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Everything posted by kaylee

  1. totally the future. i have zero interest in my films being "projected". im like a reverse tarantino – quentin hates this stuff so much lol
  2. thats dope. really pretty. funny, on the surface it seems like this video has nothing in common with the beatles animation i posted above, and yet it does thats kewl, ykno we should have a thread for random stuff where you can post a sicc pic or video or whatever and have discussion w/o starting a new thread. kno what im sayin
  3. as far as loops of motion, check out this dope music video. never heard of the band but it looks like it was made in after effects
  4. im glad you guys are so supportive of our movement – and guess what ive come up with a GREAT catchphrase!! remember how the rock used to say "turn that sumbitch sideways"? its been a long time, but its still in the lexicon, kind of like an empty house on the outskirts of town... im saying WE MOVE IN. vertical video? TURN THAT SUMBITCH SIDEWAYS
  5. do you guys think i can get some purple birds out of this
  6. omg... its so much worse than i ever expected
  7. really? where? on youtube? on fb? where is this place where vertical videos remain vertical besides imessage on ios?
  8. DUDE. i THOUGHT we were over this for some delusional reason (i watch pro stuff), but SOMETIMES i MIGHT want to watch some St. Dane dog videos on a site which i abhor like fb, and PEOPLE ARE SHOOTING THEIR FUCKING VIDEOS VERTICALLY ALL THE TIME WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK THIS IS MY CAUSE TO CHAMPION AND PERHAPS MY VERY PURPOSE IN LIFE WONT YOU JOIN ME IN CREATING A BETTER TOMORROW? WE MUST #STOP VERTICAL VIDEOS 2018 lets come up with memes and names for our group. anyone can join, all you have to do is swear never to shoot vertical video and upload it. if you went to art school this obviously doesnt mean you first off we need a sicc name for our movement... if its mocking something contemporary thatd be hilarious, but im open to whatever like... ANTIVER? ANTIVE? VV is catchy... lets get into this
  9. a test video of people with different skin colors in daylight??? i love it lol great work @Sage
  10. to folks who havent watched this, its really worth a look @Hans Punk getting normal people to SLOW DOWN (pun intended lol) enough to watch something like this in its entirety (a whopping 8 and a half minutes) is a miracle, but ~ i ~ LOVED it i think this piece is really something. the visual is so much like a piece of music, a symphony. so powerful not unlike what im suggesting in this thread: super slo mo could be used for all kinds of creative purposes, and it has a beauty in and of itself that i think hasnt been explored in cinema very much outside of battle/fight scenes
  11. good thoughts here guys indeed. my intention isnt to loop the movement of the main characters per se – im thinking about other things, particularly patterns in nature imagine a little 5 second video clip of a girl lying in a field reading a book in a bed of flowers. a day with a bit of wind creates all kinds of movement in those flowers over that 5 seconds, but what if the flowers were a LOOP of movement for 1 second, repeated 5 times. thats the kinda stuff im talking about. and she has her own movement and the clouds have their own movement – etc. its all separate and compartmentalized. pain in the ass? yes lol. but it also opens up a new freedom once youre controlling ALL the motion in your film like a god in a way i guess im suggesting that imposing some of the practical limitations of traditional animation on motion picture photography could be quite fascinating... simplicity. repetition.
  12. an interesting challenge! i agree it REALLY is sounds really interesting! that "'living 'painting'" is a trip awww yiss, than you so much, this is just what im talking about!!! – stuff like this. im just curious to see whats out there... ykno, i was just looking at some gifs ppl have made from movies on tumblr the other day, like classic beautiful films, and it really does bring a new level of appreciation and respect for the depth of these works. and theyre awesome. like the gifs in and of themselves are awesome. ive learned more from a single one second loop gif of psycho than i have entire lengthy bullshit clickbait filmmaking articles lol
  13. hi guys!!! im wondering if youve ever seen a "cinemagraph" film... a short or whatever. a narrative for the uninitiated, cinemagraph is a term that has become popular for a certain style of gif – stuff like this i would describe a cinemagraph to a novice who hasnt seen one simply as a still photo where part of it is moving what i find interesting about all this boils down to a notion of controlling motion, and less motion in film. limited motion as gifs so often do, cinemagraphs often utilize a looping effect – a repeated loop of motion. something simple, iconic it reminds me of animation anyway guys, my question is: has anyone ever seen a film like this? does this ring any bells? if theres something similar to what im working on out there, id definitely like to know! happy holidays ??????
  14. hi @Trevor Butterworth! i have a 5d3 and im really happy with ml raw i think the choice is about the image. if you prefer the higher resolution of the 5d4, great. i prefer the more analogue-y filmic image of the 5d3. horses for courses tho, totally depends on the project but $1000 is money, i get that. so in general i guess id say that if you view 5d3 raw as an option, and youre prepared to deal with the data, etc., and youd prefer those 1080p raw files to the compressed 4k of the 5d4... great, go for the 5d3 and spend that $1000 on other stuff thats more important for me personally, im just not into a dslr with touch screen dpaf on a screen that doesnt move. thats the #1 thing id change about my 5d3 if i could – flippy screen!!!
  15. ok i watched that trailer again... SOME of those shots are clearly with a different camera. the 7d shots are obviously different
  16. OHHH NOOOOOO OMG LMAooooo im deleting this account
  17. given the clarity and look i would guess that fb clip isnt from a dslr – maybe one of the mirrorless cams, but id say CX00 if i had to guess but COULD you use a dslr for a piece like this? OF COURSE! if ive learned anything about filmmaking, its that NO ONE CARES about stuff like that but us theres never been anything shot on a dslr that was unsuccessful BECAUSE it was shot on an dslr so im just sayin... dont let the gear be a barrier between you and making great content. only nerds like us notice that stuff lol while some people are sitting on the couch wishing for a camera that costs as much as a new car, others are making films with what they have, and getting their work seen by the whole world online i want UTA to represent me as a commercial filmmaker and fine artist. do you think those folks have ever passed around something really great, and then it gets to the big boss, and hes like "Its good but the highlights clip like shit" looool me neither thats a funny idea tho
  18. ive definitely seen a few but i cant remember names off the top of my head ill post here if i come across them again theyre out there, but do seem few and far between
  19. thanks guys. tbh i would be in NO hurry to update, but im seeing some bugs in messages when talking to ppl on high sierra imagine that, bugs in imessage! lol
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