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About tokhee

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  1. not too shabby! the video was shot with the X-T2. looks pretty damn good to me.
  2. @Kisaha you are right! it can't be 4 years... definitely feels like I had it for that long. the AF and the touch screen is amazing on the NX1. and the 16-50S is an outstanding piece of glass that is built like no other. it's a shame that they didn't make an NX2. it would have been something.
  3. I used the NX1 for about 4 years and did numerous paid gigs with it. the footage from the camera looks top-notch when it's lit well. but I really got frustrated when I had to shoot in situations (run and gun) where the lighting wasn't ideal. the footage starts looking really muddy. and with the type of work I do, I needed a camera that can handle above ISO 800/1600. to me the X-T2 is a great replacement; great skin tones, internal 4K on an SD card, and the price is not too high. but I do miss how the NX1 feels in your hands. that was perfection.
  4. a short doc shot with the X-T2. looks great.
  5. i use Filmcovert. you can add softness (i do about 20%) and also some film grain (30%). looks beautiful.
  6. awesome! is that with the hack?
  7. The motion cadence in that video is the best I've ever seen.
  8. @DaveAltizer i received some more pics of the listing. the camera is a bit banged up. still a great deal. i'm too chicken s%#t to make the purchase...
  9. tokhee


    nice shot! so the 35mm on an nx1 is closer to a 50mm ish?
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