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Everything posted by PannySVHS

  1. Hallo fellow citizens of the Reid States, this time your expertize is really needed and even more appreciated than ever before. I can see, over hundred people have been reading my plead for wisdom. But no answers have been found yet. Yet. Please fullfill my desire and longing for enlightement:) All you ambassadors of the Great Cameras I would once more admire you articulate and unique insight into this question. cheers
  2. Lookin great! So you traded your LX100 in for the Sony? Quiet a decision:)
  3. Hey Mattias, thanks for the hint! Now waiting for some sweet Swedish deals on the Panasonic G7.:)
  4. Oh, so can we look forward to see some footage from you very soon?:) At what length did you shoot?
  5. Hallo Andy, this is a great post to go along the angieux/tokina one. Such a great source of knowledge! Thank you very much. Just one question, test were done with the internal codec, right? So how does the HDMI to Assasin compare to the internal footage, is ist noisier due to lack of any noise reduction? cheers and thanks!
  6. Hey Matthias, would it be possible to link to these kind of offers? Seems like you always get these awesome cameras for awesome prices:) cheers
  7. Hallo! I talked to somebody about the Sony F3 and was told it delivers 10bit over SDI out of the box right away. I´ve been under the impression a paid update from Sony is needed to get 10bit 4:4:4 and SLOG2, for 899 USD. So is it true that 10bit over SDI is already available without the update or is it necessary to buy the update to get real 10bit? Would that out of the box 10bit option be 4:2:2 then vs the paid update with 444 and SLOG? cheers
  8. Hallo Jase, I put my 50cents on the GX7. Nice clean HD and natural colors, GX7 mojo. Always wanted to get one but went for a G6 instead.
  9. Hey Merc! One thing I recognized, I had to be pretty careful with the color sliders on the Cine D file. Also, light in this scene seems challenging to pull something magical out of this file. We nerds love to talk about thick colors when it comes to the technical side of the digital pipeline. I think thick light would be just as much appreciated. These dull winter days don´t often provide that at them moment. I think one can immediately recognize the magic glow of light by eye. Not talking about magic hour but the very different beasts of light depending on time of the year, day, haze, dust, sandstorm:), region, whatsoever...:)
  10. Hey Mercer! thanks for the material. Went for a quick one on the Cine D in PS. So maybe the layers would work the same in Premiere. Did color balance, gradation curve, exposure and alpha with the blue channel as softlight layer on top. I would say light in this particular scene didnt really provide that much magical nuances to pull out of the file. Looks like shot on natural profile. So why not just film in natural anyway:)
  11. Did some quick color balance of the original ooc shot in PS. Worked very well. Maybe in Davinci next time I won´t go all that crazy on the color wheels, exposures and layer mode but rather put some simple gentle touches on the color sliders. Still a little off but enough for now:) You really nailed the gloomy mood of the day. I am kinda amazed that a little color balance would get so much out of this H264 file. Learned so much today. Thanks a lot! Now I can go crazy on the screenshot with the channel mixer in PS:) cheers and good night:)
  12. Hey mercer, thanks:) Was going for a more stylized look. Day to night wouldnt hurt to put up some night like lights for sculpting the scene. Other than that low exposure and done:) Scene was shot with a Canon FD 50mm 1.4. Hey, that is a very nice approach. I was falling into the redish and hazy contrast too much:) Wanted to promote the idea that the GH4 would be indeed a very liable decision, showing what a G6 under extreme conditions is capable of. Maybe thatfore my "intense" grade:) Did you pull the grade off the ungraded or the graded shot? Hey, with Cinegain, you (and me as well:) we got some nice looking filmic gestalt out off that G6! So one more proof that G6 and GH4 more so are pretty gradeable. Bluish hue from branches could be eliminated in Davinci by combining a Hue vs Hue via colorpicker and a mask for protecting the rest of the scene.
  13. Thank you for your comment and help! Yeah, have been thinking it was a 650W.:) Do you have a recommendation for a power supply? HD h264 and 200mbit Prores proof. Also for a reliable monitoring software? @cantsin Thank you for putting things into the right perspective. Thank you very much! Gonna get another power supply!
  14. Hey! Thanks for your help and advice! Never had a problem with native H264 editing, but in Davinci with Prores and h264 as well. That was either with optical flow activated or too high of a bit rate with Prores HQ f.i, also with many nodes. So it might rather be a power supply related issues much rather than heat issues from GPU or CPU. I´m guessing so, because it doesnt take much time until shut down. Power charge would be a quicker parameter too rise through the roof, much faster than temperature. And finally I checked my power supply. Never did, as I was assuming it was 650W!:) But it´s a 420W, it´s a LC Power LC420H! So 650W would be fine for HD and Davinci? Any monitoring software showing my the complete power consumption of the system, GPU plus CPU? Thanks guys for being so helpful! Hey Sam, didn´t overclock. And, thanks to your advice, I won´t in the future!:)
  15. Hey Nick and Ebrahim, thank you guys for your very profound advice. I will follow it. Thanks!
  16. Hallo Stewart, thank you for your reply and valuable input- makes sense, should be a problem with the Operating System. So how can I "super-uber-totally":) back up my Resolve database? I´ve read, once Resolve 12 is installed all the projects and color presets from version 11 are gone! So that would be still a reason for me to hestiate quiet a bit. If OP is the problem, it seems like a rough case though:)
  17. Hey guys, Yesterday I did some grading to relax- it´s still cold ouside, so nothing better than to enjoy some tea in front of Davinci:) I came across a very underexposed and wrongly white-balanced shot. Filming was done with the Panasonic G6 in Natural all -2 but color at 0. I think, quiet amazing, though some posterization and false color cannot be ignored! So I bet GH4 would be a fantastic camera in many ways and natural is a tested and well received profile.
  18. Hey Stewart! thank you for your answer! Still using V.11.3. Usually using a transcode to Prores LT or HQ. Computer shuts down with HQ just doing playback without any nodes after a little bit of editing. Other than that it shuts down when doing 25% playback speed with optical flow.
  19. PannySVHS


    Hallo, wouldn´t have assumed a LUT:) Lookin great. Doin some grading with my G6 at the moment. Codec ist quiet robust. Bet the G7 is pretty awesome! Focus lever sounds like a good idea. Wouldn´t assume Christopher Doyle used a focus puller on Chungking Express but on Hero he surely did:)
  20. PannySVHS


    Hey Mercer, Really like the colors you were able to pick up with the grade, last part seems a little bit dark compared to ungraded material. Grade looks really filmic, rich colors, naturalistic, not LUT mud like:) How did you manage to hold the lens so steady even with focusing? Did you use a speedbooster for a wider angle of view? cheers
  21. Hey guys! My school wants to buy either an URSA min 4.6K, duh:) Or a FS7. What kind of setup do you guys recommend for the FS7: -strong HQ shoulder rig (Zacuto, Lanparte maybe) -EVF -Vmount and battery -tripod plate -follow focus and so on? Asking for a nice setup for cinema shooting, with good quality- price balance. Thank you all for having been so helpful all the time. This is a great place with many very inspiring and super cool people. cheers
  22. Hallo dear community, Davinci is giving me great pleasures and pain. I absolutely enjoy this beautiful freeware programme (Lite Version:) My computer is a nice and cheap setup for HD and Davinci. I7 2600K, 16GB Ram, system SSD, 7200rpm HD, GTX 970. A lot of times my computer all of the sudden shuts down when I´m rendering with some optical flow clips in the timeline. Also shut down appears when I´m messing with 200mbs clips in HD. The same with 4K footage from XC10. Temperature of the Geforce never hits 60 degree Celsius. Help, advice or moral support:) is very much appreciated! This is driving me nuts. No problems with my cheap piece of editing software Videopad I paid 80 euro for. cheers and thanks
  23. Let the fun continue!:) Thanks for the great challenge! I´d say GH1 with a 35mm Cmount lens.
  24. Hallo Ebrahim and everyone, I´ve been searching for a 28-70 zoom with constant F2.8 in FD mount and I found a Sigma one but never had a chance to come across one of these on Ebay. Info on it is very rare to almost none. Anybody got their hands on one of these or knowledge about it? http://allphotolenses.com/lenses/item/c_2084.html# BTW, we did a short with the Canon FD 28mm and a China speedbooster on the G6. Nice setup and great price.
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