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Everything posted by mercer

  1. Really, I’ve never had an issue with Canon menus. But I usually don’t do too much customization either... pretty much set everything to manual and use the Q menu for any changes. I have seen some pretty okay stuff shot with the M50, so hopefully these are signs to come. If the price continues to drop, I may pick one up anyway... even with the horrible RS in 4K, old c-mounts and Canon color sounds like a good time. And as a glovebox cam for photos and 1080p with the 22mm could prove useful. Thanks for sharing your experiences with it.
  2. Thanks, I really appreciate it. I am usually very impetuous with buying cameras but I want to take my time and make the right decision with this one.... I’ve already decided and talked myself out of 2 or 3 choices in as many days. So really any input you have as a stills shooter, is worth its weight in gold to me.
  3. Although, I definitely agree that The Lane looks really good, I’m not sure that it bests the best ML videos. There is a natural texture and depth to ML Raw, especially in regards to skin, that is unmatched in my opinion. With that being said, there are features in the GH5 that make shooting a blast. And with Sage’s work, a lot of my previous issues with the GH5 are cured. So for certain projects, it could prove useful. Please post your results if you pick up Sage’s LUTS. You know he has a free one for CineLikeD if you want to get your feet wet.
  4. My mentions of the 5D3 are of a wholesome admiration for the camera and how it made my work look less like total crap and just plain crap overnight but I do not mention it to sway anyone one way or another... much like your admiration for the GH5. Actually, with Sage’s “profile,” a GH5 could be in my future.
  5. Of course I do, if you are so inclined... for some reason I think you’re dying to? Btw, what program do you use to process Raw stills, and do you have any preferences based on which camera you used?
  6. Is that your work? Looks really nice. I can see a similarity with Like709 but Sage’s Profile is definitely more cinematic but it seems like a good colorist could get there using Like709. @Sage are there any samples floating around from your CineLikeD conversion?
  7. I just checked the prices at B&H and for $699 with the kit zoom, the camera is getting more and more attractive. But I’m definitely going to wait to see if they release something else this Fall. Do you use the official Canon adapter with the M50 or the Vello? I have a few USM lenses that I’d probably want to use with it if I go that route.
  8. Hmm, at the going price of the X-T20/X-E3, maybe I can finagle a Fuji and an E-M1ii or G9... imagine evil grin slowly growing on my face... Or maybe a Sigma Quattro SD and the 30mm Art lens kit (which is an obscenely low price kit, btw) and an Olly or G9... hmm... my head may have just imploded... but maybe I am a 3 camera shooter... one for video only (5D3 w/ ML Raw), one hybrid for video and stills (E-M1ii or G9) and one stills camera (Sigma Quattro SD) ???
  9. Glad to hear it... I am kind of a Canon fanboy. Lol. But seriously, how is the rolling shutter in 1080p on the 5D4 and the M50 for that matter? What about the M50 is growing on you, because honestly I am still intrigued by it. I’ll be in the market for a good cropped hybrid in a few months and I am secretly hoping the M5 Mark II is released with IBIS, 4K with no additional crop plus DPAF... wishful thinking though.
  10. Yeah, the first few pages of the G9 Flickr posts are a night and day difference with the GH5. So good point. With that being said, I think I am concentrating too much on video specs because the E-M1 Mark II Flickr page blows away the G9... which is also impressive. Out of curiosity, I looked at the D3400 and although you can tell that there are probably more beginners using that camera, the higher resolution and sensor size does seem to make a difference when in comparison with m4/3... but without some of the video specs that I am looking for. If I were to buy today, I may go with the E-M1 Mark II based on Flickr page alone... plus I like a lot of videos I’ve seen from Olympus. And probably my second choice would be the G9... at a few hundred bucks cheaper than the GH5, it seems like a decent compromise between stills and video specs... even without the 10bit video. But I must say, the X-H1 is still blowing in my ear and whispering sweet nothings about their lenses and color... I imagine one of their cinema zooms would be killer with IBIS... not that I can afford it. But when has that stopped me... @ajay what lenses are you using with the G9?
  11. @Kisaha yeah I’ll have to do a size and weight comparison between the 5D3 and the GH5 because if there isn’t much of a difference, it could be a dealbreaker. As you may know, I had the NX500 and really enjoyed my time with it... it has some of the most detailed and sharp video I’ve ever seen on a camera in that price bracket. And for a small camera, it has some of the best ergonomics of any camera I’ve used. I bought mine new and when Samsung got out of the camera business I made a hefty profit selling it. I had IBIS on the GX85 and it was acceptable and then had it on the E-M5 Mark II and with a vintage Nikkor lens, the IBIS was tripod steady, like freakishly steady. So for me, with this camera, IBIS is definitely a near must have.
  12. Well if the 1080p in the Z6/Z7 is a downscale from the 1080p (I assume it is) it should be sharp and detailed 1080p video and when exported, with either NLog or the Flat Profile, a beautiful 10bit ProRes could be the result. As far as why buy a Z6/Z7 and only shoot 1080p... I guess we could ask why John Brawley would use an Ursa Mini 4.6K Pro and only shoot 1080p ProRes with it... seems like a waste. ?
  13. Oh yeah, I’m still lusting over cameras I couldn’t afford back in 2013/14... hence my interest in the C100. I hear this company called Polaroid has some kind of new instant photo tech.
  14. Yeah obviously I’m just teasing you and I get being excited about a camera you love. When I first got my 5D3 and installed ML, I didn’t understand why everybody wasn’t shooting with it. And sure you don’t specifically say one camera is better than another but when you go into threads of cameras you’re never going to buy, and spout out specs that the camera you own has... well... you make your point. But this is just a camera forum, so I don’t care... no reason to get angry over. Love your camera... I respect that.
  15. Haha, I think Jon has had discussions with his own posts arguing that the a7iii is better than the GH5. ?
  16. Yeah, sorry... I meant does the Z7 downscale it’s 1080p from 4K in camera. If so, then the Ninja Star would still be a viable and small external recorder for anyone who only needs 1080p but wants the benefits of 10bit ProRes.
  17. I love my 5D3 for video, actually I’m obsessed with it... seriously it could probably get a restraining order against me. ? But for street photos and casual photos, I think I’d rather have something a little smaller and more discreet. And if I’m going to even bother getting a second camera that will do both video and stills, I’d like it to have something that I can’t already get from my 5D3... IBIS and 4K are pretty important, but I may settle for 4K and DPAF. So, I’m hoping Canon will announce their FF mirrorless by Photokina or even an M5 Mark II with 4K could do I guess. I’d rather stay with Canon since I’m already invested in their lenses, I just doubt they’ll release a camera that has IBIS, 4K and DPAF. But as a video camera, you really can’t deny that the GH5 is spec’d out. I’m just not sold on it as a stills camera yet. But I’ve already gotten some good reviews from fellow members, so we’ll see.
  18. Are you saying hindsight is rec2020?
  19. I don’t think that behavior has anything to do with artistic types, probably quite the opposite.
  20. But to add, I think we’re seeing the beginning of a new movement where photography and video pursuits are becoming entangled. I already see it so prevalently on IG and YT where people will do a photo shoot one week, then a short narrative film the next. The jobs of writer, director, photographer and cinematographer are melding together into this “content creator” moniker... at least for internet distribution. Instagram is becoming a mobile art gallery... YouTube is your local theatre and Vimeo Staff Pics is your Sundance. The next Spielberg will be discovered on IG... but to do that one needs content. You need to constantly create and upload. There’s not enough time in a day to solely do video. Now I’m not naive, or delusional, enough to think I’ll be the next Spielberg, or even have a career from any of this. But I enjoy it and there are a lot worse things I could be doing with my time and money.
  21. Nothing but good spirit was taken from that comment. I post frame grabs because I don’t want to bore people with boring color grade test videos. So when I realized I could export frame grabs, I just started doing that instead of whole test videos and it saves rendering times. I like stills on a complete fun/hobbyist level, I like video because I am a screenwriter first and foremost, so stills have no real impact on that pursuit.
  22. Well, after some recommendations, I took a look at the photo pool on Flickr and there were some nice shots but then out of curiosity I took a look at E-M5 Mark II and E-M1 Mark II photo pools and there was a night and day difference in favor of Olympus. I didn’t dig too deep, so the jury is still out but from what I saw, the GH5 stills looked like they were shot with a point and shoot compared to Olympus.
  23. Jesus, Don watch the video. Maybe BM was exaggerating their claim with the BMCC. Who the hell knows? But Mattias’ video clearly shows how great the Nikon Flat Profile is. Check out his 5 reasons to Buy a D750... in the woods shot, with Gunpowder backlit by the setting sun, on most cameras, he would have been entirely silhouetted but the detail he pulled out on Gunpowder’s face just proves the DR capabilities of Nikon’s Flat Profile.
  24. He was using the BMCC’s DR as a reference to show how the D750 was with the Nikon Flat Profile. No reason not to believe him, he has the images to prove it.
  25. I think anything over 11 stops is acceptable for these cameras... if somebody needs more rent an Alexa. We’ll have to wait and see, but this camera seems to be a pretty nice hybrid. Good internal image when you need a small footprint or add a cage, a Ninja V and all the goodies when you need a higher FF output with a relatively small footprint. Right. I had a shooting day yesterday, so I haven’t been catching up, but is the 1080p a downscale from 4K? If so, 10bit 1080p ProRes to a Ninja Star sounds pretty okay to me.
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