Hey, you're welcome. On ebay everything seems very nice, but please note that this lens does not have a front thread, so you can't mount a diopter or ND filter to it. Also, there is no mention about the widest aperture you can shoot with this lens (before the image gets unusably soft).
Well, it was a struggle for me as well, i spent months to make my research, then I ended up between 1.33 and 2x with the 1.5x Baby Moller, so far I'm really satisfied, can't wait to try it out on a commercial project.
My next, 2x lens will be something cheaper. There is a lens called "MOSTY", try to search for it on ebay, you can geti it for aprox 300 eur and can shoot wide open. Also, Kowa would be nice. Note, that these lenses are not focusthrough, sou you have to rack (double) focus, or buy an SLR Magic rangefinder to make it singlefocus. In my opinion, kowa + rangefinder is still cheaper than slr magics anamorphot, not as handy and small, but cheaper and has the character.
I'm not sure where are you located, but if you're in europe, try this seller: http://www.ebay.com/sch/die_bitsbox/m.html?item=131728005478&hash=item1eab99d966%3Ag%3A8uYAAOSwG-1WwNes&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2562 He delivers absolutely great lens and service, also his offer changes day by day.
Good luck!