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Everything posted by mercer

  1. Nikon Flat is very similar to Canon Log, so around 12 stops sounds plausible.
  2. mercer


    James Franco is a General? Interesting fella.
  3. Yeah the Nikon Flat Profile is nuts and it’s in all of their newest model cameras... even the D3400 which can be bought for less than $300, with the kit lens, has the Flat Profile. The Z6 looks like a beast. However I still think the new lens mount was a tragic error.
  4. mercer


    @BTM_Pix nice shots! I particularly like the market shots and the interior is so good.
  5. @Timotheus yeah I was talking about the G9, but that is one of the best features, IMO, of the GH series. I can’t tell you how many times I forgot to change the shutter speed for 60p when shooting for slow motion. It’s those little video features that make the GH5 a stand out for me, even if a Fuji may be a more logical choice for stills. But I just spent some time on Flickr and man those Fuji colors are just breathtaking.
  6. Yeah degree angle instead of shutter speed. I figured it didn’t have that feature... not the end of the world, just curious. I won’t be in the market until the holidays so for the time being I may pick up a cheap, small Nikon or Canon to see how much I’ll end up shooting stills and then upgrade if I am serious about it. In the end, price may be the biggest factor.
  7. Haha, no none of those apply to me. I am a beginner stills shooter and a hobbyist/enthusiast video shooter, which is why the GH5 seems like a good idea, I just wasn’t sure if it was so video oriented that there were some stills features that were left out or oddly implemented.
  8. Yes, I was checking out the G9 a couple weeks ago and thought it looked great but then I saw a few things that annoyed me about it... I think it was 30p playback with HFR and the low bitrate 1080p. Everybody slams Canon for holding back features to protect their higher camera lines, but this all-i high bitrate 1080p omission from Panasonic is getting annoying. I love CineLikeD though and wouldn’t use vLog on the GH5 anyway. Does it have 180 degree shutter? That was one feature I loved with the FZ2500. But I have seen some good prices on open box models, so it may still be worth a look. Thanks.
  9. The positive about the G85 for me is the 2.2x crop... my 1” 12.5mm c-mount lenses will cover the sensor. But you’re right, by the time the holidays come around, the GH5 could be selling for $1500 new so for the extra money, you are getting a lot more. Do you use a speedbooster with your GH5?
  10. I loved the 24-70mm f/4. Sharp wide open with amazing IS. I swear the IS on that lens is as good as IBIS on the GX85. I also love the 35mm f/2... also with great IS. If you’re looking for a good prime, the 28mm 1.8 is a great lens. On the C100 it would be a fast 40-45mm... soo worth it and if you have steady hands, it can work handheld.
  11. Yeah Canon is my Achilles Heel, so I am waiting to see what their FF mirrorless offers before I go out and buy a hybrid and also the M5 Mark II should be announced by Photokina, so that is on my radar as well. I guess IBIS isn’t a deal breaker, but when I had the GX85, it was the only thing I liked about the camera. The E-M5ii I briefly had was freakishly good. It was like having an invisible tripod with me. So, for video work alone, I would prefer it, but we’ll see. I have a shooting day tomorrow for my film, so it’s possible I’ll come home and be so happy that I’ll forget about a second camera... that’s why I’m thinking that maybe a cheaper Fuji or the G85 may suffice. I had the a6500 and although I really liked the camera I got an overheating warning in 45 degree Fahrenheit weather after shooting about 5 30sec clips. I returned it after that. Everything about the 6K mode interests me. I’d love to give anamorphic a try as well. I’ve been obsessed with stills on IG lately and although I can count the amount of photos I’ve taken with all of my appendages, I really love the craft and IQ one can get from stills. I don’t know if you go on IG, but Mattias has some breathtaking work on there amongst others and unlike video, it seems that there is a quicker satisfaction from stills than video. Did you ever get an E-M1 Mark II?
  12. And that’s the Z6, maybe the Z7 will have 10bit internal. But all in all, it’s not too bad at all... I wonder if you can use a Ninja Star with it... that would still keep it small.
  13. Thanks for the replies, I’ll post specific replies when I get home from work, but figure I’ll be shooting 60/40 video/stills. For video I plan on some small 1-3 minute narratives, some YT stuff (I may start a channel) and possibly some stock video... which is why the GH5 with its 4K 60p seems like a no brainer. For stills, I want to do mostly street photography but try to take a cinematic approach by shooting 1/50th shutter at all times in 16:9... just a thought. How clean are the blacks/shadows with the GH5 or X-H1 because I see myself doing a lot of B&W with it. @Jonesy Jones I believe Sage has a free version of his LUTS for CineLikeD if you wanted to give it a try. Sage’s GH5a is one of the reasons the GH5 is even on my radar. Plus I have been obsessed with the looks they’ve been getting on Fear the Walking Dead this season. They are doing some crazy good B&W with some interesting color desaturation. If you haven’t seen it, check it out. The thing is, I don’t want to go too crazy because the 5D3 is going to see the brunt of my work and this new camera will be something I keep with me in my car, or family outings. I am just too happy with what I’ve been getting with ML Raw so I am a little hesitant to even get another camera because I am afraid it won’t see as much use... here’s a couple B&W shots I processed the other day... So maybe a G85 or X-E3/X-T20 would make more sense for my situation. Anybody use those cameras for stills?
  14. I don’t think the X-H1 has zebras, but I don’t use them anyway, so it doesn’t much matter. Also for what I’m going to use it for, I probably won’t use Auto ISO either, but maybe I did like it with Nikon and Sony. Thanks, I looked at some photos on IG and they looked fine, I just wasn’t sure if there were some quirks about the Raw files or something I should be aware of.
  15. @BTM_Pix thanks for the suggestion but I am kinda Sony’d out right now and if I did decide to go with a Sony, the a6000 for the sheer, next to nothing, cost would be top of my list... but then I wouldn’t get IBIS. Being a video shooter first, the video specs are a little more important but I’d like to know that whatever camera I choose will be viable for stills as well. But that TechArt adapter does sound pretty awesome and may force me to buy an a6000 used just try it out.
  16. So in the new year I want to start doing more hybrid work, mostly hobby stuff, but with the potential to grow. As of now, I only own the 5D Mark iii and it’s a little bigger than I’d like for street shooting and all around content creation. The first spec that is most important to me is IBIS. I want to just grab the camera and go with any single lens I have with me at the time. So, with that in mind, I have narrowed down my options to 3 choices... • GH5 - for video, there are few better choices but I don’t know how great they are for photos. Most of the stuff I’ll do will be for Instagram or other web publishing. So is the GH5 a capable stills camera? • X-H1 - honestly I just love the Fuji image. It is so modern and crisp and more often than not when I am blown away by a photo on IG, it was shot with a Fuji camera and usually a jpeg. I have also been really impressed with the video coming from it. The 120p looks gorgeous to my eyes... especially with that Fuji color. How is the IBIS with vintage lenses? Does it even work with lenses other than Fuji? Olympus - insert model here... I’m hoping by the holidays, Olympus will release the E-M5 iii and they may make my decision easier. I’ve decided against the a7iii because I really want to keep the price below $1500 and I want to keep the entire kit small with a few native primes and honestly, I just don’t love Sony’s cheaper lens offerings. I’d much rather have Fuji glass like the 35mm 1.4 or the 23mm f2. Or the Olympus 17mm 1.8 or Panny 20mm. And I also am looking for a system where I can use some of my older C-Mount lenses and in FF that really isn’t an option. Now I would love for Canon to release the M5 Mark II with 4K, DPAF and IBIS, but I assume at least one of those specs will be missing... probably the IBIS, which is most important... for now anyway. Thanks for any insight you guys may have.
  17. Jesus, you have a GIF for everything. You should just post in GIFS and no words and make us translate your point.
  18. I love the top LCD on my 5D3. At a quick glance I can see what my AF mode, ISO and WB is. Also I know everybody here is doom and gloom and consider anything short of 10bit 4K 60p a failure and a death warrant for Nikon as a company, but please remember that only 5% or less of the potential buyers of this camera will care about those features... for us they matter, for the intended market... not so much.
  19. Good plan. The C100 version I or II will just get out of your way and let you work.
  20. @webrunner5 I am a fan of competition. I want every company to try and beat the best. But in the end what is best for you isn’t best for me. I love Nikon colors. Their Flat Profile is a simple joy to work with. If I was forced to only have a D5500, I would happily shoot with it. If I was forced to have an a6000, I would do the best I can do with it. If I was forced to have a GH5, I’d be ecstatic to tell a story with it. We are so lucky to have a plethora of cameras to choose from. And the only thing stopping any of us from telling the next great story is ourselves and our innate desire for the next best option to tell the story with. So hopefully Nikon releases an amazing mirrorless with 10bit ProRes Raw and IBIS and Canon level DPAF. I’ll preorder it.
  21. Nikon doesn’t have the technological prowess for an exposure compensation dial... they aren’t Sony...
  22. When you go into Best Buy or Target or WalMart, there are exactly two interchangeable lens brands... Canon and Nikon. As far as specs go... I guess... so Nikon needs to have 4 specs to match Sony... well they’ve had Super 35mm mode for years in their FF DSLRs so I don’t see that being a problem. They’ve also had some of the best stills AF for years, so that shouldn’t be a problem either. These are stills cameras first, but even their low level face tracking worked pretty good in the lowly D5500 so...
  23. I don’t mean to knock Sony here, I like Sony cameras, but where are all of these crazy specs in Sony cameras that I keep reading about? Other than a million options in their PP, they seem to have normal specs like most other mirrorless cameras. In fact, it seems the GH5 is the camera full of specs and not Sony. But you also need to remember that not only is this Nikon’s first FF mirrorless, they are also releasing an entirely new lens line up with a new lens mount. They truly cannot afford to fail with this. These are cameras for their professionals to not only lure them into mirrorless but also to lure them into investing into a new lens system. Now how their video specs will be is another story.
  24. Too much credit? Nikon has been making cameras since 1948. Of course we don’t know their processor capabilities but it’s not like they’re Z-Cam... of course maybe Nikon should buy them out. To add, I wish I had extra money lying around, I’d love to buy that Sigma camera with the 30mm Art lens.
  25. mercer


    I wasn’t either until I was forced to sell my Canon L 24-70mm f/4... now I feel lost without it. I was able to get this shot on the long end and my wide primes wouldn’t have cut it... of course I would have loved a 70-210mm for this shot... Honestly, I’ll probably buy that lens again and then just add to the long end. Now I just need to decide which route to go for manual primes... I change my mind every week. I’ve also just decided I like B&W this week too. Lol.
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