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Leon Postma

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Everything posted by Leon Postma

  1. You feel the economic boot on your throat anon ? Earning money is one thing. Preserving the purchasing power of your hard earned cash is another. Hint: do not keep it in ever devaluing fiat but in a truly scarce asset which cannot be debased by central banks or confiscated by your government. The endgame ? The boot will almost crush your larynx until you will be offered “relief” in form of a UBI (parachute payments) which will usher in digitally earmarked money (CBDC) -your funds which can only be spend on that which your government will deem fit or it will be revoked or just expire. China is at your doorstep Wake the f up and opt out. I did since 2020 never looked back.
  2. Panasonic HQ: “Pfew. Finally we’re off the hook, it’s full on Leica bashing now !”
  3. It is pretty easy to spot the bias in MSM if you still have your critical faculties about you. I haven’t read newspapers or watched TV since early 2000’s. So now when I ocassionally see coverage with my arguably obsolete frame of what objective reporting should be I can point out factual error, bias, and vested interests in seconds. But much like in advertisement the repetitive nature of installing fear and sowing divisiveness takes a hold when tuning in to it daily I’m sure. Glad most of the American people are seeing they have been fed bullshit this cycle. Talking to 50+ Uber drivers when I was over in the USA in 2017 after Trump won it struck me people just want to live their lives and have more in common than not on both sides of the aisle. Could in general not care less about which side wins as party positions have drastically shifted through the years. I’m a one issue pro bitcoin voter so I’d have voted Trump this time. And Dems will undoubtedly co-opt bitcoin in 4 years like nothing happened if it brings them to power again. Really curious to see what the UK stance will be towards Trumps policies. Pro bitcoin will keep London relevant as a financial center and move them further away from doomed centralizing hungry Europe - we’ll see. On a personal note as Dutch citizen facing new capital gains tax regulations and an exit tax possibly within 2 years I’m actively planning to emigrate the continent altogether. F that - sure as hell won’t be held financially hostage by my country of birth. I am voting with my feet 🦶
  4. True for centralized systems - not so much for decentralized systems like bitcoin which had only 2 outages since its inception. You can transfer a million dollar’s worth of btc across the world for a few bucks. Try that doing through the traditional banking system. https://bitcoinuptime.com
  5. For Magic Lantern - either EOS M, 650/700D are rock solid with the recent “Crop Mood”’firmware - HDMI out functioning without problems as well if you want to slap on a monitor.
  6. What terrible news. Wishing you and your family all the best. Much love from the Netherlands!
  7. Rapido Technology makes variable diopters for this particular anamorphic. I have the same scope - just haven’t pulled the trigger on a diopter yet.
  8. The topic is dishing out blatant disinformation, Wronzoff. An influencer obfuscating information from the Canon mothership itself. Calling this guy out is educational in itself. You are handed a new perspective by Andrew whether you like it or not. We need more of this - instead of chilling out which basically amounts to enabling bad actors and certainly does not move the needle in the right direction. I see unease with McKinnon who at least acknowledges the heating problems and clearly states up front he is a Canon ambassador. Such nuance or positioning is far less clear or basically absent with useful idiot Polin. Feel free to disagree - I don’t share your fatalism to which I reacted primarily No offense I hope
  9. It is exactly this kind of attitude that normalizes and ultimately rewards the behaviour of these shills. By letting them get away with it.
  10. Look for “EXO Optik” on Facebook - there you will find info on the next production run. Max is finalizing the new design for the Nexiscope.
  11. Really hope this isn’t the last challenge. Next time we might even see some RED camera’s entering the fray ?
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