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Everything posted by mercer

  1. Maybe Atomos is planning on getting into the cinema camera business and ProRes Raw is an essential ingredient since they are one of the earliest adopters of it.
  2. I may be in the market for a hybrid in the next few months. I loved my D5500. If this camera had an F mount, I’d jump on it. Since it won’t, I’ll wait to see what Canon does. Hopefully, there’s will have an EF mount.
  3. Also, what lenses did you use and did you notice any variation with DPAF performance based on the lens you used?
  4. @521photo Thanks a lot for all of that info. You actually already answered some of my follow up questions. I shoot ML Raw, so I’m not afraid of large file sizes. I’d probably get the C Log version if I decide to go that route, but as of now, I think the C100 is winning. Do you have a link to your film?
  5. Wow... a couple of the most helpful and talented members (squig and kidzrevil) banned within a few days of one another for having an opinion... that’s a shame.
  6. Well they would probably make the same either way at the box office, except they’d have 20 marketing campaigns to pay for instead of one. They’d need larger staffs to perform those jobs. They’d need 20 times the amount of prints to send around. The Hollywood studio blockbuster is a calculated investment. But I agree it is a shame there isn’t more of a mix.
  7. It seems the EVA1 is really the only choice if you need the 240fps. As far as Canon goes... yeah I guess... the RawLite out of the C200 edits natively in both FCPX and Resolve. Sure it eats data, but I am seeing more and more shooters using the RawLite for wedding videos and they go through way more footage than you probably will... plus I believe you can use CFast2 to SSD adapters... or I vaguely remember reading that somewhere? And also remember that a lot of reviews have stated that the 8 bit 4K Canon Log files have more latitude in post than the 10bit files from the GH5. Anyway my point is that don’t disregard the C200 quite yet... I think you’ll find it offers a lot of what you want/need... except for the 240p... but almost no camera has that, so it’s kind of a bottleneck for your choices. Last thing about the C200 and then I’ll stop... a feature that goes unmentioned is that it exports 10bit 2K from it SDI port. So with an external recorder you can get some juicy 2K ProRes with it. Okay, I’m done. Good luck with whatever you choose.
  8. I hope Canon doesn’t make the same mistake as Nikon and introduce a new mount on their FF mirrorless. Or if they do, maybe they’ll introduce a new and improved FD Mount.
  9. @521photo would love to hear more about your film and any BTS info on how the 5D4 worked. I may have a few opportunities coming up and I may invest in either a C100 mk1, 5D4 or see what’s what with the new Canon mirrorless. So any info you can share would be great.
  10. Well, that’s a fair statement. But I didn’t say he should have been fired for telling bad jokes. I merely pointed out that his jokes weren’t funny to begin with and if he chose a different structure for his humor rather than first person recounts of blowing 3 year olds, then his jokes may not have been so easily misconstrued and cringe worthy.
  11. I still believe the problem with the Tweets wasn’t even the subject matter as much as they weren’t funny at all. There have been plenty of jokes about molestation regarding the Catholic Church and Michael Jackson... a lot of which were humorous on a removed level. Gunn’s jokes weren’t funny, even in form, but more importantly because he chose to play the role of the molester. When you take the two ingredients... unfunny joke in the first person... he just should have known better. With that being said, I still think he had the right to make the jokes, but he also had to deal with the consequences of the jokes. How old they were or how many times he apologized is irrelevant if Disney decided they didn’t want him to be an ambassador of their brand. The question becomes, would the chorus of support be the same if he made a joke about black people with the voracity he did with the pedophile jokes? Or what if he made first person jokes about raping women? Would Selma Blair and the other members of the #mettoo movement be okay with him then?
  12. Yeah I enjoyed this very much. I love a good vintage look so that was also appreciated. What kind of overlays did you use? Also what lens/es did you shoot with? Obviously the G7 is working good enough for you, but if you’re looking to upgrade, I’m sure the IBIS of the G85/G9/GH5 would definitely help a lot with any shakes you’re encountering. And if you want some rock solid video, the Olympus IBIS is even better than Panasonic’s. I had the E-M5ii for a spell last year and I almost had to try really hard to get shaky footage. Anyway, if this is what you are capable of as an “armchair enthusiast,” I can’t wait to see what you do when you get up from that comfy chair.
  13. mercer


    I love the 50mm f2. I have the “K” version and an HC... unfortunately both have really dry focus rings. Is there a major difference between the O and the OC versions of the 35mm? Honestly, I’m probably going to buy another 35mm 1.4... that lens is as cinematic as it gets, wide open, with its nasty coma and distortion. Love it.
  14. Also, look at it this way, if any one of us decided to post twitter jokes about performing sexual acts on children, the tweets would be flagged and we would probably be investigated... so just because he is a Hollywood writer/director he is supposed to get a free pass and just because Selma Blair wants him to be rehired, then Disney should negate their entire business model? With that being said, I agree that there is an issue with the PC police and sadly comedy as we know it will eventually die... I mean when was the last time you heard a good polish joke? The entire culture has changed so much since Twitter and Facebook became the soapbox for the masses. Now if Gunn had just used the word Republican to describe the 3 year old’s political leanings, nobody in the media would have cared.
  15. mercer


    Also ai-s lenses tend to have a shorter focus throw than ai versions. So if you shoot handheld without a rig and follow focus, you may prefer the shorter focus throw (I do) but longer focus throws are usually easier to get more accurate focus. If you choose against the Nikkor ai-s lenses, then your next best bet would be between the Zeiss 50mm or the Canon FD. The Zeiss will be more adaptable if you ever move to other systems but if you choose to expand your set, the Zeiss lenses will be more expensive, but in the end probably a better investment. With that being said, I prefer the Canon 50mm 1.4 FD over the Zeiss 50mm 1.7. But I may be in the minority with that opinion. Unfortunately, none of them will match perfectly with the sigma you already own, so the Sigma 30mm 1.4 contemporary may be a better choice for consistency.
  16. I don’t know, the facts are this... James Gunn made some off color jokes on Twitter 10 years ago. When Disney was forced to deal with the situation today, they chose his jokes and him weren’t right for their brand. Going forward, another production company may be fine with it, that is also their right. I don’t believe James Gunn is a pedophile. I believe he was trying way too hard to be edgy and now he has to deal with the consequences of his actions. In the US, our brand of liberty is based upon individual freedoms but also individual responsibility... This is the perfect example of that.
  17. Yup, it’s pretty simple and Disney, for their image and business model did the only thing they could. They have fans and shareholders to answer to. As I said before, the jokes weren’t even funny and were uncomfortable to read. You’d think after one bad attempt, he would have learned from his mistake.
  18. They weren’t even funny jokes about pedophilia. He should have been fired by comedy. At least Michael Jackson jokes were humorous. They were a bit much, but that is by my standards. Who am I to say what jokes somebody else can say. But I can choose to associate with him or not based on those jokes... which is what Disney decided is their right as well. The good news, for James Gunn, is that he can make films and self distribute those films and I am sure he will have a huge following and make a ton of money.
  19. mercer


    Sorry but that is just incorrect... especially for vintage lenses. Perhaps modern lens manufacturers started using 3rd party glass manufacturers once trade and manufacturing changed in the late 20th century but for this discussion, Leica glass, Zeiss glass, Minolta glass are definitely relevant parts of their lenses, their designs and their overall look. Even Nikon wholly owns a subsidiary that manufacturers the glass for Nikkor lenses... https://nofilmschool.com/2016/10/nikon-shows-you-how-they-make-glass-nikkor-lenses-factory-tour
  20. mercer


    Okay, sorry I misspoke when I wrote Leica built, I meant... built to Leica specs with Leica glass. For instance, the Leica 35-70mm 3.5 has a later version that was built in West Germany. It is the same exact optical design, but clearly a different exterior than the previous, Made in Japan, version. So I think it's probably similar to Contax Zeiss and Yashica. The Contax Zeiss lenses were built in the same factory as Yashica lenses but the Zeiss lenses had Zeiss glass... as you probably know there are unsubstantiated rumors that some of the Yashica ML lenses used Zeiss glass overstock. I have one of the rumored lenses... the 50mm f/2 and it does seem a little more Zeissish... but that could be in my head.
  21. mercer


    @cantsin and @BTM_Pix , it was my understanding that they were Minolta designs but Leica built with Leica glass? I’ve had both the Minolta 35-70mm 3.5 and the Leica version and although similar in looks, the Leica was definitely different. Sadly, the guy who sold me the Leica, decided that the zoom ring was completely locked up in shipping, so I was forced to return it before I had the chance to use it, but most online accounts describe the glass has Leica written all over it?
  22. Magic Lanterm does if you’re using a native Canon lens.
  23. Btw, what lenses did you use. From your BTS photos, it looks like maybe the Sigma 18-35mm?
  24. Wow, this is probably the best looking GH5 footage that I have seen and yes this is definitely better than the original... and that looked great as well. You’re obviously a very talented and skilled operator and colorist but even with my limited talent and skill, this makes me think that maybe I discounted the GH5 too soon.
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