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Everything posted by Rajminster

  1. @sondreg I unfortunately did not mess with the audio channel settings. The audio is from the internal mic. I would assume the combos available are either internal stereo, single XLR, or stereo from both XLRs. I did not confirm this in the menu, but it's a reasonable assumption.
  2. Here's the mother lode: 4K 10bit 422 clips from the EVA1 15 are in VLOG and 1 is in Rec709 Most of the shots are with the 2500 base ISO The white balance is wrong on all clips. The camera was set to 3200k with a 5500k light source. I didn't realize until I shot most of the clips (kinda hard to tell with VLOG). These are mainly just random shots I took while exploring the camera and testing out focus assists. Have fun playing around with them and look out for the cameo from Mitch Gross! https://gtvault-my.sharepoint.com/personal/rraj9_gatech_edu/_layouts/15/guestaccess.aspx?folderid=093103eddffad4d9290335742bb81c158&authkey=AS4oW0CV_wq099VsOGHOHKk
  3. Six minutes of untouched 4K VLOG straight from the camera. Will upload the individual clips for download later. Everything was shot with the Sigma 24-70mm f2.8 on the EVA1. Aperture was mostly at f/2.8. No autofoucs was used. I manual focused with the focus square feature (which I love BTW). The only light source was a small Hive light with a softbox over it. I measured it at about 500-700 lux where most people were standing in the video. All footage is untouched VLOG straight from the camera. The noise definitely looks worse on YouTube. If you apply a LUT to the raw footage it looks way better. 2:42 I compare ISOs 2500-25600 then down to 1000. 4:00 I turn on EIS and test it a bit.
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