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Everything posted by bamigoreng

  1. Maybe. His response on FB was pure evil. And now sister story. Btw, pregnancy operation is illegal in E: http://www.juancole.com/2015/02/itself-womens-rights.html Why would he incriminate his sister (and himself?) in the front of community/ whole world ?
  2. 23011000227 or 023011000227, same result on stolencamerafinder
  3. 12 digits - http://canoncanada.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/47220/~/factory-update%3A-eos-1d-c%3A-firmware-version-1.3.5
  4. Yes, we want that report. Canon 1DC, S/N xxxxxxxxxx
  5. ES 'Handwriting' - Twitter, 11 Jan 2013: https://twitter.com/EbrahimSaadawi/media
  6. Ebrahim, could you please post 1DC footage?
  7. Wow, bad luck. Grandfather's 1DC was stolen, now yours. Ebrahim, you don't know who you are anymore.
  8. Yeah, very sad story. Junior (EOSHD member - April 2014):
  9. Most likely Senior doesn't exist. There is no 1DC (S/N with 11 digits!), Saadawi Media, Nuclear Radiology Center... Jr - he only has 1100D, Zoom H1, 50mm, 18-55 and SLR Magic RF: http://www.magiclantern.fm/forum/index.php?action=profile;area=showposts;u=29545 - Instagram: no pics of his grandfather holding a camera, filming, editing, Saadawi Media, at work in a Rad. Center https://www.instagram.com/ebrahimsaadawi/ - 'famous' view from his balcony (No.4, DR): http://www.desktop-documentaries.com/10-elements-of-a-high-quality-image.html and Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/137917028
  10. He knows. That video/reel on Vimeo is now private.
  11. Something's not right. Have searched on the net but could not find Media Company and Nuclear Radiology Center in Egypt. I suspect that there is only one 'filmmaker', Ebrahim Junior. Just checked Instagram and Flickr profile; no pictures of his grandfather holding the camera - https://www.flickr.com/photos/ebrahimsaadawi/ OK, I might be wrong.
  12. Dear Ebrahim, could you please post the link (Al Saadawi Media and Nuclear Radiology Center)? Thanks. Gregor
  13. Tiffen Digital Diffusion/FX 1/4 or 1/2 (20:56)
  14. Canon h.264 + vintage glass.
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