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Everything posted by Snowfun

  1. But think of the kudos! And it’s better than coming first because it’s a useful way of having a clear out (yes, I did use that rusted bent quick release plate on that custom bipod...) I’m shooting today if everything goes to plan.
  2. Damn. I might be one of them. Is it the same as the 180 degree rule?
  3. So I reposted it... I think an equivalent yet opposite example is BM requiring users to use specific SSDs (etc.) to avoid dropping frames - but not selling them at inflated prices.
  4. I posted the video on the RED Hydrogen forum - didn’t last long before it got removed!
  5. £56 plus the cost of epoxy & orange plastic so don’t get too confident as it’ll be closer to the 200 max...
  6. Camera purchased. Seems slightly odd me buying a camera to send to someone else without even the politeness of asking what they’d like...
  7. Thought I’d found an interesting lens... But just getting over excited.
  8. Good God Man! The last thing we need is for the majority of people in this country to vote even that many times... don’t encourage them! (Far better employed painting models of buses - although in sunny Spain that reference might be lost?)
  9. I’d suggest that we don’t impose a strict limit and rely instead on an honest statement of gear used (body & lens - let’s not get too worked up about batteries, cards etc) and the cost. This can then be taken into account when voting. If we aim for €200 that gets us going in the right general direction. And someone will get their PhD studying why eBay prices suddenly levelled out at €200...
  10. I tend to buy Hawk Woods (v-lok & npf) and they work. But I’ve absolutely no idea why I think they are ok. I have some off brand npf (Atomos & Blindspot Gear) and I try to replace them with the HW. But it does get expensive simply to have the same labels in the bag. I only use genuine Canon for the P4k - until the battery grip arrives when I’ll use the HWs. I do find it slightly odd that I don’t “trust” BM’s own batteries. Irrational?
  11. The Blackmagic logo includes orange so it would look particularly relevant. Especially in aluminium rather than plastic. Too much similarity to a Quality Street will however end in disaster.
  12. Yes, I think it possibly is. But given that Resolve is possibly very underpriced for what it is I don’t feel too bad at preordering! I doubt the jog will be as silky as the dial on the Naim Muso (if you have one near you, try it - it’s utterly gorgeous) but hoping it’ll be decent.
  13. What about Blackmagic’s own keyboard? I’ve preordered one - like the look of the jog/shuttle dial - but no delivery date yet.
  14. I didn’t vote because I can’t remember the last time I actually said either “baby” or “dude” (with or without the “!”). If I had to vote it’d be for the “it depends” option.
  15. Pocket 4k joins The 400 Club. Blackmagic should add it to their marketing.
  16. Snowfun

    Davinci Resolve 16

    Not as stupid as I was - I couldn’t get Resolve to record sound until someone pointed out that I hadn’t given it permission to access the microphone on the Mac...
  17. Snowfun

    Davinci Resolve 16

    For future reference - how? Thanks.
  18. A But I don’t know if I could justify that.
  19. Hard to see beyond that. Other than the integral network it has. I often have ideas for a film. So I pop in here to read gear reviews. And look at CVP. And convince myself that the idea needs new stuff. And read the Resolve manual. And watch YouTube videos. And do some financial sums. Then I forget what the idea was and go back to work. Thats why I’m not a filmmaker. If I was, then I’d forgo all those interim steps and just make the film...
  20. Snowfun

    my first short

    Fabulous. I thought some of the angles and composition were superb. I’m not sure I am clever enough to follow the story but thoroughly enjoyable. Indeed, inspirational!
  21. Snowfun

    Davinci Resolve 16

    Any ideas why I’m struggling to record anything (voice overs) in Fairlight? I’m thinking my own incompetence primarily but other factors might also be relevant. My Rode AI1 is plugged in and appears as an input option. It is set to 48k as required (I think). I add a track. The record button (“R”) activates and the red line appears on “record”. But it records a blank. Nothing. The meters stay zeroed. It’s not the Rode because switching to GarageBand (“B” not “L” - The Clash) is fine. Any ideas?
  22. Don’t RED have a relationship with Foxconn? Could the Sharp (possibly rebadged?) become the new “cheap” RED small form factor camera oft rumoured or hinted at? Especially given that the Hydrogen phone modules have been abandoned in favour of something being developed by RED itself rather than the phone spin-off.
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