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Everything posted by kaylee

  1. wth is happening to this world ? http://gizmodo.com/a-new-accessory-makes-the-macbook-pro-actually-suitable-1790779235
  2. the color of your g85 field test looks great on my plasma the only nice thing i have to say about the new mbps is that the screens are WAY better - better color, contrast, and the consistency at different viewing angles is dramatically different (it used to be terrible). havent noticed anything bizarre about the color – which i certainly would have if it was horrid – but ill give it another look with a critical eye sometime soon
  3. i would highly recommend buying applecare on any new mac during its first year
  4. i think you guys should kno that my friend who *cough* works at an a p p l store said that the new mbps are ALL fucked up in ALL kinds of ways the 13 and 15" touchbar mbps have been returned for not working for every conceivable reason.... and people have bought them, then exchanged them, not once but twice, only to find that they have problems with a THIRD computer so: caveat emptor
  5. rumors pointed at this in the past but people just thought it was too unbelievable.... i didnt~! some posters were doubting 4k on the 1dxii at the time so i wasnt about to bring up "8k sooner rather than later" and a 1dcii lol
  6. tumblr is free and super flexible and theres lots of great minimal themes i just have a url i bought that i use for my tumblr page, so myart.tumblr.com is also myart.net *i* like tumblr but its not for everybody lol
  7. killin it!!! ??? so dope, legit awesome, zak does it again, looks super professional, great edit, gh4 omg, wowza!!! let us know when it comes out zak!!!
  8. one of my favorite artists - SUCH a genius. great link thank you andrew goddam isnt that the truth
  9. dude!!! awesome. thank you for sharing beautiful work, youve got a great eye this is why i got a 5d3 a few months ago!!!! hell yeah heres to ya
  10. kaylee

    Something fun to do

    what the actual fuck
  11. its insane, i mean as a consumer its mainly annoying, but as a designer its appalling it may be ? im a stylus enthusiast so thats huge for me... i havent paid attention to microsoft in forever but i watched the whole keynote with this wild thing and surface book... i was really impressed wth! makes an imac look pretty pedestrian tbh
  12. imo no, for an english speaking audience i would avoid those words. im tryin to produce something catchy for you but im having trouble coming up with something better than or Invite Clips... hmmm. I agree with @hyalinejim that 'invite' sounds better than 'invitation'.... what i really want is a synonym for invitation~! and i cant think of one~! i would also suggest having a fairly illustrative element in your logo more or less explaining what the business does the general public's lack of video terminology knowledge combined with a dearth of synonyms for 'invitation' makes this a little challenging
  13. have you guys used the new touchbar? ive spent some time with it and imo it is THE stupidest gimmick. dont get me wrong, a mbp is still a mbp... touchbar doesnt add any functionality... it just makes me want to TOUCH THE SCREEN. The ACTUAL SCREEN. its like appl engineers came up with the laziest possible way to have a 'touch screen computer' lmao
  14. p much the only anomaly in US foreign policy that i can think of tbh @Don Kotlos thank you for reminding me to watch the untold history of the US!!! totally meant to it fell off my queue
  15. i hear you, but if thats the case why arent people saying about those cameras in the same way? know what i mean? even better: @TheRenaissanceMan, have you ever screamed PUT IT IN MY VENIS over alexa footage? you can tell us we're all friends here
  16. how many people here immediately knew this was shot on film as soon as they started watching it? and what digital camera gets you closest to this? in terms of color whats better than 5d3 raw? i love film better to smoke it buddy
  17. kaylee

    Film School

    Nope, that is still not an exception. You should instead report the safety issue to the person above you. In extreme cases where that is ignored... you might consider going to the next person up in the chain, or similar, but you're still many steps away from the point of bringing it up directly with the director. yep thats true @IronFilm on a literal level that is absolutely correct, hear hear. i meant like if a bullet is headed for the director in slow motion Nice to know that a fellow alumnus is on the board! I consider it more of a professional design school rather than an art school. Most of us were pursuing a profe$$ional education when I attended. yeah for sure. art center is a unique place. the most talented student body ive ever seen... most of the people walking the halls are geniuses i got a p good fine art scholarship transferred to the film program ? both weird majors for art center believe me i know. but my vision was always to learn from the whole school as much as possible. like i went and talked to the transportation design students and hung out with them (amazing), learned about rapid prototyping and stuff. not surprised that youre an art center alumnus @tupp~! youre smart i avoided leaving with a huge amount of debt, but some ppl were in $300k+ thats frickin crazy. thats a house (not here tho lmao)
  18. welcome @Tarantinofan! i cant wait to see your kick ass movie
  19. kaylee

    Film School

    so, film school. my question is this: what are your goals? to be a commercial director? a famous filmmaker? a great Artist™? if the answer is the latter, that you want to be an artist who uses filmmaking within his practice, i would highly recommend going to "art school" and taking all the classes you might not have thought about taking: basic drawing, color theory, 2D design, ART HISTORY, etc. ykno those "foundation" classes that many art schools make everyone take even if youre majoring in film? these experiences will broaden the horizon of your creativity exponentially "film school" is a different proposition. in general i feel like youll waste a huge amount of time at great expense. a KEY point to film school in our contemporary world is MAKING CONTACTS – in a place like LA. v few places like that, and theres tens of thousands of fresh film school graduates working at restaurants who can tell you that there are very few jobs in hollywood if youre trying to create your own content, its a radically new era, you can do so much yourself, and broadcast it to the whole world. film school programs can be kind of nuts where you dont pick up a camera for the first year or something... imagine if i taught a drawing class with no pencils or paper for a year. people learn by doing, so just making ANYTHING will be hugely educational ?????? when i was going to art center, art school number three for me because i was pursuing an education not a degree, i was taking film classes, and the first day the department head asked, "When should you, a new person on a film set, tell the director your opinion?" the answer was... NEVER!!!!!!! SHUT THE HECK UP!!! lol ppl dont get that when theyre new, i understand, but that was on day one bc its literally one of the WORST THINGS YOU CAN DO. to me this is common sense but its whatever* *the only exception is in terms of safety
  20. kaylee

    4k tv as monitor

    several years ago out of sheer laziness i plugged my mac into my 53" samsung plasma so i could work while lying on the couch under a blanket... and ive never looked back. i do 99% of my work at home this way now. SOoo great for watching video using windows, is there a ui scalability? i wish that was built into osx. when my friends macbook pro is plugged into her huge 70" 4k tv the osx menus and interface elements look ridiculous imo also, last time i checked macs cant do 4k out at over 30hz... no bueno. im assuming that a pc can? whats that connection? do u need a tv with hdmi 2.0? i love this thread! please post i want a 4k tv but i dont want the os interface to be so damn small i cant see whats going on... maybe ill get a pc idek
  21. it sure is i did it!! ? tru tru. i watched that guys trailer and it looks great! if you didnt know better, woudnt you think that it was shot with a MUCH more expensive camera? i would ?
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