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About zerocool22

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  • My cameras and kit

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  1. The void gap that can be filled is business talk. I fear it is too tech / creative oriented. And the business side is ignored. Openly communicating about prices/locations/jobs seems a bit taboo at times. While that part is the part that feeds their kids( most important. ) and I feel most creatives arent naturally gifted in that division.
  2. Just my personal experience, no side by side tests though. Metabones for example in the sony cameras was a huge mess. Slow + need to reconnect often. Havent had that issue once on a panasonic camera.
  3. What do you mean with best adapters? That you can mount the most lenses to it? The thing about L-mount I like is that how great the autofocus behaves with adapted EF lenses, much better then any e-mount camera I have used though.
  4. Hi, Now NAB is coming along pretty soon, I fear the GAS is starting again to peak my interesting in shooting once more. So this time I might create a list of things that I want/need before I yolo in again. But I feel a bit older, and I want to simplify my life and want to save time each shoot. - Improvement on DR - Improvement on color science - 4K full frame 60FPS - internal ND's: My next camera should have internal ND's again, it saves so much time searching, mounting VARI-nd's or matteboxes. So prolly my main requirement. - Good internal audio: I don't like dragging along my Zoom H6 along anymore, so recording audio straight into camera might also be a big thing for me. (at least panasonic has an addon for their mirrorless cameraes). - Good internal monitor, this is one of the main attractions of enjoying a camera for me. I don't feel motivated shooting with a camera while the internal monitor sucks. If it is a good monitor I am so more hyper to start editing. If not, then I will keep postponing it to the last minute. - good battery life, I don't like changing battery's every 30 minutes. - body on the smaller end, as it easier to mount on sliders, gimbals, tripods etc. - if the body is too small, it will endure lots of micro jitter so in that case I will need some IBIS. - recording onto SD or cfast (as that is an medium I have lots of cards for). - lastly and least important is AF I think. Maybe I am already missing some stuff that you guys think that is a huge time saves, please let me know! (also hope someone will launch an affordable 600W COB light) cheers
  5. 8k is so overkill. When shooting raw, 8k eats too much storage. Best news of this camera is no crop 60fps 4k! Finally panasonic has done it. But I wont upgrade from s5ii zs qi dont see the need. The footage doesnt seem that much better vs the s5ii.
  6. I hope it also works for android phones...
  7. this is a pretty cool pocket camera. I never expected canon to come out with a camera specced out so good. Built in Nd Filters, cooling fan, canon log 3.. Makes me wonder why they didnt include built-in ND's into camera like the S5II, A7SIII and so on. And now all of a sudden a pocket camera has it. Some of the key features of the PowerShot V1 include: 1.4″ CMOS sensor Ultra-wide angle 16-50mm zoom lens 4K 60P recording Canon Log 3 Built-In Cooling Fan Built-in ND Filter (3-stops) 30fps stills performance (electronic shutter)
  8. I think you are right. I just watched this video on youtube,and I said wow this looks nice, Wanted to see what lenses and camera they used. And offcourse it was an alexa with lomo anamorphics.... Allthough you have to take in consideration of the lightning, set design, talent and crew (people who use this type of gear usually have more experience overall).
  9. Hi, Back in the day, I loved browsing vimeo for cool projects. Now vimeo has banned browsing video's in Europe (unless you use a vpn). What are you using to find cool projects/video's today? Youtube is hard to find anything good as your feed gets blasted with camera tests, instructional video's, vlogs etc. Not sure if there are any good facebook groups where talented people share their work, as most groups are spammed with mediocre work/projects. Just looking for exceptional work that I can use as inspiration. As over the last years I found it harder to find good inspiration and most of the work I see out there is more or less the same. Any recommendations/tips? Thanks!
  10. Yes his work was great, I much liked his earlier work with the t2i vs the new camera that he is using now though.
  11. Yes and no, would it make a difference to 99.9% of the people viewing? No Would it make a difference to the guy editing the video? 99.9% Maybe I get bothered too much too fast while editing. But editing clips that stand out, vs clips that are ok, but I need to adjust a lot takes too much fun out of the job for me.
  12. It just pops. can't explain it. I could look at it forerever, while the fX3 looks bland/boring
  13. Yeah cant explain it either, it looks more organicw seems to have this 3d pop, skintones dont bother me. I really dislike the reds in skintones of panasonic camera's. It looks like people have infected skin. Sure you can correct it or try to correct it in post. But god damn if it comes out that good straight of camera is so underrated. Each time I edit intervieuws I get bothered by panasonic skintones. Sure it could be that their skin sucks, but arri or canon just seem to fix it in camera. And c500ii or alexa footage helps me enjoy editing footage, while editing panasonic interviews especially make me hate the footage fast.
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