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    PannySVHS reacted to IronFilm in G7 Internal Recording + HDMI out?   
    btw, I'd love to play a game of "guess the camera"... what do people think "This Giant Papier-Mâché Boulder Is Actually Really Heavy" was shot with?
  2. Like
    PannySVHS got a reaction from mercer in Canon XC10 versus Sony RX10 III. The Canon is underrated!   
    Yeah, Andrew, cannot wait to see the footage! Awesome! XC10 shown an "organic" image in the promotion footage with granddaddy chasing streetrobbers.
    "..Color-path, codec, nailed to perfection.." sounds so cool. Forum contributor Mercer seems to have healed his GAS with the XC10- we will see:=)
    Really exited to be on your awesome community!
    To people thirsty for some more inspiration, just check out this cool EOSHD thread:
  3. Like
    PannySVHS reacted to Andrew Reid in Canon XC10 versus Sony RX10 III. The Canon is underrated!   
    Canon have the colour-path and codec nailed to perfection on the XC10. I am also impressed with the dynamic range of the sensor, even in the most contrasty picture profile it rarely struggles no matter the light thrown at it.
    I have also been enjoying the stabilisation, very impressive.
    Shot for 3 weeks in Italy with it and editing now.
  4. Like
    PannySVHS got a reaction from Liam in Cliptoolz Color download, anyone?   
    Very cool. Then we can grow Dali´s mustaches doing night shifts with grading:)
    I mean the UI really looks too nice!

  5. Like
    PannySVHS reacted to Liam in Cliptoolz Color download, anyone?   
    I contacted someone who posted it years ago on Lift Gamma Gain. he's still active on there. maybe something will come of that :3
  6. Like
    PannySVHS reacted to Liam in Cliptoolz Color download, anyone?   
    Right?? I mean, Da Vinci Resolve Lite is probably a superior alternative, but still, was super bummed to discover it and then learn it was dead so quickly
  7. Like
    PannySVHS got a reaction from Liam in Cliptoolz Color download, anyone?   
    Hey Liam,
    Didn´t know there was a tool from Cliptoolz named Color.This tool looks too interesting to not to try it out. Haven´t found any working link to it though.
    Maybe we should keep this thread alive.
  8. Like
    PannySVHS got a reaction from Liam in Cliptoolz Color download, anyone?   
    Hey Liam,
    Cliptoolz is available for download in version 3.0.
    Version 2.0 used to be for free but is now only available with limited functions.
  9. Like
    PannySVHS got a reaction from IronFilm in Which Camera Today for Indie Feature?   
    I meant the newest Shogun update, enabling the Atomos Shogun to take a 12 bit 444 signal and record it:)
  10. Like
    PannySVHS reacted to IronFilm in Which Camera Today for Indie Feature?   
    But you were saying the Odyssey with the F3? & in that combo it is overkill.
    As BMD VA & Samurai Blade already have SDI.
    And F3 can't do raw or 240fps.
  11. Like
    PannySVHS reacted to jax_rox in Which Camera Today for Indie Feature?   
    F3 doesn't do HFR, and only outputs at max. res of 1080p. As an all-round (regardless of camera), a 7Q(+) or Shogun makes more sense, but if buying specifically for the camera (and on a budget), then it makes no sense to spend more on a recorder that has features you won't use.
  12. Like
    PannySVHS got a reaction from Adept in An adventure into the Panasonic GX85/80 begins - and a look at the Leica Nocticron for Micro Four Thirds   
    I think, Panasonic really has some mojo going.
    It is all about the settings and the grading. Besides WB, light, setting of course:). I still like some of the GX7´s footage on vimeo the best of all Panny cams.
    Maybe it is the GX7 shooters, maybe the absence of adventerous usage of luts, I don´t know.
    Came across this video below, seemingly shot in 50p. Still looks filmic in a way the beautiful motion picture Bin Jip does.
    Some beautiful tones and hues going on. If people referred to Japanese preference for greenish tones- this is what I would
    assume to have been meant. Not 8bit SLOG graded greens of Sony color horrors!:)
    Out of box a lot of footage looks like a drawing done with crayons. With a certain way of color treatment it can look like
    a oil painting with a richness to it. Some "hidden" magic in those Pannys. Now, maybe the examples colors below doesn´t fit
    the bill for some readers but to me it is a beautiful illustration of the Panny mojo.
    To me even more so than the cool GX7 beach footage with the Ultra Contrast filters, which has been posted on this
    beautiful forum some longer time ago.
  13. Like
    PannySVHS got a reaction from jase in An adventure into the Panasonic GX85/80 begins - and a look at the Leica Nocticron for Micro Four Thirds   
    I think, Panasonic really has some mojo going.
    It is all about the settings and the grading. Besides WB, light, setting of course:). I still like some of the GX7´s footage on vimeo the best of all Panny cams.
    Maybe it is the GX7 shooters, maybe the absence of adventerous usage of luts, I don´t know.
    Came across this video below, seemingly shot in 50p. Still looks filmic in a way the beautiful motion picture Bin Jip does.
    Some beautiful tones and hues going on. If people referred to Japanese preference for greenish tones- this is what I would
    assume to have been meant. Not 8bit SLOG graded greens of Sony color horrors!:)
    Out of box a lot of footage looks like a drawing done with crayons. With a certain way of color treatment it can look like
    a oil painting with a richness to it. Some "hidden" magic in those Pannys. Now, maybe the examples colors below doesn´t fit
    the bill for some readers but to me it is a beautiful illustration of the Panny mojo.
    To me even more so than the cool GX7 beach footage with the Ultra Contrast filters, which has been posted on this
    beautiful forum some longer time ago.
  14. Like
    PannySVHS reacted to IronFilm in Which Camera Today for Indie Feature?   
    Maybe you missed focus on the wide shots as it wasn't properly calibrated for infinity focus??? Seems strange for RED 4K wide shots to be thought of as too soft?!

    And shooting 4K for 2K delivery to give "more options in post" doesn't come with pitfalls, you'll need to be spot on with your focus, and the crop will mean deeper DoF than if you'd shot it originally with a longer lens without cropping. Plus 4K means heavier demands on data storage during production and in post. 

    All of these can of course be overcome, but shouldn't be ignored casually. 

    Even just 1080 10bit 422 will chew up a lot of space over a feature! Is what I'll be doing on my next feature. 

    Maybe for my feature after that we'll have the budget to use 4K 10bit 422 cameras for the whole thing. (as would like to use a Sony FS700 with FSraw down converted to 4K ProRes HQ on the fly with an Atomos Shogun, but that would stretch our budget too far So Sony F3 it is! If we do get any spare budget at all, it will be to buy a second Sony F3 so we can shoot with two at once)
    Yeah the director Colin Trevorrow shot his first narrative feature film on an F3: "Safety Not Guaranteed".
    Note however, I believe this was shot with a pre-S-log camera and all internal. Or in other words, you now in 2016 using the F3's S-log and 10bit external would be getting a much much better camera than the version of F3 which shot "Safety Not Guaranteed"!

    Colin Trevorrow went on to make Jurassic Park (4th highest grossing film of all time!) and will next be making Star Wars: Episode IX.
    Oh wow, a Cooke 20-100mm T3.1, that sounds like a handy and great zoom range with a fast enough T-stop, all this with the Cooke name for $4K? Can't afford it now, or even probably next year, but sounds like something I could aspire to own in the medium term future!
    But then I looked up what the lenses looks like on an F3.....

    WHOA!! That seriously pushes the limits for me for an "everyday" lens to shoot a feature on. Hmmm....
  15. Like
    PannySVHS reacted to IronFilm in Panasonic G7 or GH4 as "A Cam"? (And other questions)   
    I very very strongly disagree with that! 

    As it is totally 100% on topic for this forum, and if they wish to share it and make it public this discussion so otherwise can read and learn from it as well then that is FANTASTIC!
    Or the Tascam DR-10C which looks to be even better! :-D

  16. Like
    PannySVHS reacted to mercer in Panasonic Colors and A3G3 Setting by EosHD Posters   
    Panny, I have very little time to test the camera as I am about to start a short film with it. One more day of testing before I start and it's really just a dress rehearsal, sound test situation. But don't worry, my short takes place entirely in the woods, so they'll be plenty of "greens"... God help us all...
  17. Like
    PannySVHS got a reaction from mercer in Panasonic Colors and A3G3 Setting by EosHD Posters   
    Hey Merc,
    show some mercy and shoot some beautiful lucious greens with the xc10, mixed with some 60p ,
    if time allows. Was kinda thinking about eosm, but g6 has it for me. Next step g7 or gx80, meanwhile renting the xc10.
    Got hooked to its look when its promo vid came out with the old guy chasing two guys who robbed a girl´s purse.
    While It takes some effort to grade those Pannys it is definately worth it. Great hybrids with some of the best price-picture quality
    ratio out there, if not the best for G6 and G7. I think it would be interesting to test A3G3 and such settings more and post
    some curves and nodes that go along well.
  18. Like
    PannySVHS reacted to BenEricson in Which Camera Today for Indie Feature?   
    Personally, I would not mess with the FS700. I shot with that a lot and the colors and skin tones are just off. Not too sure about the FS5, but I think an F3 is like 1/3 the price and the savings could be spent on glass rental...
    I bought an F3 a month ago, maybe my favorite camera I have owned. The color you can pull from the camera is just so nice. Excited to be working with it. It reminds of the BMCC or the pocket, with NDs, really nice battery life, and the reliability you expect from a camera in that class. 
    Attached a couple stills. There's tons of F3 footage online, but just wanted to give that camera an up vote. I would get the F3 and a the 7Q recorder used. The whole package should be under 3 grand.

  19. Like
    PannySVHS reacted to IronFilm in Which Camera Today for Indie Feature?   
    I have a Panasonic G6 too! :D Often times when a lightweight easy to use G6 is preferable. 

    And for multicam shoots such as weddings using my G6 to roam around for sniper shots along with a few GH1 bodies locked off on tripods, makes for an effective and very low budget set up. 
    You can now find the F3 at US$1500ish prices without too much trouble, I would never pay US$3000 for one!
    Heck I paid just US$1.2K for mine, and that was over a year ago when prices were higher then on average than they are now. 

    The entire water fountain scene at @1:23 was pick up shots I did using my F3 with ProRes HQ.

    The rest of the episode I was DoP for & shot with a Sony FS7.
    Great deals on the battle test Kinefinity KiniMini 4K on their website! US$3K I think? 

    Or get the Kinefinity Terra 5K for $5K.

    I'm not such a big fan of renting even glass on extremely low budget productions. You can go far with a set of zooms: Tokina 11-20mm f2.8 + Tokina 28-70mm f2.8 + Tokina 80-200mm f2.8 (and throw in the Nikon 50mm F1.8D, too cheap to not include!). This entire set of lenses can be got for just over a thousand bucks (and half the cost is just for the 11-20mm UWA!).
    Or get a set of Rokinon Cine DS lenses:
  20. Like
    PannySVHS reacted to mercer in Panasonic Colors and A3G3 Setting by EosHD Posters   
    I know, my purchases are getting out of hand. This time last year I couldn't dream of affording an XC10, no matter how much I wanted one. And then on my quest for my perfect camera and lenses, I acquired enough gear to resell for enough money to afford it this year... It's my own weird savings account. But now, I still have a bunch of lenses to sell and I still need a good interchangeable lens camera. I'll probably just get an Alexa next year...
    Seriously though, I am probably leaning towards the GX85 for my interchangeable lens camera, but I'm gonna wait and see what Canon releases at Photokina. One of my favorite things about my first outing with the XC10 for a couple hours yesterday was it reminded me of the good old days with Canon, so I'm intrigued to see what the new eos-m4 will bring, plus the rumored full frame mirrorless that Canon is supposed to release. 
  21. Like
    PannySVHS got a reaction from kaylee in Panasonic Colors and A3G3 Setting by EosHD Posters   
    With the hoop, It is one node making the difference with an almost inverted S Curve. Then putting that layer in layer mode Hard Light in the edit section of Davinci.
    To make the hula hoop more intense in its luminousity I stapled the same layer on top of one another, four times.
    I remember your 35-70 video, had super beautiful greens in it:)
    Have four FDs, the 50mm 1.4 I almost never used, 28mm most of the time, got a 20mm 2.8 like brandnew. Still hestitating to use that beauty cuz of possible scratches.
    I know it is silly to feel like that:) Oh, and a beautiful, beautiful 28-85mm F4 from Tokina- Andy Lee tip, read about it, bought it.

  22. Like
    PannySVHS got a reaction from JazzBox in Panasonic Colors and A3G3 Setting by EosHD Posters   
    @mercer Hey man, this is some beautiful footage, great feeling for light and shapes. Loving how you start and end with the tilt. Some great tones, some of the out of focus areas
    look like from a painting. Nice concept and effective use of tripod moves. Great job, not easy showing the beauty of foliage and trees. Some parts with the branches look
    again like from a painting of one of the greats of landscape painting like C.D.Friedrich.
    The girl is a woman and would spank Bobby´s tush if he would say "This is this and that is that".:)
    Hey man, I remember your musicvideo you did with FDs. You were another ambassador making me consider the FDs in combination with the G6.
    Was a good choice listening to you guys!:)
  23. Like
    PannySVHS got a reaction from mercer in Panasonic Colors and A3G3 Setting by EosHD Posters   
    "You sayin I´m funny???? What you mean, I´m funny. I´m a good laugh to you??????":)
    Seriously, I enjoy your passion and your great manners and kindness, your awesome contributions and your friendly straightforwardness.
    And that you keep buying and testing so many cameras- ouch, what have I said:)
  24. Like
    PannySVHS reacted to mercer in Panasonic Colors and A3G3 Setting by EosHD Posters   
    Thanks for the kind words. That was the last video I did before I realized I knew absolutely nothing about "proper" video production. Sometimes I think it was better knowing nothing and trusting my gut, than the little I know now.
    "The girl is a woman and would spank Bobby´s tush if he would say "This is this and that is that".:)"
    "You... You."
    Man you are the best. Seriously, you have one of the best attitudes on this forum and are a laugh riot. I always look forward to your posts!!!
    As Matthew McConaughey said the last time we hung out shirtless... "Keep on keepin' on."
  25. Like
    PannySVHS got a reaction from mercer in Panasonic Colors and A3G3 Setting by EosHD Posters   
    @mercer Hey man, this is some beautiful footage, great feeling for light and shapes. Loving how you start and end with the tilt. Some great tones, some of the out of focus areas
    look like from a painting. Nice concept and effective use of tripod moves. Great job, not easy showing the beauty of foliage and trees. Some parts with the branches look
    again like from a painting of one of the greats of landscape painting like C.D.Friedrich.
    The girl is a woman and would spank Bobby´s tush if he would say "This is this and that is that".:)
    Hey man, I remember your musicvideo you did with FDs. You were another ambassador making me consider the FDs in combination with the G6.
    Was a good choice listening to you guys!:)
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