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  1. Like
    mkabi reacted to IronFilm in Photokina   
    Harass Nikon for news about the KeyMission 360 (and harass Nikon about **FINALLY** making a cinema range?!).

    See if Kinefinity is there?! See how far along the Terra 5K is ticking along. 

    Pop into Aputure to prompt them about when is their Aputure D3 microphone coming.

    Find out pricing of the Sigma Cine lenses?

    Encourage Samyang/Rokinon to make a zoom! (an affordable S35 20-85mm T3 would be awesome!!)
  2. Like
    mkabi reacted to zerocool22 in Film vs Digital: The Big Debate   
    Well I just saw "blood father" last night, and I was thinking why did the director did not shoot another take of this scene, and gave the actors some feedback as this clearly is not working. But I have also been on a set, where I had to shoot a scene 29 times, because the actors didnt deliver 100%, and in the end it was not much better then the first 28 takes. But we lost a lot of shooting time, so we had to cut a lot of other shots, and just use the master shot of that scene.
  3. Like
    mkabi reacted to Geoff CB in Film vs Digital: The Big Debate   
    I think what I have to get away from is the "fix it in post" mentality. I actually prefer a clean image right off the camera. I have to stop shooting in S-log on my A7r 2, every time I use it I just don't need it. Normal audiences DO NOT CARE about a "film - like" image and I have to constantly remind myself of this fact.
  4. Like
    mkabi reacted to Geoff CB in Film vs Digital: The Big Debate   
    Sorry what I meant was that I shoot in S-LOG then mess with it endlessly in post, at the expense of working on the edit itself to make it better. 

    More on topic, I do think the film grain and film look are not as popular now as just a few years ago. I think films will be moving away from film in terms of look to something that looks good on their own. To give an example MAD MAX is the direction I think budget grades are heading in, over-the-top bright and attention grabbing, not subtle looks.
  5. Like
    mkabi got a reaction from Flynn in Canon XC15   
    CR has leaked pictures of the XC15.
    Still not interested.
  6. Like
    mkabi got a reaction from Flynn in Canon XC15   
    Don't shoot the messenger.
    Just thought you guys would be interested. It's like going in an appliance store to peruse... Then saying you ain't interested in the refrigerator, but enough to tell your friend, who is actually looking for a fridge... "Yo! There is a sale on this fridge here."
    BTW, I do that all the time... When my wife wants to go shopping and drags me along... I peruse the electronic section... Walk through bestbuy... To pass the time, get to know the latest gadgets.... Stay a top of things in terms of tech...
    Don't be all touchy and heart broken if someone said something bad about your camera. Even if it is as simple as "I'm not interested."?
  7. Like
    mkabi got a reaction from Flynn in Canon C300 Mark II flopping vs the Sony FS7 at rental?   
    You know what I think is happening?
    What I think is happening is that... people are slowly adopting the Sony cams, simply for its features... once they get it they don't like the colors or skin tones. But they've still adopted it and said "screw it..." getting used to those colors. I see a major shift coming... such that people start getting used to Sony colors and saying... thats what I want.
    Here is to hoping that Canon fails... and starts saying "what the fuck did we do?"
    Starts downsizing and starts firing that whole marketing and research department.
  8. Like
    mkabi reacted to theSUBVERSIVE in Canon C300 Mark II flopping vs the Sony FS7 at rental?   
    Money might be the only thing that will make Canon change anything. But there are still a lot of people praising and buying Canon for video - even DSLRs - and maybe things are starting to turn, but as long as there are people buying I don't see Canon caring.
  9. Like
    mkabi reacted to IronFilm in Canon stop making the 1D C - Listed discontinued at CVP! Is a replacement just around the corner?   
    If Nikon can release a D750 successor that has no crop with its 4K then Nikon has a good shot at stealing away a healthy sized chunk of the market from Canon.
  10. Like
    mkabi reacted to DevonChris in Newbie Questions   
    If you're not a big video fan, not a movie buff and don't own a t.v. why not just stick with stills?
  11. Like
    mkabi reacted to The Chris in Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson is the highest paid actor   
    I don't begrudge anyone for getting paid, if someone is willing to write the check take it. Everyone here would take $60m to slough it through shit like Fast and Furious, anyone saying they wouldn't is flat out lying, because you would then have the freedom to do pretty much any project you want. Hats off to The Rock for becoming the most bankable star on the planet right now.
    Tentpole movies aren't bad because they're made by Americans, they're bad because the major movie studios are all owned by giant conglomerates like Disney, Sony and Viacom. All they care about is keeping shareholders happy, and safe movies with a built in audience does just that. As long as people eat up numb nut Star Wars crap and various cinematic universes, it's not going to change. Just look at the he slate of tentpoles over the next three years - an endless barrage of Marvel/DC/Transformers/Star Wars movies  
    And remember, most of a blockbusters' gross comes from markets outside the U.S., cars blowing up and dudes in tights are easy to translate. 
  12. Like
    mkabi reacted to Zak Forsman in Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson is the highest paid actor   
    I think Dwayne Johnson is going to surprise people in the coming years. When he was first trying to breakout, we saw he was interested in being part of riskier, more art-house productions. And after struggling to be taken seriously (and trudging through the likes of The Tooth Fairy and Escape from Witch Mountain), I'd be willing to bet he's going to use the clout he has now to stretch and participate in some more thoughtful/compelling/cutting edge cinema. I doesn't hurt that he's a genuinely good person too, and deserves his success. I put he and Keanu Reeves in the same category: they've both built up so much goodwill in the industry and with their fans that (despite any perceived limit on their acting chops) that they are bulletproof to critics.
  13. Like
    mkabi got a reaction from August McCue in Lighting question   
    Night for day - (minus) 1
    And low light cam - (minus) 1
    If you've ever done videos at night or even indoors where you control the light with externals... There is no going back.
    Invest in lights with V-mount battery adapter.
  14. Like
    mkabi reacted to AaronChicago in Canon 1Dc $4,999   
    I think if you buy it again at the 5K price from Adorama then it's totally fine. I kinda see both sides of this. If everyone just bought a camera and returned it after a shoot, there'd be businesses closing, companies not innovating due to lack of resources, and no rental houses.
  15. Like
    mkabi got a reaction from TwoScoops in Canon 1Dc $4,999   
    Not as sharp. But I strongly suggest you judge for yourself, because its still good.
    Google: "Canon 1DC slow mo"
  16. Like
    mkabi reacted to Ed_David in Red Dragon? Anyone?   
    Yes, shotonwhat is just some guy in his underpants updating it all.  I think he gave up at some point.  
    I mean Star Wars Rougue One, the Reverent, San Andreas, the Avengers, it's an endless list of films that shoot on the alexa.
  17. Like
    mkabi reacted to jcs in Red Dragon? Anyone?   
    https://shotonwhat.com/cameras/arri-alexa-series-cameras 489 titles
    https://shotonwhat.com/cameras/arri-amira-series-cameras 3 Titles
    https://shotonwhat.com/cameras/red-digital-cinema-cameras 416 titles
    https://shotonwhat.com/cameras/arri-arriflex-series-cameras 618 titles (film)
  18. Like
    mkabi got a reaction from Tiago Rosa-Rosso in Canon 1Dc $4,999   
    Doesn't seem like a Canon thing to do? What 2 different sensors do you see there?
    I see one new sensor, and another reused sensor, same old 18MP FF from the 1DX/1DC (mark 1).
    Did you forget that Canon is the King of the three Rs? Recycle, reuse and reduce (except the price and different types of models)?
    Remember the old 18MP APS-C sensors? How many different kinds of cameras had that sensor?
    If Canon goes down that path to have 3 to 4 different models of the 5D body (I still count the 5DS/5DSR as being part of this equation), like what Sony did with the Alpha bodies, why not have the same old 18MP to develop a 5DC?
  19. Like
    mkabi got a reaction from tokhee in Canon 1Dc $4,999   
    DBounce, I think you're kind of over-protective of your purchase decisions.
    Nonetheless, enjoy.
    BUT.... What are you going to think and/or say when the GH5 shows up with 6K @ 60p?
  20. Like
    mkabi got a reaction from IronFilm in Canon 1Dc $4,999   
    DBounce, I think you're kind of over-protective of your purchase decisions.
    Nonetheless, enjoy.
    BUT.... What are you going to think and/or say when the GH5 shows up with 6K @ 60p?
  21. Like
    mkabi got a reaction from TheRenaissanceMan in Canon 1Dc $4,999   
    DBounce, I think you're kind of over-protective of your purchase decisions.
    Nonetheless, enjoy.
    BUT.... What are you going to think and/or say when the GH5 shows up with 6K @ 60p?
  22. Like
    mkabi got a reaction from Dave Maze in Canon 1Dc $4,999   
    DBounce, I think you're kind of over-protective of your purchase decisions.
    Nonetheless, enjoy.
    BUT.... What are you going to think and/or say when the GH5 shows up with 6K @ 60p?
  23. Like
    mkabi got a reaction from Dave Maze in Canon 1Dc $4,999   
    You know what... just in case.... C-log never comes to the 1DXII. Just because there is no "C" symbol on the 1DXII
    And, they discontinue the whole DSLR Cinema EOS line.
    This may be your last chance to get a FF EOS with C-log.
    And, it is mighty tempting to get a 1DC + Used C500 (for slow-mo) combo.
    Then again... what is Canon going to drop for photokina & IBC???
  24. Like
    mkabi got a reaction from Michael Coffee in Canon 1Dc $4,999   
    I suspect that the the 5DC will be a repackaged 1DC and thats why they are trying to empty the inventory of the 1DC. And a price drop makes just as much sense. Then they can also add C-log to the 1DXII and the Canon world will make sense again.
  25. Like
    mkabi reacted to Tiago Rosa-Rosso in Canon 1Dc $4,999   
    Or maybe 5dc.
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