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Everything posted by zerocool22

  1. Yeah too bad the Canon C100, C300 are not on the list.
  2. Yeah the 5D III RAW is something else, I really love the look of the damned thing(I do miss 1080p 60fps). Lets hope on a 4K 5D IV that will get also MAGIC LANTERN RAW. Only the workflow and file sizes of the RAW files are such a headache. I know I wont shoot any b-roll because It eats too much damned disk space. Where the canon cinema line really puts down small files that look almost as good as the 5D III RAW files. So that is something to consider.
  3. yeah What I love about these canon cinema camera's is the Internal ND's. They are just so damned easy to use on the field. People always disregard the C100, but is almost the same image as the C300. The c100 combined with a external recorder, the image is the same as the C300.(the only thing that sucks on the c100 is the screen and the viewfinder, but when you use a external monitor you got that sorted out. But you do kinda need to drag the external recorder/monitor along which not suit all needs + the lack of 60fps) And the c500 internal image is basically the came as the c300 without a external recorder.
  4. Yeah, I have a fulltime job(not in film/media), so I dont have time for an internship. I can only learn stuff after my working hours or the weekends. Any sound designers in the Benelux area who don't mind learning me some stuff ?
  5. Hello, I am looking to learn some sound design for commercials. Does anybody know some good tutorials. I am looking for something like where a whole commercial gets dissected and to see how the workflow should be. Why to do this kind of thing and that, and if you do this you could mix this. Like a high level workflow overview. I want to learn that first. After I get what the best workflow is, I would like to learn about the tools they are using. But I feel I should first get the bigger picture(how everything firts togheter nicely) then start learning a specific tool and not knowing how to implement it into a project. Thanks!
  6. ah nice, this MLVFS thing works pretty good Thanks! Do you know how I can import all video's all at once in Resolve and Adobe Premiere? As I can only select one MLV at a time it seems. THANKS!
  7. Hey, I have a lot of 5D III RAW Files that I want to convert to dng. But I can not seem to find a simple tool to batch convert all my raw mlv files. I have seen that there is software that converts them in a batch like RAW2CNDG but they just export every file in the same folder, which means when I try to import the converted RAW video, it imports every video in one big file instead of 30 seperate files, which makes it very hard to edit. What tool can you recommend (on windows 10). Or is there a option with RAW2CNDG? Thanks!
  8. Yeah for me the Alexa is still king in 24fps narrative timeline image.
  9. Don't forget about the canon C100. The colours are great, low noise, S35 sensor, internal ND's, C-log. At first at thought the camera was pretty specless, until I used one. And I forgot about the paper specs from other camera's.
  10. Yeah hoping on 14+ stops DR that can be used in Raw ml.
  11. Hey, I am shooting cinema mode, with the following settings 24Mbps LPCM 50i 25fps (europe) Are these the best settings for getting the most out of my c100? I am a bit afraid of the 50i? I thought interlaced was a thing from the past? However when I change 50i to PF25, it seems to loose Dynamic Range?? Thanks!
  12. Yeah im not bothered with the sensor size. I do want better color, At least 10bit, a hell of a better noise performance and more DR and RAW would be nice so I can choose to have the the image a lot softer for cinematic purposes, and sharp for travel video.
  13. Only if It had 2X desqueeze, then I would be all over it. Now I would just buy a used atomos assassin or pix-e5
  14. Thanks, Yeah i hear ya. Its just i got access to both camera's with zeiss compact primes. So it is not a cost thing. Strange that I hear the 5d is better at grading, I should test that as grading will be a important factor. The only thing that scares me is the highlight rolloff of the c100. The highlights are quite hard edged in comparison with the 5d. About exposing the c100 and the 5d. I should not worry about overexposing 2 stops like the a7s or underexposing a stop on the gh4 for getting the best image am i?
  15. Hey, I am about to shoot a project(short film), but I am still wondering what camera to use. I will need to do a side by side to make my mind up. So I am looking for the camera that has the most cinematic look out of the box. (I will have access to kino flo's, Arri 1000W and a HMI for lighting, as I know the most important will be the lighting, lenses will be a zeiss kit). I know the 5D III RAW beats all options, but because there is fast deadline coming up + there will quite some footage shot which requres a lot of diskspace. So the 5D III ML RAW is not an option. So any experiences with them both, and what will you recommend for the most cinematic feel about em. Thanks!
  16. Yeah each camera has it strong and weakpoints. For quick shots like on a vacation I would choose the A7S ii as well, or even for a client where the image is not really that important, but whenever on a short film where I have the time to set up my shots, I would choose the 5D iii ML RAW. Especially when shooting anamorphic. I now just purchased a canon c100 aswell. And that camera seems to be in the middle of the A7S and 5DIII RAW. File sizes are good, the image is not full frame but it looks great. If not for the anamorphic mode on the 5D III RAW, I would probably sell my 5D III and just use the C100.
  17. Thanks, is there a setting on the 5D III ML RAW so I can use this lens and not loose IQ?
  18. Hey, I am shooting 5D III ML Raw video and I have a kowa 2X bell and howell with the slr magic diopter kit. And for the moment only a 1000x komputerbay CF card. But I have some questions regarding shooting with this kit. 1: When focussing the anamorphic with and without diopters, do you use some kind of measuring tool(like a rolmeter)? 3, 10, 20 Feet as marked on the anamorphic? I find focusing very difficult especially when using the diopters. (and not sure what lens I need to focus first). 2: For the moment i use a canon 100mm f2.0 taking lens. But I see a lot of people using the helios 58mm 44. Can I use this lens in full frame with 5D III ML RAW 2X? Or only when zoomed in using the magnifier tool(Do I loose sharpness/detail/quality this way)? 3: I can not seem to be able to select the 4:3 aspect ratio with 1920/1080 resolution, do I need a faster card(if so which do you recommend)? 4: I like the helios 58mm 44 swirly bokeh, but how is the overal lens sharpness compared to the canon 100mm f2.0? Thanks!
  19. Hey, I am selling a good as new slr magic rangefinder for 520€ (Current new price 750€) if you are interested. Kind regards,
  20. Anybody selling some 82mm or bigger diopters here? Give me a shout.
  21. Is there a rule to measure what diopter to use on certain distances? For example a 100mm taking lens on a FF. with a 2X anamorphic lens with a diopter of +1= focus is everything in 1 meter +2 everything between 1 and 2 meters? Or something like that? As I would like to know what diopters are good to have in my bag. Thanks!
  22. What about the kood diopters, are they good? I cannot seem to find any review on them. http://www.benl.ebay.be/itm/KOOD-77MM-CLOSE-UP-LENS-SET-OF-4-CASE-1-2-4-10-DIOPTER-CLOSE-UP-LENSES-/191425900279?hash=item2c91df6ef7:g:6T4AAOSwiCRUdHKf
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