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Endfallow Media

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    Denver, CO. USA

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  1. It was actually two different sellers, but yes, the ad/image was DS, but received Original Cine. eBay is just plain awful. Sold my first auction last month, and I had to list it THREE different times, due to scammers. Took about a month to resolve, which meant I had thousands of dollars just sitting there, and no access to it. My wife banned me from buying or selling on there any longer. B&H, Adorama, and Amazon Prime are my go-to's anyway. =]
  2. Slight hiccup. Thanks to eBay, freaking scam cesspool that it is, of the three lenses I ordered: 14mm, 35mm, 85mm, the a latter two arrived and turned out to both be original Cine lenses, and not the DS line. Not the biggest deal, but certainly not what I payed for. That said, being I'll only have the 14mm and an old 50mm Nikon D this weekend, I may have to delay the shooting comparison, just until I can get some new lenses in. Slight chance I may just try anyway and see if I can get something. I'll keep you all posted. Mr. Endfallow Media is my fathers name. Just kidding. Joshua works just fine.
  3. From an earlier post: "In reviewing my initial post, particularly the wording of the title, I see how I led some astray. We won't be shooting until this coming weekend (Sat/one week from now), and I will post my thoughts and the examples shortly after. Sorry for the confusion." Again, sorry for the confusion.
  4. I certainly have a lot to learn, particularly in the cinematic realm. My experience has always been in the turn and burn work of small business and short promotional video. However, I'm genuinely interested in the long form, crafted world of cinema, just never really dipped you goes in at that level. I'll be sure and check out CML and perhaps spend some more time considering the nuts and bolts technical side of video. Thx for the advise.
  5. Yikes. I hadn't read about the banding issue. Thanks again for the tips.
  6. I certainly see where you're coming from, and I don't think I disagree, but I'm simply just not of that caliber or mindset. I run a small studio, and outside of client work and the occational passion project, I'd rather just spend my time with my family and friends. I know that's prob lame, but I'm simple that way. Now I've definitely watched my share of technical tests, but I have to admit, I don't get a lot of practical use out of them. I'm not certain what CML is, please excuse my ignorance, but I imagine if they're doing formal tests, are doing many of them, there evironments are very controlled and there methods are very procedural, well tested and exacting. That's sounds like a full time job, and just can't swing it. As for the lenses, agreed. Will be def be using the same lenses on each body. At the moment all but the new 14mm & 35mm are Canon glass, but I'm pretty sure I can wrangle some manual Nikon or vintage glass, as well.
  7. Of course. Excuse me if I misrepresented you. Your test piqued my interest and I've been eager to try it out myself. Most of my clients projects are for web one way or another, so I may be an ideal candidate if the test yields favorable results. In reviewing my initial post, particularly the wording of the title, I see how I led some astray. We won't be shooting until this coming weekend (Sat/one week from now), and I will post my thoughts and the examples shortly after. Sorry for the confusion. Awesome. Thx for the recommendation, Geoff. Is the intention for these settings to provide a file that stands up better to CC/grading, or is it a "better" image out of cam thought. Just curious of how you use it.
  8. I know @Andrew mentioned something about the NX1 having a Dragon like sensor (6.5k) readout, and I'm interested how this will translate in a real world test. Also curious seeing how @Mattias Burling's (I think that is who recomended it) process of up-ressing the NX1's slowmo to 4k will look against the Dragons native high-frame rate 4k and 6K. As a note, I've never shot with the NX1, so if any of you with experience want to recommend any ideal settings and help shorten the learning curve (maybe a different thread?), it'd be appreciated.
  9. Def more along the lines of what I was thinking. The cam and lenses should be in this week, and we'll prob do a quick shoot with the NX1 as a b-cam this weekend. I'll try and get something up shortly after.
  10. Formal tests, charts and the like, are exactly the kind of vids I tend to avoid, as I honestly don't really use them and they take time to shoot & edit that I'd rather put elsewhere. Personally, I'm more the proponent of real world tests, which is which I was offering (Please excuse me for not being more exacting). That said since there is some interest there, I'll certainly talk to my partner and if we're able to accommodate your request for for a formal review, i.e. charts and noise levels, we certainly will.
  11. The title is sounds a little more provocative that it should. What it boils down to is that I decided to pick up an NX1 and couple Rokinon DS lenses, and we're curious how usable the NX1 is as a 4k B cam for the Dragon. Now I'm not one for test videos, never made one and would rather not, but I am willing to post my experiences and a little footage if they community would be interested in the results. I looked around a bit and didn't see anyone else who'd posted the same info, so if you're interested, go ahead and chime in, and I'll be sure and update the thread. If it only ends up only being a person or two interested, I'm happy to keep it off of the forum and just email individual parties. Lemme know.
  12. It's crazy how many clients ask for 4k now, isn't it? That's what got me looking at cams again, as well. Got admit, I love talking shop, but keeping up is exhausting. =]
  13. Thx for the link. Jeez, 7,952 x 5304 stills.... that's just ridiculous. That's why Youtube now supports 8K. Bet this thing'll kick out some amazing timelapses.
  14. Anybody else watch their video in full res? On my 5K, it certainly looks good, but not revolutionary good, if you will. The same issues that plague most current cams with baked codecs seem present here, despite improvements: questionable DR and blown highlights in the first two shots (and a couple others), noticeable moire on the roof of the far left house at :15, and the roof at :18 (and the camera is static!), and though it has the in-cam 5-axis stabilization, some pretty shaky looking shots throughout, including the motion-controlled shots (which should be butter smooth). I don't mention that to as means to downplay the camera, just as an observation. Like everybody else, I think it looks like a cool cam, and would really like to see some more footage, preferably some original files. That said, it has some awesome specs that may make it the new IT cam, for the moment. Perhaps it'll even get some other companies to drop their new tech/prices a little sooner. Please post as you find new info. --- And just to cover my bases, "Yes, I know that a new camera doesn't make me any better of a filmmaker. I just like them, nonetheless." (Since this tired argument ALWAYS seems to come up.) =]
  15. Ah. My bad, I thought the 35mm 2.8 was native, as well. Thx for the recommendations.
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