Hi guys
I've had this camera for some months now, and after lots of tinkering, a couple of disasters and some successful tests, I'm starting to feel confident. I come from a D5300 so this is my first time having to actually chose color spaces/gamuts, and the options are almost endless.
As for the LUT work, I'm kind of confused. I've been reading a lot, so I'm not starting from zero here, but one thing I don't seem to understand is why some people use LUTS as just looks and others use them as a starting point for personal grading. From what I've learned, we record in whatever gamut we chose (cine, video, pro, sgamut, sgamutcine, blahblah) then we translate it to 709 (which is the gamut most of our monitors can display) and then we grade/create looks/whatever we like. Is this the common workflow? because after reading millions of posts I have the feeling that some people just slap a looks LUT directly to the footage and everything ends up looking teal-orangey, or maybe people use two different LUTS in each clip? Im lost
So far the best results I've gotten have been using the S.Gamut3.Cine which is parallell to the 709 gamut but wider, so supposedly you get rid of the color casts and ofsets... Kind of. But I haven't found what de "pro" "cine" " video" etc gamuts do... Is there any guide?