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Hi, I ended up getting a BenQ32U: https://www.benq.eu/en-uk/monitor/designer/pd3200u.html The first one I got was faulty but no problem replacing it from BenQ .. just took a bit of time. When I hooked it up initially I was a bit disappointed but downloaded drivers for the graphics card and monitor and looked much better. I am coming from a 2013 iMac without the retina screen and really think its still great... The BenQ is a matt screen so a bit more subdued .. the colours are very natural, but its still taking a bit of getting used to as it seams duller than a gloss screen. The size is great as well for general work with multiple apps open. Editing is great as you got a nice section of the timeline and spend much less time zooming in and out. Also the room I work in can get bright so the matt screen gets washed out... never a problem with my iMac. Overall I like the size of the screen and its accurate colours but may have preferred a different finish (something you cannot see from buying online). If only my new computer was as good... it seams to crash a lot... not sure if its Windows or the computer itself. A bit annoying Thanks padraig
Thanks for the advice... was going for that Viewsonic but went for a 32"... I went a bit over my budget but reckon it will be worth it: https://www.benq.com/en-us/monitor-backup/designer/pd3200u.html My new PC on the way as well Ryzen 7 with Vega 56 8G card so should be a nice setup.... Now to get my head around Windows after years of using Apple OS. Cheers P
The more I look into the monitors the more I get confused... there are so many options and models. Really just trying to get something that would equal my 27" 2013 iMac. Not sure if an IPS is possible in my price range? Suggestions welcome On the short list are: https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07BVXGBHT/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=A157EB1Z2TE0C2&psc=1 https://www.amazon.co.uk/Samsung-LU32H850UMUXEN-32-Inch-Quantum-Monitor/dp/B0727RQZBZ/ref=sr_1_6?keywords=LG+32UD99&qid=1562414463&s=gateway&sr=8-6 https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B01NBH7IW2/ref=ox_sc_saved_title_1?smid=A2OAJ7377F756P&psc=1 https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07F733RYH/ref=ox_sc_saved_title_2?smid=A2OAJ7377F756P&psc=1 P
Just moving from an older iMac to PC ... sort of dreading going over to Windows but giving it a go. On the hunt for a nice monitor under €500... 4k 32" would be nice... Any recommendations? Thanks Padraig
Great stuff, just giving his books Cinema 1 & 2 a go... here is a nice podcast with intro to his work: There are nice essays in this book relating to film philosophy: https://www.amazon.com/Afterimages-Gilles-Deleuzes-Film-Philosophy-ebook/dp/B004445HMO/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=afterimage+deleuze&qid=1562263076&s=gateway&sr=8-1 A Thousand Platueas is fairly wild philosophy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Thousand_Plateaus P
Have you seen Herzog's film on caves... really great. They also build an exact replica of that cave which is super interesting and thought about filming there myself: http://archeologie.culture.fr/chauvet/en Not sure about shooting a proper film in such sensitive locations... usually need permits and relivant insurance.... but I was shooting in a cave in Ireland last night... no crew, no permit. P
Ricardo, you got it go'in on. Great cinematography... should be working as a DP on a movie set somewhere. I got a nx 500 that I use mostly for stills but must start using it more for video seen as it has the same sensor as the NX1 and people are gettign such great footage with it!
Like wise, prices for the the 45 & 85?
Thanks Christrad, good deal for sure... might just check if they will deliver to wet Ireland. P
Hi Christrad, I don't think they deliver outside of Belgium or have you purchased from them? P
That range of primes would cover pretty much everything you need and great quality. I also like the look of the 135mm 2.8, it is not supposed to be the best in the contax range but I really like it on the GH4 when shooting at a distance and you can pick it up cheap. P
JazzBox, try the contax zeiss 35-70mm, 3.5..... its super sharp and has a bit of a cult following in the stills world ... I usually use it like two primes at the short or long end plus it has a handy macro function. P
Hi, I also give a shout out to the contax zeiss lens, I have a small set and all are great. One I like just for its versatility is the 35-70mm, it is super sharp if you are into stills and has a decent macro function. Not the fastest but great quality.... mine even survived a 6 foot fall onto the ground. Just one thing I am using the lenses on a GH4 with a regular c/y adaptor, I want to get a speedbooster but are there cheaper versions of the metabones c/y to m4/3? Or should I just get a c/y to eos adaptor and then the eos to /43 speedboster and stack the adaptors? Thanks
Hi guys, the magic lantern workflow on the 5D does seem a lot of extra hassle even tho the images are great. In Ireland they hold their value as well. I actually owned a BMPC and sort of regret selling it, I had it with the original firmware and had to return it with some dead pixels, plus the poor screen and battery life was a bit of a pain. Once it is rigged up it works fine but I did not invest in it, so moved it on. I loved the prores files it produced and sometimes used raw... great for grading but for the way I work I prefer having a cam that can shoot top stills and video plus good erogonimcs. Thats why the NX1 is tuning my head and also I am on a tight budget. If cash was not to much of a concern I would probably looking at one of the sonys... A7r II, full frame, 42mp and IS looks the business. As mentioned none of the cameras are perfect and a bit of talent can make any of them shine. We are in lucky times that there are good options for any budget, in reality all the camera mentioned are dam good. The GH4 I have is cool but I do like some of the footage I am seeing coming from the samsung.
Mattias, that sounds seriously tempting, I'll send you a message
How much was it in euros? I am guessing a few drinks won't cover it
Lintelfilm... I had a canon 550D before my GH4 and I got some good results with it, but the panny is so far ahead for video... it just a far better allrounder. Also the RAW workflow on a 5D puts me off... but it is a great stills camera for sure. Mattias, I don't think I will see any of the NX1 in the classified in Ireland, most of the main camera shops don't sell them so scarce on the round. If you ever pick up an extra one and want to pass it on give me a shout.... I am sure we could do a deal
Ya, I seen a link to this crazy deal but they don't ship outside of Switzerland: https://www.digitec.ch/en/s1/product/samsung-nx1-body-black-28mp-cameras-2759475 Its so weird they are getting out of the camera business with such a great product., who the hell knows whats going on. But the deal Mattias mentioned with the lens sounds great? Need to sleep on it!
Thanks for the help... Kidzrevil, I here what you are saying regards holding out till the GH5 but I suppose the deals on the samsung are turning my head, I too like the super 35mm aesthetic and high res stills. I reckon you are right that to get the best out of it NX1 for stills it probably needs the 16-50 f/2-2.8. I would still use my contax zeiss lens (35-70mm / 50mm / 135mm) for video. Mattias, that is a very kind offer, where did you see the deal NX1 with the 16-50mm f/2-2.8... was it online or a local store? I still like my GH4 but also like trying out something new... decisions decisions, here is a bit of work I shot mostly on the panny: http://padraigcunningham.com/?wpb_portfolio=emergent-properties http://padraigcunningham.com/?wpb_portfolio=herewego Again I appreciate the advice.
Thanks teddoman, Kidzrevil, how do you find using the codec? I find the GH4 fairly noisy and only use iso 1600 if I really have to. I was hoping the NX1 would be a fair bit better but it seems that it is clean up to 1600 but falls apart after that.... so pretty much on par with the GH4? Also I thought I read somewhere that there was some sort of software IS with a firmware but don't see anyone mentioning it? Kidzrevil, in your opinion what would you say are the aesthetic differences between the two cams? I would love to have both but in reality I am an artist on tight budget so can only afford one or the other so would need to sell the GH4 to fund the purchase of the Samsung and lens.
Hi Mattias, Don, I wish I could get the NX1 with that lens for that price here in Europe (if I buy from the states I would probbbaly be charge heavy import duty) ... you can get it for €1300 on ebay but thats with the cheap kit lens, not so sure about it. Also seen the body for €800 on this site but need to check out the shipping: https://www.selexion.be/fr/samsung-nx1-body-noir/samsung/1438076917377 Teddoman, the stabilisation would be nice for sure... I like handheld video myself and usually use a cheapo shoulder brace with the GH4 but it would be nice to have decent lens with IS. Have you used NX1?
Thanks Don, never really considered the A7 (I would need stills lens for it also), not sure its so cheap over in Europe, I will check it out. Agreed that the Samsung 16-50mm is too expensive but I thought a couple of the cheap pancakes (16mm & 30mm) would be good enough cover for the stills side of things and not to expensive. The GH4 takes good stills no doubt, but when I want to blow them bigger than A2 I am not so sure they hold up well. I sort of liked the video I seen from the NX1 and the apsc sensor seems excellent for stills so I thought it could be one camera that covers everything. The only thing it seemed to miss was the stabilisation and the codec is problematic as I am in editing in CS6. Have you used both cameras by any chance?
Hi all, love the forum, I'm a long time reader, I don't post often but I was hoping to get a bit of advice on changing from the GH4 to the Samsung NX1. Basically I am an artist and make short experimental films to exhibit in a gallery context. I also shoot a fair bit of photos as research and sometimes as artworks. I have a GH4 and as most people know it's a solid video camera but I find it a bit lacking in photos department (of course this could be just me). The Samsung looks to be a great option for both particularly as the price is dropping below €1000 but I am a bit worried about the fact they are getting out of the photo business. I do like the images coming from the NX1 so do people thing it is worth changing? I can only really afford one camera so I will probably sell my GH4 to cover the costs. I currently have three 4/3 lenses (panny 14mm / sigma 2.8 30mm / olympus 45mm 1.8) but I also have a few contax zeiss lens for the video side of things so I think I can adapt these to the samsung? My ideal camera would be the Sony A&s II with is full frame sensor and image stabilisation but I won't be able to afford it any time soon. My main worries with the samsung is the editing the codec on my imac and the rumors of them leaving the business. Also I would need to invest in a couple of auto focus (the 30mm pancake looks like good value to start). So do you reckon its worth changing? thanks P
Hi, thanks for the advice, the camera was set up with zebras at 100%, with constant preview on. I will play closer attention to the histogram and over expose in future. do ye trust the display on the GH4 at all? It's really annoying it's so far off from the actual files. Ta Padraig
Hi All, long time reader here but my first post. I bought a GH4 last year and I like the camera it but seem to be having a continuos problem. Everything seems to get under exposed by 2-3 stops! Shooting recently in low light conditions everything looked fine on screen and when played back in camera but when I got the footage onto into Premier it is badly underexposed and when I try to lift it the noise is awful. I sort of know now too over expose but it is difficult to judge. Has anyone else this problem? Any solutions. Could the camera be faulty? Thanks Padraig