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Everything posted by PannySVHS

  1. Hey, Merce! Now I am getting exited to check that baby out! Should be in my hands next week. Yes 2 cam set up sounds tempting. On dpreview 1080p looks of much lower resolution than LX100 though. But always good to test ourselves. Wow! What an awesome compliment. Thank you! Not sure if I fit that bill. I enjoy to shoot short pieces with the tech I got at my hands. I uploaded a fun video I did with my great ladyfriend and student collegue. We filmed and acted together, only us two with my G6, with the boosted 28mm FD and a cheapo 60dollar rig- and a cool blue bike. Gotta have a blue bike:) Originally we met for a coffee and then she suggested we should film a bike race. So we did without any planning. Was very happy with Panny colors again after the grade. Think GX85 will allow me more of this kind of spontaneous work.
  2. PannySVHS

    classic digital

    Awesome find, inspiring article and seemingly person. Thanks, merce! I like the outside footage very much. Great energy and creative arrangement of shots! There have been some follow up cams with p2 cards i think. But price not as low as 300usd unfortunately. That´s what a DVX100 can be bought I think.
  3. Hey John, thank you for your reply. This is really cool then, internal recording with parallel external recording and/or external display! I hope I didn´t just fall for GAS and picture quality is recognizably better compared to my G6, which is a cool cam on its own. I will see.
  4. PannySVHS

    classic digital

    Fuzzy, this trailer is awesome. Some of the coolest stuff I´ve seen here recently. Canon XH A1- does it save to tape only? Where can we watch this?
  5. PannySVHS

    classic digital

    Awesome and fun topic. I remember somebody posted some nice DVX100 footage in a similar topic. Anyway, some beautiful examples here. Would love a HD version of the DVX100, 3 CCD, 1080p, writing to card, nice ergonomics in a compact body. you could mount it on m43 and use the sensor crop. would give you something like a cropfactor 5 compared to 36x24mm FF:)
  6. Have not received it yet. Hope it wasn´t just GAS. My G6 is serving me good enough actually. I think it is really true that from the 5DII, GH2, even DVX100 days on, it´s not the camera anymore but lights, blocking, shotdesign, action, visuality, composition, framing, ideas behind all those. So maybe it wasn´t the best of ideas to go for the GX85, and the bump in image quality is not worth it. I will see. Feeling unsure right now. Okay, back to topic:)
  7. Thanks, bud! Once I uploaded the vid, you will know for sure that I not only need a script but a shotlist as well So hopefully for the future, I won´t do so much run n gun and fun filming anymore, but rather disciplined and planned out approach. But thanks a lot for the great compliment! Yes, I shot that vid. But my mistake was to hunt for the beautiful colors and moments, rather than following the little dialogue and preparing a shotlist Some heavier grading involved. Shadows got broke, so i had to dither it out with additional noise. Shot with the 28 2.8 FD, chinaboosted. Below is another one. cheers and have a great night. Over here in Germany it´s dark already:)
  8. Hey Merce! You had em all, them cams:) So, how do you like the Nikon 28mm? By the way, as Andy Lee stated, the Canon FD 28mm 2.8 speedboosted is something like the Contax Zeiss is something like the Hollywood 28mm F2.0 Zeiss. That way I can sleep well without nighmares about how many cool lenses I would have to buy:)
  9. Okay, you boys are bad, i mean bad! Because off you I bought a GX85. Though one of its biggest supporters is now in awe of the beautiful canon xc10. Talking about you here, merce!:) Well, that Canon beauty is too expensive for me, will have to rent that one, but couldn´t resist that GX85. So done it and will test it. Maybe I should have waited longer. But couldn´t resist it like i said. So for all you G6 lovers out here, a screenshot of the most recent footage I did with my G6. @John Matthews, Hey John, i think I remember that you tested HDMI out and stated that internal recording and at the same time Liveview with an external monitor was possible. Do I remember that right? Anybody else to chime in on that? cheers and regards and hoping the GX will be a worthy addition to my G6! Woulndt dare to say successor:) G6 has mic in
  10. Hey guys, I know bragging about the G6 again, it might be like cold coffee. But in the heat of discussion a cool ice coffee is a beautiful thing, so to say, metaphorically speaking:) I was shooting in September 3pm bright sun light, -2-2-2-2, WB at 5600, John Matthews and Jase´ A3G3 setting, 200ISO, autoshutter- Colorwise, grading it in Davinci feels almost like dealing with raw with the right workflow, colorwise not DR wise. Call me crazy for saying so. I´m really shocked to see what a adequate workflow can get out of this cam. That little 24 Mbps codec in 24p is really, really suprising me. When focus is right it even forgives a 1.25 croppin in post. So I bet the GX85 must be awesome picture quality wise. The ergos don´t fit me that well it seems. Grip could be a little bit taller. There is an additional grip available but only from one company I think. I am thinking about this one, rather than the G7 because off IBIS. @mercer, Merce, tellin you, with grading workflow you can achieve so much beauty in color with these little lumix cams. So for me it´s still G6 for a little while, then GX85 and later the 13stops of the GH5-IBIS-10bit with 600Mbps-Beast!:)
  11. I second that, @mercer, you might want to copyright your slogan!
  12. Great pitch! Would be even cooler, if they make it happen and give you big bucks for the slogan!:) Every Eoshd fan would show their appreciation of this by a purchase of that new, beautiful GH5. I certainly would!
  13. Really like the atmosphere and intensity of the material. If the film keeps what the trailer promises you got a winner here! Congrats on having done a feature film at all! But most of all congratulations for having done, what seems by the trailer, to be a really beautiful piece of cinema! Gonna read the article on filmschool later, looks like a great read!
  14. @Andrew Reid NX1 (NX mount) is seeing a prototype of a speedbooster with a 1.1 crop in effect. You can find the project in your sticky NX1 topic. One of your forum members is developing this piece of tech. Btw, beautifl article. quote: "When the sensor is physically already smaller than full frame, any further crop employed in 4K is added to that base crop (for example 1.5x for the APS-C Fuji X-T2 plus a further 1.17x crop in UHD 4K)." Would you like to add a sentence to your article about the simple math of calculating the resulting crop out of sensor crop and additional 4K crop? For instance for Fuji XT2: 1.5 APC-crop * 1.17 additonal 4K crop = 1.75 total crop for 4K That way the simple math would be explicitely written done for every seeking soul. cheers
  15. Cant wait to see what you are referring to in my quote
  16. 1.5 * 1.17 would be right and so a crop of 1.75 just like the speedbooster thing, just with a result into the other direction: fi: crop 2 * speedbooster factor 0.71 = 1.42 crop on our beatuiful HD m43 G6 with FD China booster! That does not make the sense it supposely might appear to do so:) FHD crop stays 2, because Full Frame 36x24 Sensor is cropped just as well from the top and bottom in 16:9 mode. Also, FOV of a crop 2 doesn´t change to the sides just because off chopping off the top and bottom of the sensor for 16:9 mode. So FHD crop factor stays 2.0 for calculating your equivalent FOV in 16:9 HD with your 24mm full frame lens
  17. Most posts and links related to Philip Bloom are still on here. So it is completely different. There has been great appreciation on this forum for Philip Bloom and his contributions to the video community, and that just very recently as well.
  18. That´s an intense move on Dpreviews side. I enjoyed Dpreview back then, reading their reviews of m43 cameras or the first tiny 43 dslrs from Olympus, just enjoyable and rather laid back readings. Heck, loved to browse through their database for the ultimate pocket camera, Canon g5 vs Sony v1:) Didnt they get bought by Amazon a few years ago? That´s big and successful business involved, if you know what I mean by successful. Intense move from dpreview- Amazon style. A very ugly move. Wow, what is going on with them, I mean nofilm and such?
  19. No, I missed out on that one, also on a Kiron 24mm F2.0 for 77USD. Was filming test footage. You lose some, you gain some
  20. Wrong headline. It is not a movie. Fellini, John Casavettes and others were moviemakers. Their outlook on the world was different from the presidential candidates´ one. Their approach never mentioned "the greatest nation" of people on earth. At least aliens from other planets would NOT (in caps:) fall under the category of the "LESSER great nations on earth". So, are Fellini and Rosselini less than Scorcese? Marty wouldn´t state so. EOSHD is a beautiful blog for filmmakers. Thread closed?
  21. Hallo guys, thanks for contributing so much to this topic! @bunk Thank you for sharing your practical experience. If I summarize for my own conclusion: -EF most flexible -one booster for many mounts not without varying problems -of the cheapo adapters, RJ is not the best, rather take ZY Optics/Zhongyi/Mitakon Lens Turbo, this from @BrorSvensson´s experience For the short run, I would like to mount Minolta MD glass on FD focal reducer. Anyone found an adapter for mounting MDs on FD? Haven´t found anything. Flange distance is 42 for FD, 43.5 for MD. 1.5mm difference might be too short for an adapting solution though. Pretty sure of that. cheers
  22. That is a great table to gain info from. Thank you. I´ve been checking that one out before. I highly value you guys´ practical experiences. Handling a solution with one focal reducer for as many adaptable mounts possible. The wikipedia table gives info about the technical conditions. You guys are the valuable source of the practical side of it. Has anybody tried adapting a Pentax or Canon FD lens to a Konica F mount? Great to hear that, confirming my experience with the RJ in bright sunlight. Giving nasties in colors, a native m43 lens would not. Actually it is not that great to hear that, if you know what I mean MD to FD would be very nice indeed for now, using my cheapo FD RJbooster with that beautiful 35mm 1.8 you had recommended to me!
  23. Hallo, I know I could google in an instant what flange and mounts go along. Question is of the practical side though. I´m asking for your pratical experience about the right mount for a speedbooster to use other cheepo adapters on. So I put lenses of different mounts on one and the same speedbooster. F.i. with an EF booster I could adapt Nikon lenses, M42s are adaptable on FD. I would love to find a solution to mount FD, Minolta and Pentax on the same focal reducer. Didnt find a no hassles way to adapt FDs to an EF mount, fi. What are your experiences with an one 4 all mounting solution? Thanks and cheers, Marty
  24. Hey @mercer! These are some luscious greens! BTW went for bidding on that Minolta 35mm 1.8 you recommended. Went away for 160 USD. Seems a great choice. With the hoola hoop artist, I call her that, it was a documentary opportunity, so no follow up footage on that:) But gonna post some Panny G6 grading b4 and after to get some more feedback on Panasonic 8bit colors. cheers
  25. Hey Tupp, oh boy, seems like you´re right. Just got started with the practical ways of lighting, not just making up my mind about theory. Don´t even know right now, where the heat sink is of that light. It´s a so called red head. Maybe gonna post a screenshot or footage soon. Thanks for sharing! cheers Hey Merce!:) So GX is even better in the shadows than G7? That´s something I would most certainly love to believe! Great news. What do you mean exposing for the center? I most the time expose for the mids. Going close with the cam and metering with my cam. Time to get a lightmeter, sekonic or something. Did some lighting last week for comparing G6 and 600D. If G7 and GX80 really mean a quantum leap in the shadows compared to G6 would be awesome. For the comparision I must realise that 600D had more dynamic range than G6 regarding to our maybe faulty setup. Maybe it is the lens, FD 50mm 1.4 on G6 VS Contax Zeiss 50mm 1.4. I held a Oly EM10ii with additional grip in my hand a few days ago. When doing street photography I approached another guy running around with that beauty. Felt awesome in the hand. GX85 in the stores didnt feel too great. Googled for a grip. Found this: J.B. Wood Grip. Looks like a nice addtion for the GX85.
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