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  1. no longer available, and never available for macs
  2. just great, now I have to save up for lens cases
  3. sure, as someone that comes from an audio background, I can tell you for a fact that this sort of lossy upsampling happens on an hourly basis - sometimes through ignorance, other times, because people know that know one will ever know... because they couldn't.
  4. I'm not sure it won't not, but if it doesn't, it might not be because it's not user error. Or the opposite could be true.
  5. now this is not anything like a definitive anything... but if you hit pause and look at what's there, you might discover a few interesting things...
  6. I'm about to post a mega test... to the EXTREME... lol I wonder what people will think... one thing I think is pretty obvious though is that the v-LOG with the REC709 LUT is superior to vanilla Cinelike D. OBVIOUSLY, you can colour correct things a million ways, but even just as a starting point, the colours are a lot more accurate IMO. EDIT: Saying that I haven't really done much work AFTER applying the LUTs; I know there's some colour banding issues, so bear that in mind, YMMV, etc.
  7. v-LOG Varicam v-LOG to REC709 Modified v-LOG to REC709 (as posted in this thread by Marshal Davis) Varicam v-LOG to REC709 followed by a 709 to FUJI LUT ISO 400, Speed 50fps, f5.6 - it was very overcast when I shot this and "original v-LOG to REC709" looks pretty accurate to what I was seeing when shooting... No additional curves tweaked, colour correction, etc.
  8. I would say this, with the exact same camera settings, luts that say "vlog to 709" and "Cine D to 709" produce radically different results... I'm not sure if that is meant to be the case (remember I'm an idiot), but if it's NOT, well... it is.
  9. I am going to shoot a bunch of stuff tomorrow and see what I can see... I shot a few minutes earlier, just a few, then used the v-log to 709 LUT and it wasn't absurdly noisy, or artefact-y, and the colours looked really amazing... But I'm sure this will all wash out one way or the other in a few days
  10. some footage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRhzxH4mqig
  11. http://store.pixelfilmstudios.com/plugin/fcpx-lut-loader This is free for a limited time ^^^ normally $50.
  12. the worst news for them is the gh4R! If they do make it free in response (which I don't think will happen), the new pre-installed LOG ver, which cost more, is DOA...
  13. worked on mine... and now I'm going to buy it, after spending 5 minutes with it... it's brilliant! I gotta say if this wasn't a ploy to drive up sales it should've been!!
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