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Everything posted by mercer

  1. Right, that makes sense... especially considering the conversation. I guess I was curious about your thoughts of the FS5/7, EVA1, and C200 but I assume with the lens mount conversation, EF would be out of the question for you.
  2. Thanks for info... really invaluable!!! Out of curiosity, if the Ursa didn’t exist, is there another camera on the market you would use in its place?
  3. So you’re using the May 1st build? I was looking into the experimental builds a little and it seems they said some of the features would be included in the nightly builds eventually... but I guess they’re not there yet? I still would like to stay with 14bit when possible but I am really looking for some slow motion. I don’t even care that much about higher resolution... the 2:39 1920x810 still blows my mind every time I bring the footage into the computer... so for me... someone more interested in cameras as storytelling tools... what more do I really need?! What do the Isco 36s go for now? If I do get into anamorphic, I’d like to easily end up at 2:39/2:35... so I guess a 1.33 or 1.5 anamorphic is the way to go with 14bit? Also I don’t think I’m ready for double focus. Any inexpensive options you can think of with that criteria?
  4. Ahh... anamorphic... that makes sense. In reality, I’m fairly happy with my Canon lenses shooting 1080... or 820 in 2:39... so for now that should suffice. I don’t think I’m quite ready for anamorphic. However, I do need to move to a newer build and mess around with some of the advancements. I’m still using the the messed up build from April of 2017. I never had the issues others had with it, but I still should get rid of it... Stupid question... when I update a build, do I just load a new build onto an SD card and then run the firmware update? Or do I have to bring it back to the regular Canon firmware and then do it? Btw, is the Iscorama a newer addition to your arsenal? And are you using a focus module or doing double focus? I am tempted to pick up a Sankor or something and try some anamorphic...
  5. @John Brawley sorry for the OT but we just finished watching the end of the first season of The Resident and I really enjoyed the visuals. I loved the handheld work... what kind of rig were you using again? Also as far as props go... how realistic is the production? In the last episode, the story line called for a Dacron graft for the aortic valve repair... my GF had an aortic tear repaired a decade ago and has a Dacron graft... she was curious if that was a real prop of the graft? Also I know you said you shot it in 1080p but Fox broadcasts 720p... did you guys downscale the 1080p to 720p for delivery, or does Fox take care of that?
  6. The eos-m really is the camera that keeps on giving. I still have mine in the back of my closet with a Cosmicar 12-75mm permanently attached to it. I’ve been considering uploading a newer ML build on it, even just for the bitrate hack. Does the eos-m have anamorphic mode in ML? If so, I thought that could be fun to mess around with. Right now though, I am interested in finally updating my 5D3 to a newer build and trying to get a little more resolution or higher frame rates out of it. I think @squig shoots 2.8K with his but I don’t even know if it’s 10/12 bit or MLV Lite. I haven’t been keeping up with the ML progress in a while, but a 2.8K downscale to 2K sounds pretty perfect to me... I think another company makes cameras that are similar to that process. But I assume there’s a crop involved, which I am not completely sure I want to get into yet... I just got used to FF FOV... but I guess with the crop, some more lens options open up.
  7. Well, I’d only want the updated DPAF version... and I’d rather it be closer to a grand than 1500... and even then... a C200B will probably start going on sale for 4-5 grand this time next year, so it would probably be smarter for me to save that money for that.
  8. @Alpicat looks good, I dig the music too. Have you thought about buying a 5D3? This looks awesome. I love when I scroll down my IG page and see your ML Raw videos.
  9. I try not to subscribe to political movements or social media prescribed causes created by political operatives to use the masses’ need to be heard on their 15 minute soapbox. It’s amazing how alone we are when we have the world at our fingertips. And these people of power exploit that loneliness and that need to be heard. So, for me, if a cause begins with a hashtag or ends with a gate... I shrug my shoulders and root for the pawns... But I digress... You’re right, this site is about tech and craft. For me it’s about learning from more talented people than myself on how to get a modicum of beauty in my images... but I’m just a hobbyist with narrative dreams. But like you once wrote, “art is politics” so in a community where relationships are forged by artists and craftsman, it is only natural for conversations to evolve from the passion of creation. So what is Jon Pais’ story? What is mine? Or yours? We all hide behind a moniker and an avatar as we anonymously hang our creative laundry for professionals and amateurs to critique. With every screengrab or video we share, we also share a vulnerability and unfortunately some people piss all over that. There are some nasty fuckers on this site. So I guess the question is... is Jon one of them... In the end, I don’t really care what some older American living abroad thinks. As I’m sure others don’t care what a 43 year old guy from South Jersey thinks but I must admit, as a storyteller, I do enjoy the drama. So carry on.
  10. Jon Pais is not Ebrahim Sr... Because... I am the illegitimate love child of Ebrahim Sr and Steve Bannon. Whew... I’ve never said that aloud before.
  11. I just learned how to turn location services off on my phone... so... Maybe this will give you more info... https://www.4kshooters.net/2017/06/02/official-canon-eos-c200-promo-behind-the-scenes-and-is-it-the-right-camera-for-you/canon-c200-output-chart/ @webrunner5 shoot and scoot... haha... love it. Yeah the C100 and the Canon 17-55mm seems like a killer combo... add the 35mm f/2 for a perfect little kit... I’m still waiting to find one on eBay for $1200 or less.
  12. I am hardly one to criticize someone else’s color work but I thought a lot of the graded clips looked a touch over processed. With that being said, I love the C100. I have been tempted on a few occasions to buy the original... there is just something special in that camera that even the Mark II lacks. I love most of what I’ve seen from the C200. If I was a different type of shooter, it would be the perfect camera for me. The C200B could work for me, but at that price, and my budget, it may as well be an Alexa.
  13. I believe the C200 outputs the 2K Raw signal via SDI in 4:22 10bit?
  14. I just watched a few of your videos and man I love the 1DXii stuff... Northern Cali looks amazing in 4K 60p. I couldn’t notice the 1 stop loss of DR with the 1DXii. What picture profile are you using? I’ve been thinking about picking up a drone. I originally was thinking about the DJI X5R to help match ML Raw from my 5D3, but I suppose that may be a bit much for my first drone. Anyway, great stuff. Thanks for posting. Btw, how did you get so many followers on IG? I need to hire you for PR.
  15. Nice work. I really liked the tone of this video. And man, that 85mm looks insane. How’s the IS on it? Also, excuse my ignorance... but what’s that little drone you were using?
  16. I’d rather have the 180, personally. But I’ve only used Shutter Priority once or twice outdoors with a variable ND, so I was able to trick the camera into opening up the aperture. It worked well on both the RX10ii and the FZ2500. But Auto ISO range in manual mode would be my choice, in most instances, if I needed a semi-auto mode.
  17. Anyway, I guess I only saw Raw and didn’t realize that 2K ProRes was possible externally while recording Raw... it seems like that is the logical Proxy recording. For me, if I ever could afford a C200, this makes the B model even more attractive. I rarely use EVFs, so I may as well save some money and get an external recorder as a screen. As far as that video @HockeyFan12 posted... idk... I enjoyed seeing some C100 footage and it definitely held up for most instances but when compared with the Raw files, the color tonality differences alone was a smack in the face.
  18. I didn’t know you could get external 10bit 1080 while recording Raw? Can that be recorded as ProRes Raw in an Atomos recorder?
  19. Yeah, OT but I was so surprised by how good Canon IS lenses are. As much as I enjoyed IBIS on my old GX85, I really don’t think it was any better than the IS on some Canon lenses.
  20. You’re right, Vertigo and North by Northwest aren’t cinematic at all... ?
  21. Damn it... I was going for cinematic.
  22. Sorry to be contradictory here, but I believe you want to use Shutter Priority to maintain the 180 degree shutter rule. This means you will set the shutter speed to double your frame rate (for the GH5 just use Shutter Angle instead of shutter speed so you don’t have to ever change it if you change frame rates) and then the camera will adjust the aperture and ISO accordingly to have 0 exposure. If you want to over or under expose, you can adjust exposure compensation from +/- 0 based on your needs (+1.7/2 stops for sLog2, etc) With some cameras (I don’t know if the GH5 is capable of this) you can set a maximum ISO so you won’t introduce noise due to the camera choosing to go too high with your ISO. You can also use ND filters to trick your camera to open the aperture if you want to have shallow depth of field. In a lot of instances shutter priority mode can work great for keeping an even exposure but in some instances, with certain picture profiles where you need to keep your exposure at a certain level to mimic the log curve, I find it’s easier to use manual mode and a variable ND or a lens with a clickless aperture with the aid of the in camera meter, zebras and waveform monitor.
  23. Yeah, in that instance the C200 didn’t really make sense for your needs. Honestly, I don’t know why anyone would use the C200 unless they were planning on shooting RawLite.
  24. Thanks, 1/120th. Although I’d rarely use it, the biggest missing feature with the 5D3 and ML Raw is 1080p 48 or 60fps... but this kinda works in a pinch... EDIT: sorry... I used 1/96th. I first tried 60p... but it seemed too much for the camera so I dropped it down to 48p... so I shot that with 1/96th.
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