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Rinad Amir

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Everything posted by Rinad Amir

  1. Question to OP what current camera do you own ? Try renting A7Siii if possible Remember its not the camera that gives you cinematic feel! Lights defusion filters frame rates depth of fild etc has to be accounted as well
  2. I like it! hows Dr compared between a7siii &C70
  3. If am not mistaken mate raw doesnt add extra dr , all it does gives you no noise reduction. But the good part is you get to play with iso and wb.
  4. Well for me id rather have more dynamic range and lowlight so its Sony.
  5. @Emanuel thats amazing work right there i love the color and composition.
  6. So much hate for Sony here can we all just be friends? 😊 ps I love you all
  7. Id rent first before splashing 10k on equipment! Try both systems out for week or two and then make move!
  8. Amazing workπŸ‘πŸΌ
  9. Atleast you tried 😁
  10. I cant even run it on my rig for some strange reason!? It keeps crashing damm Cb Wanted to test out gyro magicπŸ˜‘
  11. I love his work ,talk about attention to detailsπŸ‘
  12. Thank you sir and yes am gona try this on my ronin s i know it should handle with easy since it holds 1dx markiii with 35mm 😁
  13. My a7siii with glasses have arrived 😁
  14. External is option for Rawlight. Canons plan is to keep this as light mobile cheap as possible my theory.
  15. I cant freaking wait for mine... Have you tried record externaly ?
  16. Sorry for asking i must of missed this but Can you record 4k120p via atomos V ?(a7siii) Thank you in advance
  17. Thats plan B Plus you get to exopose and trow luts on as well.
  18. Lucky you ,still waiting on phone call so i can go and pick mine up 😁
  19. Lucky you ,i will have to shell up 4200euro for just body then theres extra two batteries plue A type 160gb card so were looking 5k plus minus and thats not counting Gm glass.
  20. Honestly just save up for new rig mate it would be better option Or get another ti and have it sli .
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