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Everything posted by kaylee

  1. meanwhile, Zach, i AM writing! with a busted computer no less!! im like a lil baby bird with a broken wing rn doesnt matter — you dont need final draft to write, or even electricity, just do it the dialogue i cooked up in the last hour and a half is pretty dope ? im sure youre busy writing too, dont mean to keep ya!!
  2. oh cool! hey, why dont i just write it for you?? edit:
  3. Zak!!! how r u?? ? edit: I use these
  4. kaylee

    Leica Q2 (DCI4K)

    no one knows! lol naw jk, it’s like... a rolls royce a rolls Royce used to be this very expensive fancy car handmade by the best people, and it still kind of is, but its also kind of a really expensive 7 series cuz bmw owns them now and they share technology so
  5. that million bucks is going to be the average sale price of a house in LA pretty soon... a house
  6. i couldnt live without the internet for any amount of money, id rather die. i talk about how great the 90s were, before 9/11, etc etc, but im full of it. contemporary internet is freakin fantastic on one hand, its the absolute key to my dream life, where i could spend the time needed on sets, in LA, but NOT LIVE THERE ANYMORE!!! im over it!! but i wanna be able to communicate with ppl v well, and just today, with my broken imac, i sent a friend a drive link to my film from my phone, he downloaded that 7 gig file, and watched it on his 4k tv, all in a matter of minutes. unreal! i grew up in an age where ppl MAILED FILM. OVERNIGHT. EXPRESS. CAN OF FILM IN THA MAIL. additionally, internet allows an introvert on a mountain, like myself, to talk to the whole world~! and thats how i found u guys, and i find ppl irl who become my filmmaking friends all the time ??? and theres free p*rn, not for @BTM_Pix tho
  7. i COULD have put this money toward an overheating camera, instead i have a smelly paperweight ?
  8. BUT I WAS FOLLOWING THE DIRECTIONS ?????? @kye it has prores 444
  9. ok, now, no one needs to make fun of me on this one, ok guys? So I bought a $120 toaster from amazon... insane, right? Who the f needs a $120 toaster? I’m poor, not me!!! Well, it was HIGHLY RECOMMENDED by a friend who cooks a ton, and the reviews on Amazon were amazing, so I went ahead and did it...! https://www.amazon.com/Panasonic-NB-G110P-FlashXpress-Infrared-Removable/dp/B008C9UFDI the first month was really something — toasting up a storm. But THEN, a week after my Amazon 1 month return window expired, A PIECE OF TOAST FELL through the grate onto the bottom heating element, and now it’s all messed up!! burnt toast matter on the light bulb like heating element... tried to clean it ??? Dealing with Panny has been absurd — anybody else had to deal with Panny customer service before? - they’re closed when they’re supposed to be open - chatbot wanted to fix the screen on my toaster - I am finding this tiresome
  10. of course zach, i was being ironic. im just saying that at the end of the day, you have to find time to do both things, study and work on filmmaking. think to yourself: what would Director X, who you admire, do? if he was in your shoes at your age in your situation? would he be working on filmmaking tonight? probably
  11. ok, be a biologist edit: wait, wheres the video??
  12. Zach, it’s Sunday, almost Monday, are you writing something? If you saw my art practice, ANYONE who sees it, would agree, love it or hate it, that it required a TON of work on my part. Clearly decades of development. Sitting on your ass playing video games or whatever the fuck does not make you an artist... no exceptions!!! Sorry not sorry!!!
  13. @Snowbro its possible that youre seeing other EOS cameras that ppl have drawn little white Rs on to look "cool" -- dont be deceived
  14. i would but my imac just broke ? so give me a min on this and the color grading challenge ?
  15. kaylee

    Bane voice

    ha, interesting, i just watched the trailer and it was pretty badass overall...! looks like a solid film yeah, his voice in Batman has so much character because the way he’s talking is just so WEIRD. There’s a TON of inflection, he’s being really dramatic vocally, almost absurdly so. But with the distortion, and the visually menacing persona, it works...!
  16. ZACH ^^^^^^^^^ (emphasis mine, sorry @mercer)
  17. Do it Zach!!! Take the Snowfun Challenge™️
  18. Zach, this is good. Here’s my advice: WRITE SOMETHING dont worry about screenplay formatting if u don’t know how to do that — doesn’t matter right now. write something short. Something less than 5 min long. Start there!
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