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Everything posted by PannySVHS

  1. PannySVHS


    Still have your DB and Bmpcc? Would love, if you shot some gorgeous swedish winter sunset and sunrise light with the Tevidons:)
  2. @IronFilm Those are pretty and they are pancakes. Now if they could give me that in 20mm and with good optical quality at f2.8, that would be beautiful! The 7artisan 25mm might be a great start for an all purpose mechanical pancake on mft. Just a 20mm version of this would be even better, if optical quality is good. Edit: just did a bit research. The 25mm seems indeed pretty nice. Thanks, IronFilm!:)
  3. PannySVHS


    Hey Mattias, Watched both of your videos. First one gave me the idea to try out the Tevidons about a year ago. So thanks. Should just have rewatched before. But that way was nicer anyway, having a bit of talk about it. So you unscrew the original Tevidon mount and screw the cmount on it? Great concept. By the way, that cooking video hat an awesome pace and great shots. And making me think to buy some carottes today. By 10mm does not look like yours, rings are smaller. The 16mm is larger than your sample. They come in different shapes. You still have your Bolex and Bmpcc?
  4. Red One MX around 2008 of filming. Cinematography by David Mullen, who still later in 2011 stated that it would be well for cinema prodcution. This movie has a highly stylized look and production and color design.
  5. PannySVHS


    Hey guys, got a question about the 10mm and 18mm Tevidons I bought in a rush of bravery a few months ago. Anyone having experience with adapting it to mft? It´s got to be a tevidon to cmount plus cmount to mft adapters. Would be cool if more of the UHD mft cams had a 1.4 ExTele. for s16 crop.
  6. hmm, still would love a ricoh gr. or a ep5 with the 17mm olympus. more than having a fuji. @webrunner5 u silly cat. u were just goin surreal on us. why? that i do not know. maybe, because you have not shot your g7 for too long to see again what a kewl cam it is. we all get nuts after too long breaks from using our cameras. I know i do. tomorrow is a birthday party, i think i gonna shoot some photos there with my gx85 and the 20mm pancake, using it´s builtin flash and plastic photofilm shell for diffusion with some orange gel inside it. missing my gf1 for that, which i lent to somebody. Gonna watch me some classic Mattias Burling video now. cheers
  7. don´t know of any. no mechanical pancake, nor to speak of any with the optical quality of the 20mm. :/
  8. I am always a bit angry and sad, that my beautiful 20mm 1.7 doesn´t have a mechanical focus. Love the rendering of that lens. No small mechanical pancakes on m43 system. Oh, wrong thread for that topic.
  9. Wow, that´s gonna be a treat, Andrew! Lookin forward to your footage. Hope you come back soon. Just good to know there are people like you in this town! Of course a lot of other people are good folks too, no bad opinion about them. I think you know what I mean.
  10. @Andrew Reid, would love to see some beautiful flea market and Mauerpark footage with the Nikon. You gonna put it to use?:)
  11. @Mattias BurlingI´m seeing beautiful ep5 cameras floating around, some for 200EU for the body. for a m43 photo camera it doesnt get much more beautiful than that. I imagine your appreciation for that camera is unbroken. For street and portrait session it might become my new fav once purchased. GX8 has an awesome body to hold, but not close as pretty. GX7 felt a bit to short in height for really comfortable holding. GX85 beautiful to touch and look at but grip to small and a bit too short. Still got my GF1, ep2, epl1 cams. The GF1 and the ep2 have a warm spot still in my photogs heart.
  12. Hey Mattias, the pretty EM10iii does provide 4K (UHD). Oly EPL9 costs 150EU more than a GX85, with the same core features, it has a better grip but worse button layout. GX85 has two very nice wheels, EPL9 has the fiddley and rather unappealing ePl thingy wheel at the back. EM10iii would be more appealing to me for the same price.
  13. @DaveAltizer, Super cool music video. Who are these awesome sirens in the video? Did you do cinematography as well, like you did on some of your other directing work? A pity you sold your DB. I just read you had combined it with a BMPCC speedbooster. Would love to see that combo in action!
  14. Hallo, no honour to me in that regard. It´s from the testers from slashcam. They turned sharpness and NR down afik from other tests of the GH line since the GH2.
  15. Wow, two downvotes on this page, especially the one above is very weird, which I would downvote, if it was possible to downvote a downvote! I did not enjoy the demo reel on my uncalibrated laptop monitor. Surfing with a Pentium M machine at the moment, because my motherboard got shred. Seems like this camera is supposed to appeal to the kind of laptop users like me then. I would appreciate if you cats delete your downvotes so i can feel even more happy again to give your cool stuff upvotes. By the way Jon, after your ambivalent approach to answering kyes sincere and well written observations you came up with a very cool summary about the circumstances of skin- and sofore any other- tones. That´s the kind of response I personally appreciate and enjoy. Let´s cut the risk of angering one another here, since all posters on this page of the thread are sincere and likeable people, capable of great contributions and support.
  16. Jon, but he has some interesting videos about tweaking color on his channel. Now, back to lenses. Oh, wrong thread I got into here:)
  17. @kidzrevilnot sure about the need of fighting pixel pinning. There are few avid 5diii raw shooters around here. Ask Glenn @mercer for sure! Also @Volker Schmidt, I think can tell a big deal about best settings and filming parameters. Andrew Reid knows a big deal about the image of the 5Diii and if it would need diffusion to fight any digital nasties. Wouldnt assume so from the great examples on vimeo. But that is an assumption only:)
  18. @kidzrevilIt is super fun to use. I think you will enjoying it messing around with all that rich oil paint and awesome brushes and canvas. Try it!!
  19. @AaronChicago, thanks for posting again! I bet you would put that EVA1 to great use!:)
  20. @AaronChicago Thank you for posting! How did you come up with all the settings?
  21. hlg uses the entire range of the the 1024 values, so for low light it should give less artefacts. For SDR delivery i shouldnt make a difference on the GH5s at ISO6400. For HDR delivery we are not able to tell yet:)
  22. GH5s is a legit iso 6400 camera, without artefacts and Super Nintendo blocks and blotches of a Sony A6300/6500 in LOG mode. Giving a really usuable image at that sensitivity. Here is the HLG comparison between the GH5 and its S sister. Again 12Lux, iso6400, 25th shutter, F2.8 GH5 GH5s
  23. That´s how our films should be seen too:) There is a big difference in this super lowlight setup when you enlarge them to original size. Better check it out again on your computer:)
  24. right click and new tab to enlarge both and compare them. it´s a very obvious difference between the two:)
  25. The non leica version with f3.5 to 5.6 would save you some money for the GH5s:)
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