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Everything posted by Snowfun

  1. Snowfun

    Nikon buys Red?

    The wider implications… if Nikon do incorporate RED technology in their consumer offerings, where does that leave Blackmagic? Braw vs R3D (with the added “advantage” of Nikon’s AF, lens mount and lenses etc.) It’s going to be interesting to see how other players respond. Panasonic to buy Blackmagic? @ac6000cw is possibly correct - it won’t be long before the RED label appears on a Nikon camera (or a skull) just like the Zeiss badge on Sony. Surprisingly muted at reduser. Perhaps they are now discovering the real meaning of telling their friends that they make Cool Pics…
  2. Snowfun

    Nikon buys Red?

    A perfect fit then. Although hipsters have already moved onto Jim’s new venture… https://m-experiment.com/pages/brand Will Nikon keep RED separate or will RED technology creep into the consumer offerings?
  3. Snowfun

    Nikon buys Red?

    Astonishing. Interesting times ahead… Have Nikon ever made sunglasses?
  4. Good question! A bit of both. It’s more to capture the essence and atmosphere of the resort (in Lapland) rather than super gnarly tricks (by myself or others!) Some boot mount shots, some rails, some lift shots and some scenery. Nothing too preplanned or set up - if it’s looking good, whip the camera out and shoot. I’ve already damaged fingers with frostbite so my hands get very cold very quickly hence the need to emphasise ease of use. Beginning to think more along GoPro lines (agree with @kyethat Osmo might be too fragile).
  5. I do have 2 RX0s - one mk1 (in the Sony “dive” case) and one mk2. They are super little cameras. But - the single AF can be tricky and the lack of stabilisation is an issue. I agree, they would certainly be the better option if I could resolve those problems.
  6. I need an action camera - to shoot skiing and snowboarding. Short sequences in cold weather wearing gloves. So ease of operation is an absolute priority. Simple on/off. Simple start/stop. Simple to pop into a jacket pocket. A wrist loop is essential - I don't want to drop it from a chair lift. 4k @ 60fps would be useful (especially for some re-framing) albeit 1080 @ 60fps is realistically adequate. Currently thinking about: Osmo Pocket 3 (mechanical stabilisation and what seems to be a very simple start/stop button). Possibly the preferred option but open to ideas. Insta360 (the 1" version - no need to frame, slightly more creative options (?)) GoPro 12 (I really don't know too much about ease of use never having used one) I accept the footage from all three will be relatively poor (cf braw etc.) but it is what it is. Image quality isn't the driver here - ease of use is. I used to have the original Insta360 but ease of use was pathetic. Most of the time I didn't know if it was on or off - I have hours of "inside-of-pocket" footage if anyone is interested. Thoughts and informed opinion?
  7. This is a ridiculous post. What is the context? There are some situations with some camera/lens combinations in which AF is undoubtably superior. Indeed, AF can make shots which would be hard if not impossible with MF straightforward. There are, equally, some situations when MF is perfect. I prefer MF lenses but I regret that preference time after time - there are things I’d like to do but don’t have the talent or skills or resources to do with MF. To make a blanket statement about your experience with no context is nonsense. Your scoop is possibly better used to serve mashed potato.
  8. Snowfun

    24p is outdated

    I think we've got it now. You make a point which has a certain, albeit limited, legitimacy: high speed sport or YouTube viewers. Others - and possibly a more discerning audience - disagree. I'm not sure I understand why you keep repeating yourself. A weak argument gains no strength by simply recycling it ad nauseam (and I accept that an argument gains no strength by including latin phrases...) Time to move on perhaps?
  9. This thread illustrates just how quickly life moves on. Anyone remember Jim’s attempt at fusing the camera and the phone? He is now back producing sunglasses (no rose tinted ones for those of us who naively bought into the Hydrogen hyperbole however).
  10. Just to interrupt the tumbleweed blowing across the street… A forum such as this works precisely because it’s brutally anonymous and independent of real people. We are a disparate group of individuals who happen to enjoy cinematography of camera tech or whatever. Some are rich, others are poor. Some have real jobs, others work in the film industry (sic). There is little common ground to get together. Yes, I’d enjoy a meeting with anyone in Finland (winter) or the Scottish highlands (rest of the year) and I’m sure that there are other meetings between members going on in the background too. But a formal forum meeting? No. Bad idea. I have an idea for a film (“Saving Lives” based on the downfall of an emergency medicine doctor I knew) so I’d be happy to meet anyone interested in producing this. But we all have lives to live and I suspect for most the internet satisfies the need to “get together”. I’d love to work with Andrew @Andrew Reidon my film idea (it’s his kind of thing - I think) but the logistics? I applaud your sense of community but in reality I suspect your dream isn’t going to happen.
  11. Snowfun

    24p is outdated

    You, perhaps deliberately, miss the point. Just because something is “outdated” doesn’t diminish its desirability. Just because there are a lot of arguments in favour of 60 fps doesn’t diminish the fact that a lot of people prefer 24. There is no objectively correct fps!
  12. Snowfun

    24p is outdated

    A fanboy of what exactly? Porsche? (Thank you) 24 fps is an option. Some will use it. Others won’t. But no-one will be dictated to. It would, in my opinion, be more useful to start a discussion about the various merits of different frame rates rather than simply claiming it is “outdated”. I personally use 25 but that’s another issue.
  13. Snowfun

    24p is outdated

    I just got home from the Porsche garage without the 911 I ordered. Someone on the bus there told me that petrol engines were outdated…
  14. My Blackmagic pocket 4k. Everything I need (in preference to my 6k). If I had an Arri or Venice then with the cr*p I produce I’d just end up looking like an entitled idiot. So perhaps, therefore, a Komodo would suit!
  15. Have a look at Aida. I use two (the cheap £330-ish basic model HD100A) in a home studio environment (with a basic BM Atem and Teams). Superb. https://aidaimaging.com
  16. Burano is even getting some positive comments on reduser… so it must be good. I love the naming convention.
  17. There is no objectively “best” camera for any one task. Is it the best for you? That’s the key question. Given that you’re drawn to Sony the answer is possibly yes. But others will be able to reference many other cameras. Personally I’d rather take my Blackmagic but that’s probably the style of camera which is neither wanted nor needed. I’d give more detail about what you want the camera to do - how you use it, when you shoot, what your priorities are (AF? Audio? Etc.) which puts any responses into context. But the FX3 is a super camera and is quite probably “better” than the A7S3.
  18. I suspect that a primary problem with fora is that over time they become too one-sided, narrow minded and restrictive. Reduser doesn’t tolerate criticism - it would be fabulous to engage in (and learn from) genuine debate about braw vs. redcode etc. But that can’t happen because anyone who extols the virtues of braw will undoubtably be met with hostility. Here, it possibly isn’t a great idea to discuss Bloom’s reviews - why not? They are often informative and entertaining. But… Fora tend to become echo chambers and new, different or dissenting voices leave (voluntarily or otherwise). I fear that the majority of users go to their forum of choice (photo, automobile, hifi, whisky etc.) simply to have their views (or buying choice) reinforced and validated. Lots of us remember interesting (?), useful (?) or controversial (?) contributions from those who are no longer here. We might not have agreed with or liked or even understood them (young Zach…) but they presenting a range of opinion to keep things lively. And why don’t the “experts” (eg JB and, yes, even PB) pop in from time to time to share and discuss ideas? This space manages to retain neutrality with respect to brands and I think that is possibly unique. But - and without being deliberately critical - it has also driven people away. Why? Personally I’d like to see Andrew promote a topic of the month - eg “does 8 or 10 bit really matter?” and let a thoughtful, knowledgable and informative debate develop. And develop without being lost in “what camera should I use/buy?” or similar posts. Or a discussion about audio options at relevant and appropriate prices and level or expertise. The forum then becomes a place of genuine learning and debate not simply an exchange of opinions. But perhaps I miss the point…
  19. Although some of the people here actually enjoy processing and playing with raw files. With no time constraints or commercial production schedules to worry about, us amateurs are permitted to enjoy raw and, by implication, might justifiably complain when a new camera doesn’t do raw. We’re just in touch with a different reality. But in the commercial environment of “bigger productions” I agree with the point you make.
  20. If money isn’t a limiting factor, I’d be tempted to get a Komodo. Not hideously expensive but something to grow into and grow with. Lots of opportunities to explore lenses and being creative in post. And just a hint of je ne sais quoi to keep the juices flowing. But (apologies) that’s not helpful since you’ve already narrowed it down to two. Full frame for creative opportunities?
  21. Took 2 Sony RX0ii away last week. All the holiday memories are stored on the iPhone. Well, all but the memory of wondering why I bothered to pretend I’d use the RX0…
  22. As a BM pocket user I’m not sure I even have “features” let alone enough to give them up…
  23. University professor so I’ll definitely be replaced… not convinced that’s such a bad thing!
  24. Snowfun

    Tripod advice?

    Kessler K pod plus head approx £1200 Payload approx 70 kg. The Celestron telescope mount is approx £900.
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