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About kaylee

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  1. what video? lets get specific i wanna see
  2. 'the animal' dave batista has clearly cut down on his massive steroid + hgh intake. word is he wants some 'normal' movie roles i ran into him at my gym in LA years ago when he was at his biggest, and my trainer knew him and introduced me, and i gotta tell u.... you cannot imagine how huge he was. this is a golds gym in LA. many muscled up guys. hes standing next to my trainer who was 6'2" 235 and he absolutely dwarfed him. he ~WAS~ like an animal, the wrestling nickname was appropriate. fwiw he was SUPER nice so i like him lol
  3. @Andrew Reid ty! that was 800, but im seeing good stuff up to 6400, as you said, and even 12800. shocking -- i had no idea. makes the cam much more interesting. ive been getting great results w clog3 after getting the hang of it -- its easy. lovely color, respectable highlight rolloff, and decent dynamic range for naturalistic images that dont look like video puke. Not bad, i might get one of these. half the price of the R52 rlly makes me like it lol been stress testing, just some random frames
  4. update: how do i do the zebra settings edit: wait should i be using false color and/or histogram? is there an EASY way to do this lol
  5. hey guise ive got my friends R6m2 for a couple weeks while hes out of town, just started trynna figure out clog3 exposure/best practices... your thoughts??? iso range/clean ISOs? best exposure techniques? etc?? help!! please and thank you!!!
  6. *bump* im thinking abt getting an r5 ii, but reading this thread, WOW have there been issues -- so sorry u guys have had to deal w returning cameras/etc, what a nightmare how are things going at the moment? have firmware updates worked the bugs out? whats the latest? hi btw lol 👋🏻
  7. for a small set on a budget. not a warehouse i want different colored lights, like red green blue/ etc flashing on and off what would u do? Hi guys! Hope youre well ❤️
  8. yes i see it now!!! im shooting tonight but ill get at this soon 😎
  9. they made it!!! only 40% of their nests produce young LFG!!!!!!!!
  10. omg 🤣 that is NOT their 4k 😹 wow i had no idea how awful these could be 😮
  11. this is fascinating itll be in motion soon in amazing ways, this is after effects (etc) in 3 years. itll be soooo crazy /the vfx will be INSANE!!! itll be awesome for ppl with unique ideas, but v bad for a lot of ppl. what about truck divers? what say you @Kubrickian @tupp @mercer
  12. @kye omg are they that bad???
  13. i mean stuff like this? idek this is more than i wanted to spend but are they any good...?? this type of stuff https://www.amazon.com/Blink-Outdoor-Wireless-Security-Camera/dp/B086DKSYTS/ref=pd_ci_mcx_mh_mcx_views_0?pd_rd_w=nfumE&content-id=amzn1.sym.0250fb24-4363-44d0-b635-ac15f859c3b5&pf_rd_p=0250fb24-4363-44d0-b635-ac15f859c3b5&pf_rd_r=ZM19JRFB0RHK9HF19RND&pd_rd_wg=frbYV&pd_rd_r=8d949b3b-caae-4447-94e8-20b97613ca4c&pd_rd_i=B086DKSYTS
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