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Everything posted by kaylee

  1. well, objectively, i looked at the shots and i never would have released it for broadcast like that, regardless of my personal taste, or what you might see in perfectly controlled conditions – its just too flat additionally, regardless of my personal opinion, the DP's, director's or anyone else's, PEOPLE CLEARLY HATED IT. THATS NOT DEBATABLE so thats a problem lol
  2. well that sounds awful lol its also funny that the DP blamed it on ppl who cant "tune their tvs" among other things, yet here you guys are complaining about it, and youre tv tuning experts ?
  3. Zach, for the record, regarding college, ill give you the advice that i would give any young filmmaker: 1) you dont need to do it – online resources are incomprehensibly vast today 2) if you DO go to college for film, STUDY ART AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. ideally, you should go to an ~art~ school, major in film, but take as many classes out of your major as you can. classes for artists – 2D design, color theory, art history, etc. etc.
  4. "If it doesn't look good on an iPad, you screwed up" – Orson Welles
  5. yes, exactly ? !!!!! do you even KNOW that i was thinking exactly that while looking at new photoshop apps, how i like grading in resolve so much, i wish there was one with a color interface like that...??? ??? accoding to google, adobe has something like 12 million subscribers, so raising their price $3 makes $36 mil...... that was easy!!! ?
  6. its just the doubling of the price and all ?
  7. look, its over already~! Affinity Photo for ipad looks AMAZING, and it works with apple pencil~! and its a ONE TIME PURCHASE OF $20 SO LONG ADOBE! best of luck in your future endeavors
  8. well wel wellllllll im NOT surprised, but this sucks~! im currently on the $9.99/mo adobe "photoshop" plan which includes lightroom (which i dont use) and 20GB of storage, which makes me feel like im beating the system but its gone! is it FINALLY time for me to look into photoshop alternatives????? ? ? ? ? ? im all in with resolve, i just have to learn fusion ? the "normal" full CC pricing went up from $49.99 to ~$52.99~ recently poor adobe, they must be going broke~! ???
  9. ooo id love to see a clip of video to see what u guys r talking abt is this screenshot about right? if so, its great to discuss ? what im looking at is really low contrast, but assuming this is supposed to be moonlight, i like that if yall think it was too dark tho, then im sure it was lol
  10. yeah good question @kye, id like to know that as well
  11. addendum 2: i havent looked at projectors forever because im poor, and now im checking things out... HOW are there $600 *720p* projectors out right now?!??? HUH??? ?
  12. update: u kno what @Emanuel, im totally buying a cheap projector like this to play with~! i already have a couple ideas, thanks for the inspiration~! ☺️ the one in the video above is $60 on amazon! ?
  13. live projection is so smart, i feel like i should be using it for something...! hmmm ? funny, i came across this again recently, and its a few years old but i still think its mindblowing. some genius is going to combine all these things in an amazing way one day if you havent seen this, its all in camera edit: bts (*cue t2 theme*)
  14. lol oh im not gonna BUY one, i was just talking smack ?
  15. naw, i hope the best for the R series, its just that this body is $550 new checks a lot of the same boxes lookit this kid! hes having the time of his life
  16. never heard of it! checked out the season 2 trailer... i like patton! he can be subversive lol sorry not sorry: i CANT STAND the phony cgi dragon/cartoon stuff!!! why not use a PRACTICAL puppet and embellish it with cgi??? W H Y
  17. kaylee

    my first short

    imagine the cost of this short if i did everything the hollywood way. whats the cost of renting a bus and closing a street? $30k + for that shot
  18. kaylee

    my first short

    oh wow thank you so much @Jimmy G. im so glad you HEARD it! lol yeah thats something i should point out – all my shots (with NO audio) seemed lifeless and SHIITY and DEAD until i started adding sound, and then the film CAME ALIVE this is my first attempt at sound design, and truth be told... i wasnt gonna do it, someone else was ? this girl i found online, we talked about it at LENGTH, over months and months, and when it came time to actually do it.... she just didnt come thru. she made nothing. it was too much for her i guess. so, i was expecting to see some stuff finished at a certain point, i find out shes done NOTHING, and i was like... *drinks a beer* FUCK IT ILL DO IT MYSELF ? and in two days i was like.... damn i love sound design this stuff is amazin ? i used all kinds of weird sounds, thats a huge part of the fun~! theres everything from gunshots to deep space noises from NASA. theres even a pine jay squawking at the end lol oh @kye i thought of one thing i did brilliantly: the shot of the girl working at "walmart". i designed a badge, printed it, bought a clip-on badge holder, bought the blue vest online, had her walk in walmart with me, shot some footage for a few minutes, and walked out. how do ya like that for stealing shots ?
  19. kaylee

    my first short

    thank you! lol exactly i hear ya. i basically decided that since so much of this short is about sleep, i wanted to show that my way, insofar as not like this although shows get away with this shit all the time, and i understand why, im not an idiot, people want to see the actors faces ? but this doesnt feel dark to me, sleepy dark time feels (a) dark and (b) low contrast so i went with that. in the first shot, i wanted the young man to wake up ~in the dark~. he cant sleep. so, that being said, this IS supposed to be dark af, darker than anyone goes on almost anything i just saved the above .png screengrab from quicktime, put it online, and tumblr compressed it, but look how much you can still pull out of it this image gives you an idea of what the original exposure looked like. i would post stuff from my resolve file, but after imac broke its gonna take a couple days to put that timeline back together again, but u guys have inspired me im totally gonna do it...! your assumption is correct~! yes, i said to myself, Self, what is 5d3 raw GOOD at? well, COLOR. DEEP, RICH color. its good at... looking kinda filmic, way more lo-fi and analog compared to say, a gh5, right? totally different look. so that was my idea: make it look like that, to exploit the strengths of what ml raw is good at, and avoiding its weaknesses whenever possible in my shots. that was kinda the plan liike i said, you guys might be somewhat interested in what i did with the color creatively, so when i get the resolve project back together ill post some stuff. i mean, a lot of how this looks is the grade u know in general tho, i simply exposed for the highlights i wanted, and ALL the dark shots have been graded down in post, some WAY down, to avoid the noise of high ISOs. that worked – i did zero denoising in post, and i shot up to ISO 6400. yes. that exposure looks like absolute shit, with all the noise youd expect from ml raw at that iso, but like i said i reduced the exposure SO much that all that just disappeared~! lol i kno it sounds crazy but i did some tests before hand and it worked fine, and it allowed me to shoot the whole thing with practical/natural lighting~! ☺️ oh, i have a great answer for this – the actor in the first shot posted an even less finished version online EVERYWHERE – and called it a "trailer" for his own movie. he knew i was furious, wouldnt answer my calls or messages, and i had to do like 6 dmca things against him. sooooo he can go fuck himself SO MUCH. i mean where do i even start? the main thing is that doing ALLLLLLL this by yourself, with NO ONE TO HELP YOU AT ALL ON "SET"... is insane? its too hard, you start to fall apart, forget things, cant think straight, etc. its a surreal level of stress... sooo i wouldnt do that again without at least ONE person to be a general PA/script supervisor. that was a bad idea and im ~lucky~ things turned out the way they did, but again all this is much easier said that done when you have ~no money~ my main epiphany about making this lil thing is that JUST DOING IT has been SO empowering to me, because NOW I FEEL LIKE A FILMMAKER. i can be a shitty filmmaker, a lil baby filmmaker, but im sure af not an imaginary filmmaker. not anymore! and you CANT make a second film until you make a first film~! so my SECOND and THIRD films are already in development! wow!!! amazin @ Zach the OTHER thing is the process, that you just need to complete to see as a whole: from start to finish, writing, storyboards, casting, locations, etc etc, post, color, vfx, sound....... i see the gestalt of it now, and thats huge. hard to explain, i just "get" it, so im rlly looking forward to doing better in the future that would be the above post, talking about ISOs and so on... ill pull some shots from the actual grade tho, might be fun~! will do soon! nothing else worked brilliantly. everything else ~kinda~ worked pretty good lol. oh, one thing: i literally shot this in 2.39 to (A) save data and (b) hide my feet in the first shot, i kid you not ?
  20. kaylee

    my first short

    aww, thank you so much @Django... i really appreciate it that you recognize what i was going for but of course! what can i say tho...? i dunno where to start? ask me anything...!
  21. kaylee

    my first short

    OMG the last shot of my short was ~literally~ captured seconds before security showed up and stopped us!!! ? ? ? i was so pissed, i was like "ill just redo this shot somewhere else", and then i got the footage home, and i was like.... hey thisll work ? ? ? ? ? ?
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