old man does look great. As a whole, I’d still prefer FF 2K Raw from a 5D4 than the P4K though. But I could find some use for a Ursa Mini with BM Raw.
  6. Exactly, and BM doesn’t have AF. Plus 1080p Raw on the P4K is a 4x crop. The new BM Raw is interesting but I wonder how much better BM Raw really is compared to ProRes HQ. I haven’t read up on BM Raw or watched the video but it almost sounds like BM’s way to stop licensing ProRes. But I digress, it will be interesting to see what ML can do with the 5D4, even with the original mjpeg engine. Hopefully they can get the Canon Log version working with Raw in the future as well because the camera isn’t much more with it and it will be nice to have the option. To add, BM Raw and the development kit could really help with ML. A conversion to 12:1 BM Raw in the MLV App could save a lot of space in post.
  7. I’d be thrilled with 2K Raw up to 60p continuous with DPAF... well worth the upgrade. If they can get a 2.7K “Alexa” mode, or even 3K with a clean liveview... well that’s just icing on the cake.
  8. Okay and that’s fine. These videos are released to see the strengths of the camera and if the shaky footage bothered Bioskop, then it bothered him. Is he not entitled to an opinion? The shaky footage bothers me a lot less than the fact that I think the video just doesn’t look good. It seems like it needs IR filtration and I almost wonder if he thought it was set to Raw but was actually set to ProResLT. The lowlight is impressive, though. I am really interested to see how it compares with the Micro footage.
  9. For those of us that have been around here long enough know full well that Bioskop knows how to operate a BM camera and we also know that he is very helpful to all forum members. I personally think it’s pretty unbelievable that we get ridiculed for butchering footage but Jun gets a pass for shaky footage?
  10. I don’t watch any of that stuff. I tried watching that dslr dude’s video and got 5 minutes in and was bored out of my gourd. He should have led with some footage. All it left me with was that I was impressed with the GH5s he started shooting his video with. My point was that sure there are issues with the EOS-R. But there are issues with all cameras. For me, IQ is the most important spec and from what I have seen this camera has it in spades. Within 3 months there will be hundreds of users on IG or YT or Vimeo with great looking footage from the camera even with the crop. But if the crop is a dealbreaker for you, or anybody else, I get that too.
  11. The problem I am having with all of the negative nancy’s around here is that they live in such a bubble. As said ad nauseum, sure nobody WANTS the crop, but the camera has it. If it isn’t your cup of tea, COOL! But nobody has said the image looks bad. Because so far, everything I’ve seen from the camera looks great. A thick image with great AF and great colors. People live in such bubbles here. If any of you were forced to shoot with it and forced to deal with the crop, I’m sure you guys would get amazing results.
  12. So, how clean are the blacks with GHa?
  13. I’d love to see 10bit and all-i in the G9... even just in 1080p. But yeah C2K in the GH5 seems like a no brainer.
  14. mercer


    It’s actually pretty clean but the images I shoot with it usually are radioactive.
  15. mercer


    An oldie but a goodie... Takumar 55mm wide open. Frame grab from ML Raw but I shot this in 720p Raw on my 5D3 out of curiosity. I am also messing around with DaVinci Resolve's RGB Mixer in B&W. It seems so intuitive to pull a dramatic B&W look.
  16. Really nice work Oliver! Out of curiosity, which shots were from the GH3? I still remember the Christmas video you did a couple years ago... I think with the RX10ii? I’m sure most of us would like to know your sLog settings. But I’m pretty sure you could take a G7X Mark II and make it look high end.
  17. Gotcha, that makes sense. And yes, if somebody is looking for a low cost option then 1080p ProRes will be the way to go, downsampled from the 4K sensor in camera should look amazing and recorded to SDXC cards will make for cheaper media costs.
  18. Yes, it is highly subjective, people shoot differently and already have some of that stuff. As far as batteries go, I use those Canon batteries all of the time, and although the Wasabi are decent alternatives, they do not last as long as the original Canon batteries which are $60 a pop. With the Micro, I was getting less than 45 minutes a battery, but the Micro didn’t have a screen, so even if the camera offers better battery life, there is still a screen to power, so I would expect 45 minutes or less... just something to think about. As far as ISOs, yes there is an entire range of ISO, but the hit in DR is the issue. If you’re losing a stop or two between the native ISOs... this has been true for the Pocket and the Micro as well. So for me, this is a two ISO camera. Granted having that 3200 ISO is an amazing option. Obviously there is a fair amount of assumption going on here on my part but based on previous BM cameras in the same price point, I think these are fair assumptions to make. Right, I can live with the 120p 4X crop in ProRes, but a 4X crop in 1080p Raw... IDK. For me, this camera was going to be mostly a ProRes camera for both 1080p and 4K. And then if I wanted to shoot Raw, it would be 1080p, which I always did with the Pocket and Micro, it was so refreshing to be able to shoot it with SDXC cards.
  19. Well Raw only goes up to 60p, right? Is 24p 1080p Raw a 4X crop as well?
  20. I assume this was shot with e-m1ii? And wow, this looks really good and a nice comparison to the P4K mountain biking footage. I found the mountain biking and fishing in Shanghai videos to be the most useful footage released from BM. But side by side, for what I would use the camera for, the Olympus seems like the clear winner here. I think there are some questions regarding the P4K that I guess I wasn’t aware of... is there a 2x crop in 1080p Raw? If so, then that’s a 4X crop of FF? Or is it a 2x crop instead of the 1.89x crop? I assume the latter because the former would be ridiculous, unless I could get my D-mount lenses to work with it. I think Andrew’s point about it being the camera of the month is a very salient point. I’m sure the camera is awesome and there will be amazing footage floating around the internet and probably even short and feature films shot with it, but I’m also sure that a lot of people don’t realize how large the file sizes will be, even in ProRes LT. And then when you add the limited ISO options... basically two preset ISOs... 400 and 3200, people will quickly realize that this camera is designed for controlled shootings for shooters with resources. The original Pocket had the native 800 iso which would seem to be more useful than a native 400 and 3200? When you add the cost of the peripherals most likely required... extra batteries, a couple chargers (canon batteries take 2 hours to charge) or an external battery solution, memory cards, lenses, possibly a speedbooster, ND filters, IR cut filters, a follow focus, a cage, etc... you are looking at well over $3000. Now I wouldn’t rig the camera up with half of that stuff but I know I am in the minority with this. So at over $3000 one could get a C100 Mark II and have a usable camera with DPAF right out of the box that will probably be smaller than the Frankenrigged P4K. Or for only a little more new, the FS5 with Raw update will get you ProRes Raw.
  21. I inserted myself into the discussion last night when I probably shouldn’t have, but I do stand by my opinion that Andrew should have been invited to the Manchester event. I, for one, never felt that John Brawley was to blame for this and feel that most people on this site have been very thankful for his contributions, not just about info on the upcoming camera but his openness about the inner workings of a Hollywood set and his methods of shooting. But the disdain displayed to Andrew in this thread is mind boggling. I don’t always agree with him, but the man has wholeheartedly opened his craft and home to a countless amount of strangers for free. There is not one other site in the video community that is completely ad free and he rarely asks for a thank you. I can only imagine the cost it is to upkeep this site. I’d be a liar if I didn’t admit that I find him infuriating at times, but I would never question his devotion to his craft and his readers. With that being said, I feel JB’s reply to the events was unnecessarily rude. Perhaps there was a breakdown in communication as Andrew has already stated but for every person that felt Andrew could have handled the snub differently, they should equally admit that JB could have handled his response differently as well. BM was born on the backs of hobbyists and enthusiasts. We paid for the R&D of the Ursa Pro with every Pocket or Micro we bought. As much as we appreciate their inexpensive cinema cameras, they are only available because we decide to purchase them... it’s like a television show, it only exists at the behest of its viewers. But in the end, they are both artists and artists are passionate, honest and sensitive people... they must be to put themselves and their work out into the world for scrutiny.
  22. I am really looking forward to this review. Please include in your review about the focus peaking. That is the one feature that seems a little fiddly when I tested my friend’s. Since he already owns one, I am seriously considering this as the glovebox, hybrid cam I’ve been looking for. Also if you get a chance, I would love to see some footage with some of those Kern Paillards you have?
  23. mercer


    Gloucester City, NJ... my union hall was out of there.
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