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Everything posted by mercer

  1. My friend has the E-M10iii and loves it. I’ve used it a couple times and it was a blast to shoot with. I’m probably going to follow a similar path. I have my 5D3 for short films and all I really need/want is a second portable camera for fun/casual photo and video. As you and Webrunner said, chasing these disposable toys isn’t worth the time and trouble, for me an E-M5ii or a D5500 will get the job done.
  2. mercer


    Didn’t know that. I don’t live too far from you. I’m about halfway between Philly and AC. I’ve been shooting my film up and down the coast between AC and Cape May.
  3. Haha, yeah where else could I change my mind every other day about which camera I should get next. Btw, right now I’m thinking D3400, a6000, M50, or G85... lol.
  4. mercer


    That 17-35mm sings. Is that an f/2.8? Between the Standard and Flat Profile you should be set. I keep hearing people say that the 1080p from the D750 is soft, but I just don’t see it. How much sharper do you need than the frames you posted. I miss my D5500 all the time. I almost bought a D3400 last year for fun because I miss the Nikon Flat Profile so much. Btw, do you live in NJ? That 17-35mm shot looks like Malibu Beach outside of Atlantic City.
  5. Maybe all the members should donate $1-$5 to fund a z-cam e2 for Andrew to review. Or I bet Kinefinity would love for Andrew to review the Terra 4K.
  6. mercer


    Wow! Are those frame grabs from the D750? If so, go write a feature film, shoot it on the D750 and don’t look back!!!
  7. I don’t know, I think the only logical reason is that Ebrahim stole your invite and sold it to fund his sisters dental abortion. But seriously, this site is the best camera forum online. The members don’t always agree on everything, but we call bullshit when we see it. And the complete lack of an invite is total bullshit, especially since there are a few BM insiders posting here to inflate the product. Obviously, I don’t mean John Brawley, his insight is much respected, but there are most likely a few others.
  8. @Andrew Reid you should send BM an invoice for the advertising your bandwidth paid for.
  9. I don’t know if I agree with that. If I remember correctly, Andrew received a Micro to review. And I believe he gave his honest review. Now he doesn’t receive a camera, or an invite to a local event?That is kinda BS. Everybody wants to act like BM is a different kind of company but that just isn’t true. They saw a hole in the marketplace and dove in. These companies don’t create products solely out of the kindness of their hearts for the indie filmmakers of the world. If BM did, they would have released a logical 2.5K upgrade to the Pocket two years ago. Panasonic, Canon, Sony, Fuji, they are all the same. They exist to make money. And they will take advantage of any free resource they have. @Cinegain
  10. Honestly? I don’t know why you bother. But let me explain... some of your videos have inspired me to be better than I naturally am. Your GH1 video in the Buddhist monastery is one of the nicest videos floating around since the dslr revolution. Your BMCC video at the abandoned amusement park is one of my favorite videos from that camera. Even your simple but fun video of the FZ1000 led me to eventually buy its successor, the FZ2500 (even though you disliked that upgrade) so why eff around with this nonsense when you can be out creating? If you were making money from this site... I’d get it, but why hang out with a bunch of know it alls (myself included) and armchair professionals when you could be working on a feature film and using your money to finance that? Just my opinion. I’d miss the site but I’d understand your reasoning.
  11. mercer


    Yeah it seems whenever there is a bump in TV resolution, there’s a bump in consumer/prosumer video camera resolution... maybe Samsung will be releasing a new camera. 8K TVs with 720p broadcasting... lol.
  12. You hate slow motion, though. So the video barely had a chance with you. Slow motion aside, Fuji video just has an inherent cinematic quality to it and I’m noticing it even more with F Log. So whatever their Log curve is doing, it is working. I’m still contemplating a hybrid and if the X-T3 brings the price of the X-H1 down, I may have to go that route with the 35mm 1.4. But the GH5, for all of its features alone, is still in the running at this point.
  13. Haha, I honestly thought you were talking about the camera in general. My mistake. Total OT here but why don’t you go and buy an FS5? You seem to be happy with Sony and getting good results with the a7iii. And although I’ve never used one, I have seen one close up on the trade show floor and the thing is tiny. I spoke with the operator for a while and he loved it as an A-Cam to his a6500. From our brief discussions, you seem to be interested in narratives, and an FS5 with ProRes Raw out plus all of the conveniences of a cinema camera would probably suit your long term goals better? Just a thought.
  14. Because who would buy the GH5, 6 months after release, if you could get the GH5s for only a little more with IBIS? They still need to protect the life cycle of the GH5.
  15. Haha, yeah I remember that, Panasonic left out IBIS on the GH5s because that one car show on Amazon asked them too... I wonder how many sales that netted for them... And the GH5s sensor is designed to shoot cleaner at high ISOs but I guess they needed that little extra by leaving out IBIS?
  16. Sorry that’s what I thought you were saying but either way, my response was a joke. Good to know downvotes are fair game though... ?? Btw, I’m just joking around with the middle finger emoji.
  17. As a sensor manufacturer, Sony is in an entirely different position than Canon. It helps their business to showcase their sensor’s capabilities. It helps their business when every GH5s or X-T2 or Z6 sells. So I don’t know if Sony’s camera business model is a fair comparison with Canon’s Also, one could argue that Canon’s DPAF is the single best camera feature in the past 10 years and Canon has happily let that feature funnel down into their cheapest consumer model. And when you look at the features that are funneling down from the C series into the EOS-R, I don’t know if I buy the whole... protecting their C series... argument anymore. The biggest gripe that most people have with the EOS-R is the 4K crop and the lack of 120p in FHD. And I understand that position if slow motion and 4K are important features to you. My biggest fear as I invest in more Canon lenses is that the reason behind the 4K crop and the 120p is technical and I hope Canon starts devoting more money into their R&D budgets. But... even if they were protecting their higher models? People act as if no other company in every other business doesn’t do the exact same thing. Take a look at Panasonic for instance. Unless you buy a GH series camera, you cannot get all-i 1080p... even the expensive G9 doesn’t have it. Panasonic has even done the most baffling of protectionism by protecting a lower model (the GH5) by keeping IBIS out of the more expensive GH5s.
  18. BREAKING X-T3 NEWS: Fujifilm has decided to axe their upcoming X-T3 release because Jon is “not feeling it.” MORE TO COME
  19. I watched that CVP review that @Yurolov posted and I am pretty excited about the manual focus guide. I didn’t realize how that function worked but now that I get the concept, it feels like a must have. As much as I look forward to the DPAF, there are times that I want to use a vintage lens and I have learned to rely on focus peaking. But as good as focus peaking is, it can be off a little with a lot of cameras. Also has there been any good 1080p samples posted online?
  20. That is pretty cool. It seems like the EOS-R is a great hybrid B-Cam for C100/300 users. If I were looking to start doing some paid work, I think the original C100 and an EOS-R would be a killer, workhorse combo. When refurbished units hit the Canon store, I may give it a try. I’m still undecided though, especially after hearing that the ML has made some progress with the 5D4.
  21. I am not one of the technical guys, but when I owned the Micro, I had an issue mounting a couple M4/3 lenses due to an extremely tight fit. So a P4K specific speedbooster may be introduced to reflect the exact mount and filter thickness of the camera. After watching the Shanghai fishing video and learning that the filmmaker used the Turbo II, I would go with that speedbooster, at least temporarily, until we know for sure if Metabones will or won’t make a P4K specific speedbooster.
  22. That’s true, but that would only affect tracking, right? For rack focusing, it would be single point, right?
  23. To add, I wasn’t planning on getting the P4K anytime soon anyway, so I have plenty of time to see how this plays out. Hopefully, they’ll get a jolt of progress in the beginning and we’ll know more of the possibilities in the coming days and weeks.
  24. Yup. And DPAF with Canon lenses I already own. Sure I can manual focus, I’ve been doing it for years, but I can’t deny that a usable AF with Raw Video really appeals to me... especially as a run and gun, one man band filmmaker.
  25. Either way, I would assume that when/if they work it out, 14bit 2.5K or 2.7K in 2:35, with DPAF, should theoretically be possible. And if I could get 2K 60p to run continuously, it will be worth the upgrade for me. And I was thinking about getting the P4K next spring... I guess I’m back to a wait and see with that.
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