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  1. I've been asked by Andrew not to post any links to deleted web caches having to do with Ed David. The ones I did post were removed. @Ed David. It must be completely exhausting having to continually back peddle and justify all the bullshit you've been tangled up in over the years as part of your noble crusades. It's clear to me from my own experience (and from the other comments in the links I posted) that you are a psychopath and a narcissist who continually reasserts your ego while seeking validation in places like this. Nothing changes. It's also clear that you have a small minion of trained brown nosing ass-lickers here who lash out for you when your feet are held to the fire. I guess you'll throw them a bone after setting down your hand mirror. Looking into the future, I'd like to see PB catch up with you in some lawless part of the world where it will be your end. I'd be happy sub for PB, but not before passing you around to the Arabs. I'll say it for the last time, you have no right to assert your conjecture into the PB controversy.
  2. It's clear that you believe what you are saying. As for me, I wasn't there. Is Julian Assange also an 'abuser?' Or a victim?
  3. No. But I am willing to risk the ire of the the forum holder and his friend David to say something about it. Tell me though, why do you think it's ok to paint Bloom guilty when you yourself (like Ed David) are going on hearsay and conjecture? The fact is that neither of you actually know. That you are so easily drawn to outrage and scorn is sadly symptomatic of the unfortunate times we live. That's it that's all.
  4. Yesterday Ed, the crusading social justice warrior that he is, after all his good intentions, took yet another shot (5 years after the controversy) at Phil Bloom: https://www.eoshd.com/comments/topic/46886-online-abuse-by-philip-bloom-followers/page/2/#comments Like Ed has some special way of knowing exactly what transpired. And that he thinks it's his place to lead the charge further speaks to his character. I'm not the only one who has a problem with this... check the links.
  5. "It's clear that Ed is mostly just concerned with being "right" and will even fabricate reality..."
  6. Again, just tell us, what didn't you get from him? What didn't he do for you?
  7. So you weren't involved in any way in the 'alleged' abuse and somehow you feel it's your place (because you have a friend) to rip apart his reputation? Just how maniacal are you? Your behaviour serves in the same capacity... you might want to get some help.
  8. What? No malicious slagging of Phil Bloom? That is, and has been, at the heart of all your speaking tours. Just tell us, what didn't you get from him? What didn't he do for you?
  9. User

    Panasonic GH6

    Volunteer. Clearly you have to answer to all their shortcomings... 😂
  10. User

    Spot The Camera?

    All good. I meant 'crappy' compared to what was available on the market. Obviously he chose a camera that wouldn't draw attention to himself... unlike the scene with that horribly exploitive tourist in Havana. Anyway, it was actually reassuring to see great new doc with rougher images... and a great story.
  11. User

    Spot The Camera?

    Thanks MrSMW. I watched Epicentro last night and it was reasurring to see another insightful and artful rendering of story by this director (shot on this crappy little camera) go the distance. It's been said a thousand times here before that very often all this focus on gear is just a cover for a lack of creative abilities... so another hats off to those who shine with less and still do wonderful work. Onward.
  12. User

    Spot The Camera?

    And to go back to the my OP, this just up on Epicentro.... and ties nicely into the rest of the thread: https://filmmakermagazine.com/110197-cinema-is-prophecy-it-creates-truth-hubert-sauper-on-his-sundance-grand-jury-prize-winner-epicentro/?fbclid=IwAR2xNjZnkA0OFJGtAhWntyhRTtR0liB8iRJMmZh4KBrbIjrE1onXdI46AvM#.X0vlRWKvA0N
  13. User

    Spot The Camera?

    Yes to the smile going a long way. I like comedy and using the gesture of touch to warm things up with as I move the camera about. I also learn enough of the local language so I can make light of and crack a few (self deprecating) jokes in the moment. If it's one thing I've learned it's that people usually love to laugh. And that it's good to have an exit strategy 😉
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