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    Samsung NX1

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  1. @RieGo, @tugela - I never said that NX1 can shoot UHD@120. What I sad is that camera can produce a file which is 3840x2160p and 120 fps And I said that file is x4 speed timelapse with dublicated frames. Do you read? And here you send me link on my own thread on DPR Well, okay than. Do your thing. It's already hacked like 4 month ago, just not implemented in hack with any key-combo. In telnet you can set up MF mode just like this: st cap capdtm setusr AFMODE 0x70003 That's all, camera now in MF mode, but there is no indication of that, but if you know - you can use it. Tried this just now with NX1 and 16-50S in AF mode, works like a charm, MF ring is focusing, which doesn't happens with this lense in hardware-switch AF mode. MF assist also works okay. If anyone need this in hack - you just can use keyscan and bind one of the camera buttons with EV+ combo for that.
  2. Well, as I said on dpr, codec can do even 4K @ 120 fps, here it summary of files that I record, camera was able to create a file with this properties: Width : 3 840 pixels Height : 2 160 pixels Frame rate mode : Constant Frame rate : 119.880 fps So, UHD @ 120 file is exists and it's smooth. With dublicates though (every 11th = every 10th frame). And it's x4 speed timelapse. But in principle it is possible.
  3. 1. You can rollback to old FW and use the hack 2. You can update to new FW and use most of the hack functions but no bitrate ones yet So it can't be about hack at all since you can use almost all other its functions, and for some people this features far more useful than bitrates, Not for me, well I mean I use Focus Pull, but bitrates are in most use for me. Also I personally can't compare things like sony did and samsung ones, since sony always been somekind of selfstated prime leader in this field and sometimes claim more than can acheive at the moment - and samsung is simply underdog there, very good engineering, not so great sales / promo / management department on NX line.
  4. Just real heads up to everyone - Bitrate Mods are not working with this FW update, not on NX1 not on nx500. If you use bitrate hack - doesn't upgrade YET, you are loose this option for good, probably.
  5. That is very true, I think there is a big difference between nx1 and nx500 here in NR section. I can't shoot any video with proper noise, but it's almost two month since we start digging NR in NX. But you know, while I print this, one thought come to mind and I think there is a way to test nx1 about NR I didn't check yet. As always, good talk ))
  6. Try to confirm that OK button is working like in menu or function window, It might be broken
  7. @Garth Philpot 1.67b is shows "1.67m" message also, so don't worry about that. From all I see you install very correct way. I've also installed another 1.67, and check it out. All works, I can see the menu after loading in any versions. Here it is, hack menu: When you press the EV button - is there an exposure compensation little menu on the bottom of the screen? Grey one with +2 or something alike. When you press the OK button in menu or function dialog - does OK button work there? Which firmware are you using for NX1 body? Need to be 1.40
  8. Focus Pull test video was recorded with NX-KS mod-pack v1.59m I've been busy to check focus pull on newer versions properly with video record, but focus pull itself worked with 1.58 and 1.59 - that I've tested. Walkthrough: 1. Set bitrate to 100 mbps, it's safety thing to check overall workability 2. Go to MF and focus on any distance 3. When focused - press EV and while holding it - press half shutter. That will save first focus point 4. Refocus on new distance, wait for "focus helpers" disappears 5. Now you can use EV+half-shutter to fly between the two focus distances, you can try to do so 6. Start the video (with chosen bitrate obviously) 7. Wait like 3-4 seconds to release codec priority, press EV and hold, wait 1-2 sec and press halfshutter also, Repeat with caution 8. If you do right - focus starts pulling (there was slow speed on that version of hack due to many inconsistences with that option) If you got the "sdcard is slow" message - it's probably because focus pull is working but bitrate is high to do so in you enviroment, so just go to steps 1-8 and lower bitrate. I used Sandisk 95MB/s sdcard, NX1 with 16-50 F 2.0/2.8 ED OIS S lense I can't run Focus stacking with video with this old NX-KS version, only focus pull which I described. Newer versions are new to me also, I didn't check them yet for this, but I will do that soon. Hope this helps. This one, to be precise on my end, they are the same. I've tested that version, it's working I just run test video with aforementioned Focus Pull walkthrough on last NX-KS version 1.67m (aka v1.67b added safety (Mod blocked if Recording)+) and it worked fine like with previous old version of hack.
  9. Yeah, I see that you install the mod of course. You did see the "version number" message, right? If so - than hack-mod is running. About buttons. It happens sometimes when new release are tested on nx500 but not on NX1 since that guys who did the hack have only nx500's on their hands, so NX1 test are out part of work, well, community wise I just checked v1.67b on my nx1 and it works. Just check bluetooth (I see you did this) wait for version number message (checked) and press OK while holding EV. You must see hack-menu on LCD screen, if you using EVF just push the EVF button to LCD ON or use EV+OK - that turn LCD on the same way, and hack-menu appears.
  10. Wow you can just read readme file which placed in every NX-KS mod-pack and even here fulltext twice, OK. I can do dirty digging for you, no problem. Here is two first chapters of that file: How to install: 1) start with a clean memory card (no files), turn-on your Bluetooth 2) unzip the contents of the zip into the root of the sdcard 3) put the card in the camera, and start the camera 4) have some patience (there can be 1 or 2 auto-reboots) 5) when BT-Mod is complete there will be [ Installation Complete ] message, followed by reboot 6) after boot, you will see [ Mod V1.xx ] (if you don't see it in 15 seconds, turn on the Bluetooth) x) to uninstall select: main menu > settings> Uninstall Mod Key-combinations EV+*: AEL: immediate hibernation UP: load UP profile DOWN: load DN profile RIGHT: Bug-Zapper Half-Press-Shutter: focus pull mobile: telnet EV (double-click EV): Main Menu (NX500) OK: Main Menu (NX1) Well, how you can do that because of this thread, if even only in this one particular thread one of the hack authors, Vasile, strongly recommend NOT to do it? Please, there is no problem to find any info about this hack, since it's far from being hidden. All the tech info here along with all the steps of progress Here is all versions of NX-KS All the tests and discussions about what work and what doesn't here on EOSHD and mostly on DPR Please be advised that using of that hack might violate warranty in case of any troubles with you device, authors in every way do all stuff to exclude such thing, but still - it IS hack and it might be dangerous for camera.
  11. Samsung NX1 16-50 F2.0-2.8 S Lense NX-KS mod-pack v 1.59m UHD@30 180 mbps with audio Here are ungraded originals: first one from tripod, second one handhelded
  12. Here is the Focus Pull test video with EV based script in NX-KS 1.59m, 100 mbps for steady result
  13. Latest versions since 1.47 of KS-pack are not only faster with gui, it also seems to be faster with sd-cards due some optimizations in scripts. I can say that with first 1-2-3 versions of vasiles bitrate hack I can reach 140-180 mbps (depends on the card) and with latest versions of NX-KS I can use 190-260 mbps with pretty much the same cards. But I really, really recommeng to read all info about this on dpr or github since guys mostly conversate there. it's not about that you can't use the hack without reading, of course not, you can, but there is known issues that not only mentioned but resolved in this threads, and there is unresolved ones, which good to be aware of. But in most cases all NX-KS works very good, bitrates, focus options, overall stability - is fine now I can manage to use automatic focus pull with MF-switched lense during the video record with 120 mbps bitrate via Otto's script in NX-KS pack, which is VERY cool option. Same thing via telnet works faster for now, but with new optimisations I think there is a good chance to reach very-very good stability and speed in this. It looks just incredible, you know.
  14. Yeah, I understand this it's cool, but I must say that latest versions of KS-pack are very, incredible fast compare even to early versions of KS-pack and of course to vasiles bitrate hack. It's because that now KS-pack use internal memory of camera to locate the scripts, now they are not on sd-card, so it works sooooo much faster than sd-card based scripts. Scripts are basically the same with some optimisations. Thanks I think there lot of guys do the same, not only me of course, and even little help is help, so big thanks from me to all who seek any errors and inconveniences with this project, suggest new ways and produce other add-ons to the hack. Oh, sorry about that, I know where I did mistake yesterday. Thanks for clearing it out, now I will use your name properly
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