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Everything posted by PannySVHS

  1. Thank you for shimming in! That's exiting! Would you mind posting some footage you shot with it? I would love to see some 3 CCD 720p 444 magic! When and where did you buy your beautiful DVX100 Andromeda? Do you know any cool stories about the former owner or did you buy it first hand? Your insights would be highly appreciated! @Jwspictures
  2. Having the original Kodak CCD in a much better form factor than a BM production camera would be nice though. A small industry camera could provide that, with a form factor like a BM micro, a small cube, perfect to be rigged out. I don't know if Altcinecam have delivered some of their Bmmcc based cameras, nor have i seen tests for ergonomy and handling nor their current price. @Clark Nikolai
  3. There is no search function anymore! Can you believe it. No more searching for Bmmcc videos or 1.5 anamorphic on a Lumix! No more browsing groups neither as they have been deleted too! Oh, if you cancel your plus account they also delete all of your videos which you uploaded under the plus tarrif. These tech companies lure us in and take our money and then they can just kill it off. So upset that I gave them my money again despite the price raise. Vimeo is worthless now for a filmmaking community and filmmakers.
  4. I had wondered why seemingly noone has tried to do that! Digital Bolex sports a KAI-2050 or KAI-4050 sensor from what I read. There used to exist small c-mount cameras with these sensors irrc. Diy digital bolex anyone?:) @BTM_Pix
  5. Thank you for posting! @kye Nice perspectives, also lovely sound! Will need to rewatch it on my TV! I would love to see your beautiful daylight shots too in a montage! Maybe I should also get around to upload some of my summer footage. I think og p2k and m2k are delivering an honest, pure and beautiful lowlight image at their native iso 800, already in Prores 422. It's better than a GH5 in that regard iirc. The fairchild sensor is a thing of beauty, no mushy codec neither. I cannot replicate the magic with my S1H under natural light. I did a little project with it and the image looks like Eng or a Tv crime drama, no matter how I work the footage in Davinci. It could be user error of course. I wonder if the GH5s and the P4K are different in that regard despite also sporting a Sony sensor like the S line cameras from Panny. I've seen great stuff with the Pocket 4K, though only on the web so far. Maybe I"ll borrow one from a friend. Pocket 4K thread is a great read I am recalling btw. Weekend is saved.:)
  6. I watched four episodes of season one. It wasn't mine so I will now buy the Bluray Box from 2014 with tons of extras, documentaries, deleted scenes, the pilot, the prequel and of course season one and two. I don't know if the other box with season 3 is just as gorgeous. The older 2014 box is a fans favorite. The episodes looked absolutely stunning so far in HD. A lot of other more recent Bluray titles look like SD by comparison. Many beautiful comments have been written in honour of the great master the last two days. It is awesome to read such intelligent and warmhearted and interesting comments from fans of his work, coming from all over the world. Indeed a damn fine community!
  7. Talking about lines. I paraphrased it incorrectly, obviously:)
  8. David Lynch, what an artist! Like David Bowie, he leaves so much behind in regards of body and spirit of work. Now their deep beautiful souls are having a fxxing fantastic coffee together and we are listening to their conversation. The two ingenious artists and humanbeings will keep inspiring and touching hearts, minds and souls. If you haven't watched "Elephant Man" or "Straight Story" yet, a must watch. I started Twin Peaks two days ago. What a marvel. I didn't expect the news a day later.
  9. How do you like the color from the S line? I remember you were pretty fond of it. @Andrew Reid I love the image when lit. Under natural light I find it a bit dull and requiring some dedicated grading efforts to exite me.
  10. Merry Christmas to you all! Spending time with family. It's been very sweet. I studied some of my footage from this year. The og pocket smokes the S1H in available daylight for colors and ooc textures. So maybe the Lumix has to go. Still shaking my head how easily the og pocket grades. So no camera purchases planned but instead selling a bunch of things. @Ninpo33Many years ago I read that the Tomioka is sold by total rip offs for total rip off prices and that's not worth a fracture of those. There must be a Revuenon 55mm 1.2 for much less money.
  11. 2.7K S16 mode on the Canon and more compatible Cmount adapters, that is tasty! But darn, just got a S1H last summer. Is that 2.7K Raw? Does anyone know good Cmount adapters for L-mount? Mine does not allow infinity.
  12. Nope, not the same charme, maybe sporting worse ibis, battery life and heat management. Plus, the S9 is a beauty. But still, besides an evf I'd miss the mechanical shutter. No charme in photography without a mechanical shutter.
  13. That bird reminds me of Paulie from "The Sopranos"?😂 @BTM_Pix
  14. There are plenty lenses at F2.8 or F4 on MFT which deliver your desired depth of field and not being wide open. The 12-35 already fits the bill and is exellent at F4, same for the Oly 17mm F1.8 at 2.8/4 or some optics from Laowa and so on. F4 vs F8 also eliminates a two stop difference in iso performance. @QuickHitRecord GH1 really has color mojo and palette. A GH1 with the 50mbit codec and highlight rolloff of a GH3 would be all I really need. With 10bit and 10 stops dynamic range it'd be all I want. Lovely montage and video! @BTM_Pix You, your humour, support and knowledge are staying!:) I'm eager to see your footage of these lovely birds filmed with the mighty FZ2000!:) @Andrew ReidI think the universe deserves a British gentleman filming the world on sticks. The nerd will celebrate your renewed interest in Mft. Dual Gain sensor and fast read outs in a rock solid body are compelling. I get a solid image out of full frame Lumix any time of the day. But I am not falling in deep love with it. The S line kicks ass in lit scenarios beyond anything I would be able to buy though. I could imagine the GH6/7 and G9II being a S1H with mojo, magic and fast readouts, also weighting 40% or 400g less and adding super much nerdy toys to play with, such as 4K120, HD240, crop modes and so on plus the aforementioned Dual Gain, an exiting tech and new processing as well as colour science to explore and tinker with.
  15. I was a little bit upset about the second photo revealing the GF1 as I wanted to prove my camera eye, indentifying the GF1 on your first photo. Lovely to look at the white beauty though. So thanks for posting the second photo as well.:) @Andrew Reid I will have to check now if there exists a white GX1 model. The 16 Mpix GX1 sensor is so much better than the 12Mpix imager in the GF1. I must say, the GF1 to me is the prettiest looking digital body. I would have loved a version with the GX1/G6 sensor and G6 video. GX1 comes close in regards of looks though still not as beautiful to look at as the GF1. The S9 being a pocket S1H with PDAF, one could see it that way. A GX85 on roids it is not, since an EVF and mechanical shutter are missing.😊 Wonder how it behaves regarding overheating and battery life.
  16. With the Blackmagic Ursa 17K offering 15 stops as well it looks like a valid alternative with 4 kg vs 3.3, also offering almost three times the pixel count compared to the Alexa. Taken from the comment section of German version of the article: Alexa 265 weighting 3.3 kg and measuring (HxWxL) 147 x 163.9 x 199.4 mm vs.BMD 17k with 4kg and 153 x 154 x 280 mm. Both being small compared to the 10.5kg Alexa 65. I'm happy with just one Ursa 17K.:) @IronFilm Wondering if it's offering a stepless digizoom. If not, I won't be getting one!:)
  17. Our friends at slashcam have posted these news for the highest end rental market, same sensor size as Alexa 65, one stop better dynamic range of 15 stops, one stop more sensitive with 6400 ISO being as clean as 3200 ISO on the original 65. Also, the weight has been reduced to one third of the Alexa 65 with 3.3 kg compared to 10+ kg. All in the shell of an Alwxa 35 Mini. But read for yourself. Here is the article in English, also in numbers, with a size comparison to the large format baby from Blackmagic, which comes at 30.000, whereas the new Alexa is rental only. https://www.slashcam.com/news/single/ARRI-ALEXA-265---65mm-film-production-now-more-com-18982.html
  18. My Lumix G6 had 12bit Raw with mechanical shutter but only 10bit in E shutter mode afaik. S9 without mechanical shutter and EVF is such a missed opportunity!
  19. Also the hdmi being mini. Or wasn't it even micro? Coff, coff:)
  20. If you talk purely about video I would be intrigued by a used C70 for 3K. The image is no contest in its RAW flavours, being on og Alexa level, though noise is less film like under extreme conditions in comparison. I paraphrase out of an article from German test site slashcam. Besides a fantastiv image it provides great usuability, regarding battery life, NDs and so on, all in a potrable package. As a hybrid I would find the Z6III very tempting. For video I like the image the most from what I've seen on the web. Specs vs price ratio it's a champ imho. Next would be a used S1H, with some of best thick and slim codecs I've seen. Great image pipeline, superb build and a joy to use. I got the S1H and the S1, both are built of equal high quality, the S1H still feels looks and operates so much nicer for me. It would be endgame camera for me with less rolling shutter plus focus punsh-in while recording. The image provides beautiful quality for post work though taking a bit more work to get the most out of it if imo. Shout for A7IV, especially if battery is as good as in the A73. I've seen stellar stuff shot by a buddy of mine. Dynamic range, color are top notch. Worse rolling shutter than a S1/H,5/II though? R6II sounds interesting but I don't know much else besides hearsay. So, of the newer cameras my choice would be to test out a Z6III.:)
  21. Liberals and conservatives, yeah just two kinds of humanbeings.;) Liberal cinema, conservative, both sounds dull as a freaking polit talkshow with all these dull broadcasters and podcasters with their framing and then their framing about framing. Talent? I haven't read from Reed Morano in a long time. Her direction of the first three episodes of Handmaids Tale were the best of the whole thing. She did these as a Dop turned director and it has shown in the visual power. Any episodes later had a tough time to keep up with that level of quality. Quiet a few did a good overall job, possibly sticking to the visual concept of the Moreno episodes in an attempt to use it as a blueprint. A whole bunch of the last two seasons was mediocore and in that with even nervewreckingly annoying parts and unappealing talking heads galore. So where is Reed Morano? She did three exceptionally outstanding episodes of cinema for that show. This industry doesn't really do as much for diversity as it does against it. In Germany filmsets have been, until recently, spaces of labor exploitation and psychological abuse. Middle and upper class kids taking the trophies. But they are scared too not to get their project financed. I had the great pleasure of talking to Oliver Stapleton for a few minutes at Camerimage 2019, the edition before Corona. He told me that filmschools in Brittania are much rather accessible for wealthy kids. He found that to be not ideal. He was frank to point out his disappointment with a pretty desasterous shortfilm, infront of an audience, which also agreed on his assertions. Oliver Stapleton and any of the viewers had respect for the cinematography and technical prowess and they were showing acknowledgement. But story, acting, direction of acting, dialogue, and tone aka mood were just disappointing. I have seen another highly mediocore mid length film at that very same Camerimage, which also had a screening at a pretty prestigous German filmfest, just like the film I mentioned above. Both shorts were from technical showcases. Then I've seen two dull shorts from another famous German filmschool, which both made it to that same German prestigeous festival. The DoPs did good pro work in all these films, but story, acting, dramaturgy, mood were all dubious. Camerawork and tech aspects were pro level. So camerimage has shown some lacklaster student films. Btw Berlinale has too. I am not competent to say by any means if it is the festivals fault as a lot of good stuff is running there too. They can only choose from the films which are sent to them.
  22. Looking great. Now some pictures in motion, please:) And a tutorial:) @Cosimo
  23. FP with evf, swivel or tilt screen and mechanical shutter, 10bit h264 codecs from Panny, please. FF 4K60p for better marketing reasons too. Thank you:)
  24. Panasonic, if they bring out a S9II with mechanical shutter, evf and hotshoe plus full hdmi for 1499, a GXX with a GH5II inside for 849, a S2H with FF 60p and internal ND for 2999, a GM6 with 10bit 150mbit 4k up to 30p and 100mbit HD up to 60p for 799. The latter would be a beautiful bonus, though a very beautiful one indeed.
  25. The Topaz one should be worldwide like other software goodies and workshop offerings as well. Some Laowa treats would be sweet or some tasty smallrig deals. Keep em coming.:)
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