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Everything posted by Kisaha

  1. @Mattias Burling GH5 has IBIS though..
  2. Whatever he said. Also, I have used the cheap 16-50 pz lens, and is very good on a gimbal (Ronin) if you do not go on the extremes (I start from 18mm, and 5.6f). I have the 18-200 and seriously, is the worst NX lens ever, the 16-50 PZ and 50-200 are vastly superior to that lens, and probably cost less. I carry mine for holidays, or very messy day light jobs that I do not want to push my better lenses (shooting in the sea, snow and mud).
  3. much bigger than the Tascam that does the same thing, no XLRs for more advanced use.
  4. Whatever anyone says and believes, Canon is still the top camera and lenses manufacturer in the world. A lot of people underestimate that! Sony has to do the catch up, and with the prices they put on their lenses - and ambiguous build choices on them (electromagnetic AF, weatherproofing, servicing cost), offer Canon more time to strike back. Nikon, on the other hand, they need some fresh air. They are not as big as Canon is, and their other divisions are just fewer and less profitable. @Mark Romero 2I thought that the benefits of mirrorless vs dSLR were pretty obvious. What is the point of a mechanical construction with a mirror, between you and your photos/videos? I have abandoned dSLRs since 2014, and never going back.
  5. Kisaha

    DJI Mavic Air

    Who is DJI competing with?! They make their drones better and better, and create new segments within their segments. I do not understand what’s the rush with all these releases. Excellent little drone, 100mbps and one click moves is just amazing for most people. A Mavic Pro Platinum with an 1” will be amazing for most pro people.
  6. http://www.zhiyun-tech.com/crane_plus_en/ there is another one!
  7. Obviously Canon pushes everyone to EF lenses (Sony took a good lesson from this Canonikon approach). Never did much for EF-S, nor M. The 22mm, 11-22mm, kit lens and a 55-200 are just perfect for most amateur's uses. M bodies aren't capable for pro jobs anyway, so no point in professional grade EOS M lenses. In my opinion Eos M system can be all an amateur want. For me, was never an option, because of the limited eco system. Even the dead NX is miles ahead. That hole probably is a full frame sensor.
  8. @noone that is no true. Samsung has the option to go X1.2, X1.4, X1.7 and X2 years and years ago. I usually put this on the Fn button on the lens (settings put on that button, you can cycle through a lot, are changed by the turn of the focus ring), so I can change the setting without taking my eye from the viewfinder. Admittedly, have no clue how good, or bad, this works, but for amateur photos I do (photography is just a hobby for me), and with the 28megapixles APS-C BSI sensor, it's ok. @EthanAlexander JVC LS300, has REAL Variable zoom, that one can control with the zoom rocker!
  9. I didn't want to start another thread for just to post a link, so I add this here. http://bokehmarket.com/blog/samsung-nx1-best-budget-4k-hybrid-camera-2018-video-stills Some mistakes there, of course the 16-50 is 2-2.8f, and not 2.8f, and the 45mm is 1.8f not 2f. Also, the NX certainly has no IBIS, but with some lenses, the Dual IS is quite spectacular (had that covered since 2015 too).
  10. In film school we were told that sound and sight are 50-50. Just count your image spending money, and then the sound. What is the percentage? 99,8 to 0,2?
  11. This looks like one of the earlier NX mirrorless, design-wise, like a mix of NX1000 and NX2000.
  12. That is an incredible price. This is a jacket-pocket size camera that I use as a B or C cam for live recordings (2-3 hours shows) and does NEVER overheats, even in the warmest summer days of southern Europe. A great and very powerful mini camera. Fact: when it was out, heavily criticized by the special press about the fact it couldn't do full readout on 4K. Several Nikon dSLRs later, and bigger and multiple times more expensive cameras that over heat, or do not 4K at all. NX500 looks better than ever. And dead gorgeous too.
  13. It could be a different segment, even. Like not interfere with the usual affairs of the main forum, but has its own place of "Curiosities of artistic interest" or whatever. I do agree with Cinegain more or less. I do leave a tab open at all times and too many threads confuse my limited-tasking brain!
  14. If you can not do it, it is not happening.
  15. Of course they are, I just spent my wireless budget on 3 Sony kits! I didn’t see that coming. What are the differences with G3.Is this a hybrid system? Do we know anything about the pricing?
  16. No way Nikon will do 10bit 4:2:2 internal. I just hope for no cropped 4K! Do not forget that Panasonic had to make a utilitarian big and heavy dSRL body like (GH5) to achieve good thermal performance. I am sure Nikon will go the “pretty” way, more form than factor. If anyone wants a more pro body, there are always a few dSLRs on their line up, and some equally in size/weight with the GH5. With all said, good old 8bit 4:2:0 is enough for most jobs and most amateurs. not everyone has an expensive 10 bit workflow, and if they do, probably care for different form factored cameras and real cine lenses. I do not see them doing IBIS, anamorphic, or fair price either! Maybe they will try IBIS for the very first time, it is a strong selling point these days, but probably a Dual IS (lens+ electronic stabilizer) is more possible.
  17. People forget that Sony has to do the catch up, not Canon/Nikon. Sony hasn't even sell a dent of Canonikon lenses, and bodies do not create systems, lenses do. Most people I know with A7 cameras shoot Samsyang or EF lenses. I agree that Nikon is coming late in the game, but maybe not that late (or maybe it is too late, history will tell!). @gethin This is an amazing video, one of the better ones I have seen of this type. Maybe you should invest a little bit on your sound department, rather your image. All in all, wait for this year to fold out, and you will have a better image of where the industry goes. Maybe the first pro Canonikon mirrorless will be enough for everything.
  18. Canon 130million EF lenses (including the EF, EF-S and cine lenses from 1987 to 2017 according to the source).Nikon 100 million NIKKOR lenses (first one manufactured at 1933, according to the source). 100.00.000 are not a small thing though. I wonder how many Sony has sold since acquiring Minolta.
  19. My bet is that Nikon mirrorless will have a modern-retro design, from the depths of brand history (FM2?). Canon and Nikon do not consider mirrorless lines as heavy professional equipment (yet..), and Sony did the same for a long time (before the A9 and the new improved A7Riii). Canon, that already has a history with a mirrorless series (M), do not have, even one pro M lens. They will provide a smart adapter in box, or with an offer, or very cheap, as Nikon is proud of their lens/mount continuity and they want to be sure that existing Nikon users can go mirrorless without much hassle. I remember reading some impressive mirrorless designs in patent offices and the such, they will combine small pancakes with their existing line up, as it seems, for starters. I am very positive that Nikon lenses selection can turn the tide on this undeclared mirrorless war. No way it will be a video monster, not even close to specs Kings GH5/5s, or A7sIII, but probably for a majority of people, their color science, spec list and experience will be enough to buy Nikon. Maybe not for the price though. It could possibly cost more than A7 mk III series cameras (R or S).
  20. GH5 is heavier and bigger than it should for such a small sensor, and lenses’s weight/size (Heat sink of course). A7 mk II camera’s are not great ergonomically for a full frame camera, and full frame lenses. NX1 is still my golden standard, as far as ergonomics and lenses size/weight ratio goes (and sensor of course, sweet spot really, especially for video/hybrid shooters). I do not believe in “one body to rule them all”. Carry-around and pro operations are two completely different things. The best idea is to have a smaller camera for pancake lenses and jacket carrying operation. That is why I have 2 NX1 for most things, a NX500 with the same sensor as a C cam and carry around, and a NX3000 as a D cam and everyday - do not care, give it to anyone- cam. NXs very good (to excellent) 10/16/20/30/45mm pancakes and the very good 16-50pz are great companions for the smaller bodies, buT one should check a NX1 with the 30mm pancake to believe its size and weight though (NX1 is a relatively lean camera). My next system has to offer at least 2 different options size/weight wise. Nikkor lenses started selling since the dawn of time, EF lenses are more recent, so Canon sold a lot more, still Nikon is number 2 by far, which is not something to take it light, they are just running out of time.
  21. @mercerYes, but I buy a lot of stuff from friends all over the world. The first 2 years of that camera was in Canada, and I own it for a whole year now. I have 4 NX cameras, cover all my bases. Still waiting for the Canonikon mirrorless, or next Sony/Fuji "pro" APS-C to really upgrade from the NX.
  22. The S is not even out yet, and it won't for at least another 5-6 months. Not even pricing is known, only a vague "less than 1000$", which is a lot, if it is around 999$.
  23. The prudest way is to wait a little bit more. Once you go mirrorless it is hard to go back to dSLR's weight and size (something that is true even for Panasonic's latest GH5 and S, as they have gone dSLR size/weight territory). We have to see the proper Nikon/Canon mirrorless to decide. Back in the GH4 era, I chose NX1 (mind you, a 16mgpxls m43 sensor vs a 28mgpxls BSI APS-C one!) and still I believe is the first true hybrid ever made, especially for people not wanting to go to full frame lenses size/weight/pricing and love the -almost - S35 native format, and NX is X1.5, not Canon X1.6, and care a lot, or equally, about photography. The sensor is still relevant, has the highest pixel count, and shoots brilliant (and very fast) photos, good enough for most pro jobs. Wait a little bit more, buying and selling after a little while is a loose-loose experience, probably the worth of a nice lens.
  24. GH5 drains a lot more battery than the GH4. It is not even close, it is reaching Sony territory really (people are carrying similar amount of batteries in jobs I've noticed). So, we already are talking about the GH6?! I have to accept that human race is so greedy. After 3 (+ EVA = 4) new cameras in less than 9 months, that cover -almost- all bases, people will be still waiting for the GH6 that may, or may not, ever come. Whatever..
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