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Matthew Hartman

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About Matthew Hartman

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    UX design, Motion Design, Filmmaking, Editing Music Composition

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  1. There's a lot of merit in your point here. I think we all get too caught up in the scopes sometimes. We have an amazing scope above or nose called the eyes. The entire point of image quality is what looks preceiveably good to the eye. Scopes are useful in measuring and extrapolating the scientific data, but they only tell some of the story. If a highlight looks blown to our eye, it's blown.
  2. Very interesting. Have you experimented with master black level and Dynamic Range/Smart Range+ enabled in conjunction?
  3. According to foreign media reports, it is reported that Samsung will launch an NX2 anti-retro camera. Although it was said that it would withdraw from the camera field, it actually stopped sales in Europe and the United States, and this camera is only sold in South Korea. Although Samsung closed the camera division and handed everything to the mobile phone division, the non-reverse camera will be equipped with an Exynos 9810 processor. Yes, you read it correctly. This is the same model used on the Samsung Galaxy S9 and Galaxy S9+ smartphones. It allows Samsung NX2 to support 4K video in 120 frames and H.265 encoding format. The form factor is...hmmm. And that OS looks like an older version of Android. And apps?
  4. This is brilliant. I really appreciate you sharing your process. It helps to have someone doing the encoding and tagging for you, and the fact that you're also the director and can make the calls. I'm sure there's moments when you feel like a story just isn't coming together and you just have to forge ahead.
  5. You follow a scripted format correct? Is it pretty much a template at this point? How do you peronally handle drives full of footage that needs sorted? What's your process? I've been using frame.io for some shorts. I love it. The director can make annotations right on a timeline, which imports right into Premiere as an extension too.
  6. Basically you want to avoid the off brand cheapsters. They'll give you magenta cast and this will eventually ride on your nerves and patience. Stay with tried and true companies like Tiffen and Lee. You get what you pay for in this area. I tried to skimp, I was not succesful. As far as variable, I have no issues with that like others might have. It's mainly a workflow/expense thing.
  7. I honestly don't care how I'm received. I make my own way in life and learned to depend only on myself for approval a long, long time ago. If you give that power to others they will inevitably fail with it. It's not an affliction, it's pure human nature. Even parent's fail sometimes. I probably failed Arikhan on some level. There are many here I respect, including yourself, but we're not all close as in a close friendship, those tend to blossom offline, so I'm not deeply invested. That being said, if anyone would like to learn more about me on a personal level, I don't hold those efforts back. And you'll get honesty from me. I write this stuff, I throw it out there knowing it's not going to stick to everyone's wall. But I'm not looking for everyone. I'm looking for real solutions to real challenges. Sometimes those need nurturing before you arrive at the answer. I got time. If Andrew banned me from this site for life right after this posts, so be it. I'll just keep forging ahead blazing my own trail, because I know my own competencies better than anyone else, Andrew, nor anyone else gets to define that.
  8. It's only happened to me once so far, and thank heavens it was only during testing. Still, a scary proposition. Once (during filming) I had everything go purple and green on me. Thankfully, it only affected the screen and not the actual footage. It has never happened since. If it's related to hardware, there will be no fix unless you open up the body and see if contacts are dusty. If it's related to software thresholds, there could be a fix but that's not coming from Samsung, so start doing the dial dance.
  9. It looks like good ole fashioned RS to me. WS does other weird crap when it confuses movement for scale. This is my eyes looks like a delay in the line reading. That being said, I've seen much worse on my NX1 and some Sony models.
  10. Property insurance is sometimes forced and sometimes not. For commercial yes, for residential, it's highly encouraged. Here in the States we live in a "I'll sue your ass off" environment.
  11. Well, was it you or me that has been speaking with him privately? You have comphresion skills, I'm sure of it. I tried to be a conduit and temper the situation. He asked for my help and support and that's exactly what I agreed to do and intend to do going forward, despite this becoming a trick or not. My lack of fear of being fooled puts me in a unique position. I've also been ridiculed and mocked during this fun exhibition. But I'm 44, been around the block a few hundred times and back. I made it too easy for you guys. I gave you my clear and honest assestment of the general mood that was happening on the other side as it became apparent. Some of you debated, postured, professed, demanded and gave altimatuim. Not wise. Not strategic. Now you get to pay up. Every brilliant mind we recgonize today has gone through the same old shit before people admired their work. It starts off as healthy skeptism. It then moves into impatience, then baiting, then insults and ridicule or defamation of character, and then finally eating their own shit sandwich. Look at the Sistine Chapel. Years behind schedule. Still deeply revered today. As far as the New Yorker's statement. It's my observation. Even New Yorker's will tell you that their "in-your-face" communication style is unique to the geography, and they seem pretty smitten with it too. I'm not revealing any secrets here. BTW, I have six close friends from NYC and one from Jersey and family from Detroit. The tech companies in the greater Seattle area draw people here from all walks of life. I've noticed New Yorker's (from NYC) don't fair well over here if they're not willing to adapt to a more sutble west coast communication style. Turns out the people here don't appreciate being cat called by a derogatory nickname followed by a demand in the workplace. This is one of the more liberal places I have ever lived in. In fact we've had legalized recreational weed for some years now, first to enact $15/hr minimum wage, and we just passed statewide protections for net neutrality. We largely swing Bernie and we're telling ICE to back off. Studies show when one state entacts brave progressive policies the other states soon follow. You're welcome America. ? You can question this RAW hack, Arikhan's and my own integrity, but do not question my liberalism. ? Thanks for your vast contributions. So far all signs lead to "likely".
  12. I'm guessing you're pretty young? Building up a network is CRITICAL in this industry if you ever hope to advance in it. The old saying, "It's not what you know, it's who you know" is a harsh reality. Film festivals are a very good way to acheive this. At first, your network is a couple people. But then you have to imagine those people know a couple people, etc. Suddenly your web of people has grown and is growing expodentially, so don't feel it's unachievable. If you're shy, and lack confidence that's okay. All you need to work on is building up enough courage to start with small steps. Your confidence will grow as you get better and better at it. It's best to intact confidence while you're young. By the time you hit full adulthood people will have fuller expectations of you. The truth is, as a naturally shy person that feeling never goes away. But how you mitigate it can blossom to the point no one would have ever guessed you are shy. I'm very introverted. I don't like large crowds, it feels exhausting to me. I adore my personal space and I like a small group of close friends and deep conversation rather than idle chit chat. But we live in a world that caters and rewards the extroverted. That's just the way it is. Although introversion is becoming more accepted within western society, it's still not tipping the scale much, unless you're the troubled-starving artist type like Tim Burton. To be succesful in my career, I had to learn to adapt to society's expectations and demands. That never changes who I am on the core level. It simply just refines me around the edges so that I can acheive success in a world that implores to exist on the surface. Even organizing a small film festival could also be a great confidence booster for you.
  13. Oh okay, virtually the same thing then. Here's an example of my local chamber: https://www.seattlechamber.com/
  14. You only need insurance if it's your venue. If you're renting a venue, you should already be covered by the owner's property insurance. If not, you definitely want that insurance, especially if alcohol and weed are involved. ?Keep in mind, recreational weed is legal in my state, so I'm not suggesting anything illegal. You don't sound too confident yet to pull off a bigger event. If I were you I'd just call up the buddies and have a night of it.
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